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steeply是什么意思 steeply的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-10 06:12:41
  • 204

steeply是什么意思 steeply的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The mountain path ahead of us rose steeply, and we had to stop frequently to catch our breath.(我们前面的山路陡峭,我们不得不频繁停下来喘口气。)

2. The price of oil has fallen steeply in recent months.(近几个月油价急剧下跌。)

3. The stock market crashed steeply, causing panic among investors.(股市急剧,引发投资者恐慌。)




例句:A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk. (一只野鸭突然展翅飞起,愤怒地尖鸣一声直冲天空。)


例句:Unemployment is rising steeply. (失业率正在急剧上升。)


例句:I decided I would rather not be eaten. I got up and ran. Ahead of me a hill rose steeply. (我可不想被吃掉。我爬起来就跑。前面一座小山包冒了出来——陡陡峭峭地。)


例句:Andrejs career went steeply uphill through the newly acquired mobility. (翻译:由于对新环境的良好适应性 安德烈的职业生涯蒸蒸日上)


steeply一般作为副词、动词使用,如在steeply pitching seam(急倾斜矿层)等常见短语中出现较多。

steeply pitching seam急倾斜矿层


1. I decided I would rather not be eaten. I got up and ran. Ahead of me a hill rose steeply. (翻译:我可不想被吃掉。我爬起来就跑。前面一座小山包冒了出来——陡陡峭峭地。)

2. Andrejs career went steeply uphill through the newly acquired mobility. (翻译:由于对新环境的良好适应性 安德烈的职业生涯蒸蒸日上)

3. Instead of official forecasts of oil use and oil imports going forever up, they can turn down with the 12 dollars a barrel efficiency, down steeply by adding the supply-side substitutions at 18 bucks, all implemented at slower rates than we've done before when we paid attention. (翻译:官方石油使用量 和进口量会无止境地增长,与官方不同的是, 他们可以把价格降到每桶12美元, 如果在18美元的时候替换供应燃料,可以迅速降低对石油的需求, 注意一下你会发现,在我们着手之前,一切已经在缓慢进展着了)

4. Enter 2002, suffer the effect that international market textile develops, import the price rise steeply of ammoniac black silk ribbon. (翻译:进入2002年,受国际市场纺织业发展的影响,进口氨纶的价格扶摇直上。)

5. Domestic airlines had steeply discounted regional flights in June as the much-touted Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line prepared to open. (翻译:6月,由于大力宣扬的京沪高铁线路即将开通,国内航空公司的支线航班票价纷纷大打折扣。)

6. The street is quite steeply cambered at this point. (翻译:这条街的这个地方拱起很高。)

7. Instead of official forecasts of oil use and oil imports going forever up, they can turn down with the 12 dollars a barrel efficiency, down steeply by adding the supply-side substitutions at 18 bucks, all implemented at slower rates than we've done before when we paid attention. (翻译:官方石油使用量 和进口量会无止境地增长,与官方不同的是, 他们可以把价格降到每桶12美元, 如果在18美元的时候替换供应燃料,可以迅速降低对石油的需求, 注意一下你会发现,在我们着手之前,一切已经在缓慢进展着了 )

8. The plane banked steeply to the left. (翻译:飞机向左作高度倾斜飞行。)

9. Kengo Kuma & Associates has designed a kindergarten in the Japanese city Saitama with a series of roofs that pitch steeply in opposing directions. (翻译:隈研吾建筑设计工作室在日本的埼玉县设计了一座幼儿园,有一系列以相反方向陡峭上升的屋顶。)

10. They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove. (翻译:他们费力地爬上陡峭的橄榄树丛梯地上的石头墙。)

11. The report says that Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages past, due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun. (翻译:报告称在过去的年代中火星也许曾有过一个相对温暖的气候,那时它的地轴冲着太阳倾斜的角度更大。)

12. The path started to ascend more steeply. (翻译:小径开始陡峭而上。)

13. Sure enough, well-being rises steeply with income, then levels off, just as Lord Layard contends. (翻译:就像Layard声称的那样,幸福程度当然是起初随着收入陡增,然后下降。)

14. Agencies like the Food and Agriculture Organization have warned that food prices will continue to climb steeply in the coming year. (翻译:包括粮农组织在内的一些国际机构警告说,粮食价格将在未来的一年里持续上涨。)

15. With that 5, 000-metre natural barrier behind us, we were steering steeply down towards Sost, Pakistan's most northerly town. (翻译:背后是海拔5000米的自然屏障,我们沿着陡峭的山路下坡前往Sost,这是巴基斯坦最北端的市镇。)


1. 定义:steeply(adv.)表示斜率或者倾斜度非常高,角度非常陡峭的程度。在梯度比较大的时候使用,常常与上升、下降以及曲线等方面相关。

2. 用法:steeply(adv.)通常用来修饰动词或者形容词,表示程度上的强烈,让人们更加清晰明了地感受到被描述的事物。在口语或者书面语中都可以使用,比较常见。

3. 同义词:切合替换steeply(adv.)的单词有sharply、rapidly、steep如等。不同的同义词有不同的用法,需要根据具体情境进行选择。

4. 句型:steeply(adv.)可以用在各种各样不同的句型中,列举一些常见的:

- A sharply increase in demand has led to higher prices for products.(需求急剧增加导致产品价格上涨。)

- The plane climbed steeply into the sky.(飞机陡然上升入云。)

- He fell steeply down the mountainside.(他从山坡陡然坠落。)

- The stock market declined steeply in the past few days.(过去几天股市急速下跌。)


1. The road dropped steeply down from the top of the hill.(这条路从山顶陡降而下。)

2. The price of oil has risen steeply in recent months.(油价最近几个月急速上涨。)

3. The mountain path climbed steeply up towards the summit.(山路陡然向山顶攀升。)

4. The temperature in the desert drops steeply at night.(沙漠夜晚温度急剧下降。)

5. The river flowed steeply down the valley towards the sea.(这条河流急速流淌进峡谷,最终注入大海。)

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