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cka是什么意思 cka的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-25 10:05:54
  • 228

cka是什么意思 cka的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:The ge-rice have about 2.09 times length and 1.90 times width cells of scutellum than ck; (与非巨胚稻相比,巨胚稻胚的盾片细胞明显加大,其成熟期的细胞长和细胞宽分别是非巨胚稻的2.09倍和1.90倍; )


例句:Harmer says Geely plans to launch a sports car, Beauty Leopard, at the same time it introduces the 7151 CK sedan. (马伤害发言权计划发射一辆运动汽车,美人豹,同时它介绍7151 CK私家轿车。)


例句:Luckily, he'd polled fellow attendees for questions while waiting foran audience with CK. (在等待CK接见之前他曾向同与会者调查过想要问CK的问题。)


例句:CK: Ah, so the kinds of drugs I was talking about would not change the genes, they would just bind to the protein itself and change its activity. (翻译:辛西娅·肯尼娅:我刚在讲这些药 不是改变基因 它们只会联系到蛋白质本身 改变它的活性)


1. Luckily, he'd polled fellow attendees for questions while waiting foran audience with CK. (翻译:在等待CK接见之前他曾向同与会者调查过想要问CK的问题。)

2. CK: Ah, so the kinds of drugs I was talking about would not change the genes, they would just bind to the protein itself and change its activity. (翻译:辛西娅·肯尼娅:我刚在讲这些药 不是改变基因 它们只会联系到蛋白质本身 改变它的活性)

3. Yoυ gotta fυck one' marry one, kill one. Go! (翻译:你要跟一个 娶一个回家,杀掉另一个 开始!)

4. Whereas the K content increased compared to CK. (翻译:钾含量则高于相应的对照。)

5. Presenting with temporary paralysis, high CK levels, and a perfect memory. (翻译:症状是暂时性瘫痪 肌酸激酶指数偏高 以及完美的记忆力)

6. What kind of skirts do you...? (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}CK Clavin Klein 美国最顶级时尚品牌)

7. The sweat glands-like structure expressed both CEA and CK18, the stratum basale of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium wase CK19 and CK10 positive. (翻译:免疫组化的结果表明汗腺样结构分别呈CEA和CK 18阳性,而角化复层扁平上皮的基底层细胞分别呈CK19和CK 10阳性。)

8. Exuviation times of the treated larvae is prolonged 1. 5 days than CK. (翻译:药剂明显延长幼虫5龄期,处理试虫比对照蜕皮滞后约1.5天;)

9. Send a troponin to check for cardiac damage and a CK for rhabdo and kidney failure. (翻译:测肌钙蛋白检查心肺损伤 测肌酸激□看有没有 横纹肌溶解症和肾衰竭)

10. [ sighs ] CK, if it is a trap, it's a pretty weak one. (翻译:[叹气] 对照,如果是个陷阱, 这是 一个相当薄弱的。)

11. Here, the mix ratio of CKB polymer cement mortar, construction programme and technical details, quality and safety guarantee of the facing works are described. (翻译:对CK B聚合物水泥砂浆的材料、配合比以及防渗护面施工程序、技术要求、质量和安全保障作了较详细的介绍。)

12. SOC in paddy-upland rotation was almost steady in 6 years, but was lower than initial value in NPK and CK treatments. (翻译:水旱轮作地各处理土壤有机碳6年内基本保持稳定,但NPK和CK处理均低于初始值;)

13. Was opposite, allegedly CK also is to see above the travesty that I mention just begins a sword to go slant sharp edge. (翻译:对了,据说CK也是看到上面我提到的漫画才开始剑走偏锋。)

14. CK: So that is the experience of a man on a roller coaster in fear of his life. (翻译:克里斯 柯鲁威:这名男士在体会 坐在过山车上的感受 担心自己快没命了 )

15. Compared to the CK, 25%of bioorganic fertilizer treatments increased the yield by 8. 3%and starch yield by 8. 9%. (翻译:25%生物有机肥处理产量比对照增加8.3%,淀粉产量提高8.9%,而石灰对木薯产量与淀粉产量没有显著的影响。)



1. 定义

- CKA:Certified Kubernetes ,一种由Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)推出的认证考试,主要用于评估Kubernetes管理员的技能水平。

- CKA:Central Key Authority,中央密钥机构,主要指负责管理和分发加密密钥的组织或机构。

- CKA:Cytosolic Kinesin-associated,胞质微管运动蛋白结合物,是一种与细胞运动和有关的蛋白质复合物。


- I just passed the CKA exam and became a certified Kubernetes administrator!

- The CKA is responsible for generating and distributing encryption keys to authorized parties.

- The CKA plays a crucial role in mitotic spindle organization during cell division.

2. 行业相关

- CKA:Christchurch Airport,城,新西兰南岛最大的之一。

- CKA:Cleveland Korean American Association,克利夫兰韩裔美国人协会,一个由韩裔美国人组成的非营利组织,致力于推动韩国文化和社区参与。

- CKA:Chicago Kendo Association,芝加哥剑道协会,一个为芝加哥地区的剑道爱好者提供训练和比赛机会的组织。


- I've arrived at CKA and I'm ready to start my New Zealand adventure!

- The CKA organizes cultural events and community outreach programs to promote Korean culture.

- The CKA hosts regular kendo tournaments and training sessions for its members.

3. 技术相关

- CKA:CKAN API,CKAN是一种开源数据门户软件,用于管理和分享数据集。 CKAN API是一组允许开发人员在应用程序中与CKAN进行交互的Web服务。

- CKA:Codebook Key Array,代码本关键数组,是一种在密码学中用于加密和解密数据的方法。

- CKA:Cryptographic Key Agility,加密密钥敏捷性,是指加密系统中的一种设计理念,可以在不影响系统安全性的情况下更改加密密钥。


- You can use the CKAN API to programmatically access and manipulate data sets stored in CKAN.

- The CKA method can be used to create secure and efficient encryption algorithms.

- By enabling cryptographic key agility, the CKA design principle makes it easier to update encryption keys without compromising security.

4. 其他

- CKA:Cascading Kick-Ass,瀑布般的厉害,可能是一种黑客或编程社区中的俚语或口号。

- CKA:Cement Kiln Ash,水泥窑灰,是一种从水泥生产中回收的副产品,可以用于制造建筑材料和人造石材。

- CKA:Chronic Kidney Allograft,慢性移植肾病,是一种由肾移植后发生的慢性肾功能损害引起的疾病。


- If you want to be a hacker, you need to learn how to code CKA.

- Instead of disposing of cement kiln ash, it can be repurposed and used to make new building materials.

- Chronic kidney allograft can have serious health consequences for transplant recipients if left untreated.

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