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shall we是什么意思 shall we的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-02 15:50:27
  • 284

shall we是什么意思 shall we的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:/ʃæl wiː/


1. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (今晚我们去看电影好吗?)

2. Shall we order some pizza for lunch? (中午我们点些披萨吃好吗?)

3. Shall we start the meeting now? (现在我们开始开会好吗?)

shall we在英语中代表"网络、要这样吗"的意思,其中文解释还有"我们…好吗"的意思,单词读音音标为[shallwe],shall we常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到13个与shall we相关的例句。

Shall we的中文翻译


例句:Together we shall always be as one (Together we shall always be as one 共享坚定爱情)


例句:That is something we shall never know. (That is something we shall never know.)


例句:- Well then we shall only transmit. (- We can only transmit. - Well then we shall only transmit.)


例句:"Would you like to come along to one of the rallies?" And Paul said, "Yeah, I'd love to." (翻译:有件小事 比较尴尬 大臣 Shall we say a slightembarrassment, Minister?)


shall we一般作为名词使用,如在we shall([网络] 我们将;我们将不胜感激;我们要)、shall we dance([电影]随我婆娑)、shall we say(我们可以这样说吗\n容我们说)等常见短语中出现较多。

we shall[网络] 我们将;我们将不胜感激;我们要
shall we dance[电影]随我婆娑
shall we say我们可以这样说吗\n容我们说
we shall overcome[网络] 我们一定会胜利;我们必胜;我们将超越自己
we shall run我们该跑
shall notvi. 将不要, 不会, 必须不, 不可, 不应, 不好吗?, 要不要...?, 不应该, 不要
we and they我们和他们;自己人和非自己人


1. - Well then we shall only transmit. (翻译:- We can only transmit. - Well then we shall only transmit.)

2. "Would you like to come along to one of the rallies?" And Paul said, "Yeah, I'd love to." (翻译:有件小事 比较尴尬 大臣 Shall we say a slightembarrassment, Minister?)

3. Shall we talk like men, or shall we squabble like children? (翻译:我们是要像男人一样好好说话 Shall we talk like men, 还是要像小孩子一样争吵? or shall we squabble like children?)

4. - Shall we order some food? (翻译:-点些东西吃吧 -你饿了吗 - Shall we order some food?)

5. Shall we keep to the point, please, Bernard? (翻译:说正事好吗? 伯纳? Shall we keep to the point, please, Bernard?)

6. We are her salvation and through her command, we shall live forever! (翻译:吾为女王之救世军... We are her salvation... we shall live forever!)

7. Right, shall we open the bottle, or? (翻译:- 好了 我们能开酒了吗 - 可以 可以 Right, shall we open the bottle, or?)

8. You wait here in case he runs. (翻译:真的要这么干吗 老大 Shall we do this, boss?)

9. How shall we feed ourselves and our children? (翻译:我们怎么养活自己和孩子? How shall we feed ourselves and our children?)

10. Oh yes, what shall we eat this evening? (翻译:what shall we eat this evening?)

11. We shall see you at supper. (翻译:晚餐时再见吧 We shall see you at supper.)

12. # Shall we still be together With our arms around each other (翻译:∮ Shall we still be together With our arms around each other)

13. - We shall supply you no more! (翻译:-我们要拒绝继续提供补给 -够了 - We shall supply you no more!)

14. Shall we gather at the river (翻译:Shall we gather at the river)

15. Shall we leave straightaway? (翻译:我们应该直接走吗? Shall we leave straightaway?)

我将对“shall we"进行说明,希望能对您有所帮助。

1. 词性及含义:"shall we"是一种问句的形式,通常用于询问对方是否愿意进行某个行动或活动。该短语在语境中可以作为情态动词,表示建议、征求意见、邀请等。

2. 用法和场合:"shall we"通常用于非正式的场合,如与朋友、家人聊天或约会。它可以用于提出建议、邀请别人做事情、打破沉默、寻求意见等情境。此外,在商务谈判、会议等正式场合也可以使用。

3. 祈使句及疑问句形式:"shall we"的形式可以是祈使句或疑问句。祈使句的形式是"Let's + 动词原形",疑问句的形式则是"Shall we + 动词原形"。祈使句用于表达自己的想法和建议,而疑问句则是更为礼貌的询问方式,表示对对方的尊重和关注。

4. 句型变化及注意事项:在使用"shall we"时,需要注意的是其句型变化。例如,当询问是否愿意一起去游泳时,可以说"Shall we go swimming?"或者"Let's go swimming",但不能说"Shall we swimming"或"Let's swimming"。此外,英国英语比美国英语更倾向于使用"shall we"。

5. 示例句子:

- Shall we go to the movies tonight?

今晚我们去看电影好吗- Let's play basketball this afternoon, shall we?

今天下午我们打篮球,好吗- Shall we have a cup of coffee together?

我们一起喝杯咖啡,好吗- Let's go hiking this weekend, shall we?

这个周末我们去爬山,好吗- Shall we discuss this matter further in the meeting?


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