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biao是什么意思 biao的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:14
  • 227

biao是什么意思 biao的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 这是一个进口商品的价格表。

Translation: This is a price list of imported goods.

2. 我需要填写一个个人信息表。

Translation: I need to fill out a personal information form.

3. 他的手表非常漂亮。

Translation: His wrisch is very beautiful.




例句:Owing to sabotage by Lin Biao and his like, there are quite a few problems besetting our army. Many of the comrades present here feel this. (由于一伙的,建设中确实存在不少问题,在座的许多同志也有这个感觉。)


例句:It's what we usually call Hua Biao. (也就是我们常常说的华表。)


例句:Labor is the original, duty is to destroy Biao. (劳资是原配,职责是灭。)


例句:If only the famous actor Fu Biao had not been dead , we could watch more roles played by him . (翻译:要是著名演员傅彪没有死,我们就能看到更多由他扮演的角色。)


biao一般作为名词使用,如在Biao(比奥 菲律宾地名 中国广东肇庆市怀集县和封开县使用的语言)、Guo Biao(国标)等常见短语中出现较多。

Biao比奥 菲律宾地名 中国广东肇庆市怀集县和封开县使用的语言
Guo Biao国标


1. Labor is the original, duty is to destroy Biao. (翻译:劳资是原配,职责是灭。)

2. If only the famous actor Fu Biao had not been dead , we could watch more roles played by him . (翻译:要是著名演员傅彪没有死,我们就能看到更多由他扮演的角色。)

3. Looking at the screen ears listening to their voices, as if a group of bone in large Biao play acting, very enjoyable. (翻译:眼睛看着画面耳朵听着他们的声音,仿佛一群戏骨在大飙演技,十分过瘾。)

4. Sun Quan sent Lu Su to pay respect to the name of Liu Biao and Liu Bei to meet to discuss joint anti-Cao things. (翻译:孙权派鲁肃以吊唁刘表之名与刘备会面,商讨联合抗曹的事情。)

1. 解释含义方面:


2. 用法方面:

通常出现在表示标志、标识、标准等概念的场合,例如:“He wears a badge with his name on it.”(他戴着一枚印有他名字的徽章。)“The construction should meet the safety standards.”(这个建筑应符合安全标准,它通常作为表格的相关工具使用,例如:“I used an online biao-maker to create a chart for my presentation.”(我使用在线表格制作工具为我的报告制作了图表。)“This biao-enhancing tool can help you make a better-looking chart.”(这个表格增强工具可以帮助你制作一个更美观的图表。)

3. 普及程度方面:



1. The national flag of China has five stars on it.(中国国旗上有五颗星。)

2. The ID card is an important form of identification.(身份证是重要的身份证明形式。)

3. I used a conversion chart to change the measurements from inches to centimeters.(我使用转换表格将尺寸从英寸转换为厘米。)

4. The excel program includes a built-in biao generator.(Excel程序包含了内置的表格生成器。)

5. The plugin provides a variety of biao-enhancing options.(这个插件提供了多种表格增强选项。)

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