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icv是什么意思 icv的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-02 07:05:41
  • 328

icv是什么意思 icv的中文翻译、读音、例句

icv是指互联网内容价值(Internet Content Value),是评估互联网上内容质量和受欢迎程度的一种指标。它是通过用户对某一特定内容的浏览、点赞、评论等行为反馈来计算得出的。




1. 提高icv是提升网站竞争力的重要手段。

Improving icv is an important means to enhance website competitiveness.

2. icv的高低决定着一个网站会不会被用户认可和推荐。

The level of icv determines whether a website will be recognized and recommended by users or not.




例句:The TTW was extended in some degree when NGF combined with MK-801and Casepase-1 inhibitor by icv administration. (联合应用凋亡能一定程度扩大有效治疗时间窗。)


ICV是缩写词,全称为Intelligent Connected Vehicles,是指智能互联汽车。ICV技术是一种新兴技术,基于汽车、网络和智能终端技术的融合,使汽车实现与外部环境的互联互通,实现非常人性化、高效、智能化的交通出行。


1. ICV与环保


Here is an example sentence: "The ICV technology is an innovative solution towards green mobility that can minimize the carbon emissions."

2. ICV与安全


Here is an example sentence: "The ICV technology is the future of transportation that can enhance the safety of drivers and passengers."

3. ICV与舒适


Here is an example sentence: "The ICV technology allows passengers to enjoy a comfortable and personalized travel experience through its interactive and entertainment features."

4. ICV与智慧


Here is an example sentence: "The ICV technology leverages the power of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to make cars smarter and safer."

5. ICV与变革


Here is an example sentence: "The ICV technology is driving a revolution in transportation and changing the way we move and travel."


1. The ICV technology is an innovative solution towards green mobility that can minimize the carbon emissions.(ICV技术是一种创新的解决方案,可以减少碳排放,推进绿色出行。)

2. The ICV technology is the future of transportation that can enhance the safety of drivers and passengers.(ICV技术是交通出行的未来,可以提高驾驶员和乘客的安全。)

3. The ICV technology allows passengers to enjoy a comfortable and personalized travel experience through its interactive and entertainment features.(ICV技术通过交互和娱乐功能,为乘客提供舒适和个性化的旅行体验。)

4. The ICV technology leverages the power of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to make cars smarter and safer.(ICV技术利用人工智能和物联网的力量,使汽车变得更加智能和安全。)

5. The ICV technology is driving a revolution in transportation and changing the way we move and travel.(ICV技术正在推动交通运输领域的,改变我们出行方式。)

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