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gaudy是什么意思 gaudy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:45
  • 163

gaudy是什么意思 gaudy的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She looked like a gaudy Christmas tree in her bright green dress with sequins and glitter.(她穿着亮绿色的带有亮片和闪光效果的华丽裙子,看起来像一棵艳丽的圣诞树。)

2. The building was decorated with gaudy neon lights that made it stand out from the rest of the street.(这座建筑物装饰着俗气的霓虹灯,让它与街上其他建筑物区别开来。)




例句:They are shaping me into something gaudy... something lethal. (他们把我塑造成了华而不实... 致命的东西)


例句:The tulip which with gaudy colours stained. (郁金香,带着绚丽的斑斓色彩。)


例句:The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint. (浮华的岁月雕刻了枯树的年轮,消散的时光勾画出纠缠的掌纹。)


例句:Wearing 15-centimeter-high stiletto heels and a gaudy turtleneck sweater, she's a fashion queen in her own eyes. (翻译:她脚踩15厘米的“恨天高”,身穿花哨俗气的高领毛衣,以“时尚女王”自居。)


gaudy一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在gaudy day(〈英〉(大学)会餐日)、gaudy ironstone((19世纪中叶英国的)多彩菱铁皿)、gaudy night([英国英语]狂欢之夜,欢庆之夜)等常见短语中出现较多。

gaudy day〈英〉(大学)会餐日
gaudy ironstone(19世纪中叶英国的)多彩菱铁皿
gaudy night[英国英语]狂欢之夜,欢庆之夜
neat not gaudy好看而不花哨;朴实无华


1. The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint. (翻译:浮华的岁月雕刻了枯树的年轮,消散的时光勾画出纠缠的掌纹。)

2. Wearing 15-centimeter-high stiletto heels and a gaudy turtleneck sweater, she's a fashion queen in her own eyes. (翻译:她脚踩15厘米的“恨天高”,身穿花哨俗气的高领毛衣,以“时尚女王”自居。)

3. Edward is in his pale face, messy black hair, alternative Leather the earth through the gaudy, eventually return to his own identity. (翻译:爱德华就是以他苍白的面容、凌乱的黑发、另类的皮装穿过艳俗的尘世,终究回归了自我。)

4. There will be other dawns, nights, gaudy noons. (翻译:将迎来另一个,晨曦, 夜晚,及花哨的午时。)

5. The critics say the art of this period is too coquettish, indolent, gaudy, obscene, pure decadence. (翻译:评论家们则批判这个时代的艺术说 过于娇媚 安逸)

6. It criticized overly pro forma raffishness with gaudy form, it spread out the gaudy objects in reality, parked with more raffishness and made them expose directly with vanity, flamboyance, atrocity. (翻译:它是以艳俗的形式来批判形式上的过分艳俗,它将现实中的“艳俗”对象罗列出来,同时加以更艳俗化的包装,让对象的浮华艳丽、俗不可耐直接暴露。)

7. A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment. (翻译:一个女人从她破败的仿佛要塌掉的公寓花朵图案帘子后兜售紧身弹力超短裙和粗俗艳丽的带图案短衫。)

8. Once a day a cheap, gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis, and another downward from Keokuk. (翻译:每天都有一艘廉价但外表艳丽的邮船从圣路易斯开过来,有另一艘从奇奥·库克向下游驶去。)

9. Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leaving an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph. (翻译:安东尼·高迪在1926年逝世,为竟的大教堂是他的墓志铭。)

10. A gaudy variation on the Long Island Iced Tea, the Electric Lemonade tastes better than it looks. (翻译:一款长岛冰茶华而不实的改变,电子柠檬水味道比它看起来好些。)

11. Same room colour is unfavorable and overmuch, different room can part buy color, gaudy does not have avoid mussily foreword. (翻译:同一房间色彩不宜过多,不间可分别置色,忌花里胡哨紊乱无序。)

12. But the scars of the Soviet era, and the gaudy gimcrack results of 20 years of crony capitalism, are visible too. (翻译:但是苏联时代留下的创伤,和二十年的资本主义制度带来的花哨的小玩意儿,仍清晰可辨。)

13. a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. (翻译:廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。)

14. This is the gaudy face of a country that has seen 10% growth every year for the last ten years, and wants more. (翻译:这是这个国家华丽的外表,这个国家在过去的十年里, 每年增长超过10%,而且她还不满足。)

15. Up on a pavilion the middle-aged lady was dressed in her gaudy finery, a green lace tunic over a white gown with sleeves to the floor. (翻译:在亭子上是一位穿着俗气服饰的中年妇女,白色长袍的外面是带花边的绿色短袍,袖子都拖到了地上。)



1. 词性和意义:首先,'gaudy'是一个形容词,意思是过于花哨、俗气的。这个词通常用来描述衣着、装饰品或者建筑等等。

2. 同义词和反义词:与'gaudy'意思相近的单词有:flashy、tacky、kitschy、loud等等。相反的单词可以是:elegant、subtle、understated、refined等等。

3. 用法和搭配:'gaudy'可作表语或参与形容词短语。常见的搭配有:gaudy clothing、gaudy jewelry、gaudy decorations、gaudy colors等等。

4. 语境与文化:'gaudy'这个词有一定的文化内涵,通常与低俗、浅薄、缺乏品味的文化场景相关。在西方文化中,'gaudy'通常与圣诞节或万圣节的闪亮装饰物有关。

5. 应用举例:

(1)The bride wore a gaudy wedding dress with a lot of sparkles and sequins. (新娘穿着一件有很多亮片和流苏的俗气婚纱。)

(2)The hotel lobby was decorated with gaudy ornaments and bright colors, which made it look cheap. (酒店大堂装饰了俗气的装饰品和鲜艳的颜色,让它看起来很廉价。)

(3)I don't like this painting because it's too gaudy and lacks subtlety. (我不喜欢这幅画,因为它太花哨而且缺乏细致的感觉。)

(4)The rapper's outfit was so gaudy that it distracted from his performance. (那位说唱歌手的衣着太夸张了,让人分心了他的演出。)

(5)The gaudy neon lights of Las Vegas are famous around the world. (拉斯维加斯那些夸张的霓虹灯在全世界都很有名。)

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