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regency是什么意思 regency的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:41
  • 229

regency是什么意思 regency的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. During the regency of the king's son, the country was prosperous.


2. The regency was a time of political stability and artistic achievement.


3. The regency ended when the king regained his health and resumed his duties.





例句:PDK Regency Home Textile quilt have washed sand drying process before factory. (瑞杰斯家纺绗缝被在出厂前全部经过水洗砂洗烘干程序。)


例句:We heard that you were down the Regency the other night. (我们听说你那天晚上 {\cH00F8FB\4cHFFFFFF\fs11\b1}We heard that you were down the Regency the other night.)


例句:It is English Regency Egyptian Revival, built in the 1800s but, yes, it is new to my office. (它是英国殖民地时期的埃及制造的,大约在18世纪 但是,是的,对我的办公室来说它是全新的)


例句:Above his head the gallery streched, supported on medal pillars in regency blue. (翻译:他头顶的画廊北京,支持柱在摄政蓝色勋章。)


regency一般作为名词使用,如在the regency(na. 英国(1811-1820年的或法国1715-1723年的)摄政时期\n[网络] 摄政期;在伦敦自然历史博物馆附近;英国这时期)、hyatt regency([网络] 凯悦;凯悦酒店;凯悦丽晶酒店)、Regency point((19世纪初的)针绣网眼花边)等常见短语中出现较多。

the regencyna. 英国(1811-1820年的或法国1715-1723年的)摄政时期\n[网络] 摄政期;在伦敦自然历史博物馆附近;英国这时期
hyatt regency[网络] 凯悦;凯悦酒店;凯悦丽晶酒店
Regency point(19世纪初的)针绣网眼花边
Regency stripes(纺织品上的)宽度相同的彩色条纹
Regency style[网络] 摄政式;摄政时期;摄政王式


1. It is English Regency Egyptian Revival, built in the 1800s but, yes, it is new to my office. (翻译:它是英国殖民地时期的埃及制造的,大约在18世纪 但是,是的,对我的办公室来说它是全新的)

2. Above his head the gallery streched, supported on medal pillars in regency blue. (翻译:他头顶的画廊北京,支持柱在摄政蓝色勋章。)

3. He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel. (翻译:傍晚,他更觉冷清,一个人在摄政旅馆吃了饭。)

4. 8 years ago, Dee opposed your regency and was jailed for treason. (翻译:狄仁杰反对天后垂帘听政 以逆反罪打入大牢)

5. I'll find out and I'll reserve a room for him at the regency Hotel, if he needs one. (翻译:我查一上,如果他需要的话,我会在雷家斯酒店订一个房间。)

6. My long-running regent John Hunyadi has been relinquished from his regency by my will. (翻译:John Hunyadi作为长期摄政王 已经被我废黜)

7. The Kaiser will go, I'll grant you... and maybe the Crown Prince too, but there'll be a Regency. (翻译:德皇会退位 这我认同 或许王储也会 但肯定会有段摄政时期)

8. Q16. Can a unit owner use his 45-free stay in another Crown Regency Resort in Boracay? (翻译:业主是否可在长滩岛另一个金皇冠度假城享受其45晚免费住宿?)

9. Jane Austen wrote six novels published during the Regency period and between 1811 and 1818. (翻译:1811年至1818年简·出版了六本小说。)

10. Surprisingly Regency women of this era have opinions and a knowledge of the facts of life that were denied to later Victorian women. (翻译:令人吃惊的是这个时代的女性对于生活有自己的认识和想法,但是这种想法并不为后来维多利亚时代的女性所认可。)

11. "The Hyatt Regency collapse was an isolated event, " he said about the idea of disaster mental health. (翻译:“海地政局的坍塌是一个独立的事件,”他谈论到灾后精神健康的问题时说道。)

12. Food Plaza: Boracay Regency's unique Food Plaza offers Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Filipino dishes all in one place. (翻译:美食广场:长滩岛丽晶独特的美食广场提供中文,韩文,都在一个地方西班牙和菲律宾菜。)

13. Manual quilting's pin can be seen, quilted more dense the more high-grade, PDK Regency Home Textile use manual quilted, this quilt more soft. (翻译:手绗的被子的针脚是可以看到的,绗缝的越密越高档。瑞杰斯家纺大多采用手绗的工艺,这样的被子更加柔软。)





1. 历史意义



- During the Regency, there was a cultural resurgence in England.


- The Regency era is known for its elegant fashion and manners.


2. 文学意义



- The Regency was a time of great literature, and Jane Austen was one of its best-known authors.


- Many people still enjoy reading Regency romance novels today.


3. 地理和命名方面



- The Regency of Jakarta is a special administrative region in Indonesia.


- Brighton became a fashionable Regency seaside resort in the early 19th century.



1. The novel is set in Regency England and follows the lives of the aristocracy.(这本小说设定在摄政时期的英格兰,讲述了贵族的生活。)

2. The Regency Hotel in New York City is known for its luxurious accommodations.(纽约市的摄政酒店以其豪华的住宿设施而闻名。)

3. The Regency period saw the rise of Gothic literature.(摄政时期见证了哥特文学的崛起。)

4. The Regency Town House in Brighton is a beautifully-preserved example of Regency architecture.(布赖顿的摄政城镇房屋是摄政建筑的一个完美保留的例证。)

5. The Regency era was a time of significant societal change in England.(摄政时代是英格兰社会发生重要变革的时期。)

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