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reversible是什么意思 reversible的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:10:16
  • 209

reversible是什么意思 reversible的中文翻译、读音、例句

reversible的意思是“可逆的”。读音为 [rɪˈvɜːsəbl]。


1. This jacket is reversible, so you can wear it two ways. (这件夹克可以反着穿,所以你可以有两种穿法。)

2. The reaction is reversible, meaning the products can react to form the original reactants. (这个反应是可逆的,意味着产物可以再次反应生成原来的反应物。)




例句:"...has been a reversible decision on appeal." (...申请更改审判地点失败... ...曾通过上诉获准更改决定)


例句:Parasitic loranthus is a potent inhibitor with strong reversible and fast irreversible inhibition on FAS. (本文发现中药桑寄生对FAS具有很强的可逆抑制和不可逆失活作用。)


例句:Let's just take our reversible engine and modify it a little bit. (我们就拿可逆热机为研究对象,并对它进行一点修改。)


例句:With the strength of reversible physical crosslink increasing, carbon black reinforcement became more effective. (翻译:可逆交联网络的强度越大,炭黑的补强作用越大。)


reversible一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在filling reversible(表里交换织物,起绒毛呢)、level reversible(廻转式水准仪)、non reversible(不可逆的)等常见短语中出现较多。

filling reversible表里交换织物,起绒毛呢
level reversible廻转式水准仪
non reversible不可逆的
not reversible notingun. 不可逆的
reversible absorption可逆吸附
reversible action逆作用,可逆动作,可逆运行
reversible adiabatic[化] 可逆绝热曲线
reversible adsorbent可逆性吸附物
reversible adsorption可逆吸附


1. Let's just take our reversible engine and modify it a little bit. (翻译:我们就拿可逆热机为研究对象,并对它进行一点修改。)

2. With the strength of reversible physical crosslink increasing, carbon black reinforcement became more effective. (翻译:可逆交联网络的强度越大,炭黑的补强作用越大。)

3. If heat is a result of the motion of the underlying molecules and Newton's laws of motion are reversible, then what explains irreversibility here? (翻译:如果热是 基础分子运动的结果 并且牛顿的运动定律是可逆转的)

4. Reversible; can be used with the drainer to the right or left. (翻译:可以双向安装,可以搭配下水道在左侧或右侧使用。)

5. These problems are reversible and preventable, and when we know better, we can do better. (翻译:这些问题是可逆转的、可预防的, 并且当我们知道如何改善的时候, 我们也可以做得更好。)

6. In other words, ageing is not only stoppable but also reversible. (翻译:换句话说就是衰老不仅可以阻止,而且可以逆转。)

7. experimentally , gcd can be induced by administration of long - acting mineralocorticoids , reversible on withdrawal of the steroids. (翻译:经实验研究,肾小球囊性肾病可以被长效的肾上腺皮质激素诱发,停用该类类固醇激素后其可以恢复。)

8. It mutates the DNA directly. But most of what we see seems to be reversible. (翻译:辐射直接使DNA变异,但是我们看到的辐射光大部分是可逆的。)

9. Adiabatic reversible path. (翻译:绝热可逆路径。)

10. Burning Man, of course much smaller, but reversible. (翻译:就如火人节,规模要更小一些, 但是同样能逆转。)

11. Draws a reversible line on the screen within the specified starting and ending points and with the specified background color . (翻译:在屏幕上指定的起始点和结束点内绘制具有指定背景色的可逆线。)

12. The gels are "thermally reversible, " which means heating them turns them back into a liquid. (翻译:这种凝胶剂具有“热可逆性”,即加热可以使其恢复成液体状态。)

13. Numerical Uncertainties in Simulation of Reversible Isentropic Processes and Entropy Conservation: Part II. (翻译:可逆的等熵过程和熵守恒模拟中数值不确定性。第二部分。)

14. And a Planet Hollywood jacket. A leather one. Reversible. (翻译:由世界影视巨星发起的 著名休闲文化品牌】)

15. Azobenzene and its derivatives are characterized by reversible cis-trans isomerization. (翻译:偶氮苯及其衍生物的特点在于可逆顺反异构化。)



1. 词性和词汇搭配:

'reversible'是一个形容词,用于描述可以被反转,修正或返还的东西。常与'process'(过程)、'reaction'(反应)和'reaction rate'(反应速率)等词汇搭配使用。


- The chemical reaction is reversible, meaning that it can go both ways.


- The reversible process of melting and freezing is an example of a physical change.


2. 化学和物理学上的应用:



- The reversible changes in the volume of a gas under different pressures are described by Boyle's law.


- Reversible electrochemical reactions are important for energy storage and conversion in batteries.


3. 生物学上的含义:



- The expression of certain genes in response to environmental changes is reversible.


- Early stage liver disease may be reversible with lifestyle changes and medication.


4. 材料科学应用:



- The reversible magnetization of a material can be used to create magnetic storage devices.


- The reversible transformation between different crystal structures is an important feature of shape memory alloys.


5. 应用于可穿戴设备和时装设计:



- The reversible jacket can be worn with either side facing out, providing versatility and functionality.


- The reversible smarch allows the user to switch between a sporty or a more formal look with a simple flip.



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