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acceptable是什么意思 acceptable的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-29 08:19:03
  • 186

acceptable是什么意思 acceptable的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. His behavior is not acceptable in a professional setting. (他的行为在职业场合中是不可接受的。)

2. The proposal was acceptable to most members of the committee. (这个提议对于大多数委员会成员来说是可以接受的。)

3. The quality of the product must meet acceptable standards. (产品的质量必须符合可接受的标准。)




例句:If the terms for the tutoring job are acceptable that'll be Fine (如果跟这家人条件谈得拢就正好 如果谈不拢)


例句:This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable. (这种行为在社交中已不再合适。)


例句:Stealing a police vehicle is not an acceptable way to begin our journey. (盗窃的交通工具 不是我们开始旅程的好方式)


例句:Or because our definition of "reasonable" is based on what it is acceptable for men to do? (翻译:还是因为我们其实是根据 男性能被人认可的行为 而定义“理性”这个词的? )


acceptable一般作为形容词使用,如在not acceptable([网络] 不接受;无法接受;不可接受)、maximum acceptable concentration([化] 最大允许浓度; 极限允许浓度)、maximum acceptable contamination([核] 最大容许沾量)等常见短语中出现较多。

not acceptable[网络] 不接受;无法接受;不可接受
maximum acceptable concentration[化] 最大允许浓度; 极限允许浓度
maximum acceptable contamination[核] 最大容许沾量
maximum quantity acceptable最大可接受交货量;可接受最大数量
minimum acceptable current最小允许电流
minimum acceptable interval[数] 最小允许区间
minimum acceptable reliability[计] 最低容许可靠性
minimum acceptable value最低可接受值
minimum quantity acceptable可接受最小数量


1. Stealing a police vehicle is not an acceptable way to begin our journey. (翻译:盗窃的交通工具 不是我们开始旅程的好方式)

2. Or because our definition of "reasonable" is based on what it is acceptable for men to do? (翻译:还是因为我们其实是根据 男性能被人认可的行为 而定义“理性”这个词的? )

3. But talent such as yours is commonplace, an acceptable minimum. (翻译:绝非如此 但你的才能并不出众 只是才能的最低级别)

4. It may limit the amount of sparkover to an acceptable rate . (翻译:它可把火花放电频率控制在允许范围内。)

5. Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar. (翻译:地方口音还可以接受,但错误语法必须要大力改进。)

6. You have to have an "acceptable" credit to get an SBA loan. (翻译:你必须有“可接受的”信用才可以向小型企业管理局贷款。)

7. You would be completely acceptable to her if it wasn't for that body. (翻译:请原谅 女士 但是她对你来说 再合适不过了... ...如果不是因为那好身材的话)

8. There is a line between what is acceptable and what is not. (翻译:在可以容忍与不能容忍之间 是有一条界线的)

9. Ten beaches were graded as acceptable. (翻译:有十个沙滩属于可接受的那一类。)

10. Well, that will also be acceptable, provided, of course, that it is something of great value. (翻译:那么,这将 还可以接受, ,当然,它 是很有价值的东西。)

11. The dealer has to provide an end user certificate which is a signature acceptable to the government that the ultimate customer is an approved user. (翻译:The dealer has to provide an end user certificate 得有承认的签字 which is a signature acceptable to the government 证明最终顾客有使用授权 that the ultimate customer Is an approved user.)

12. Internationally acceptable behavior? Westerners telling others about internationally acceptable behavior? ROFL! (翻译:国际公认的行为?西方人告诉别人做事情要得到国际社会的认可?真是笑死人了!)

13. And then you want to make sure that this separation is within acceptable levels. (翻译:我们需要确定 这个距离是在可接受的范围里的 )

14. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. (翻译:院,她坚持说,是可接受的方面。)

15. And like to prove to my wife that I'm still an acceptable... (翻译:不过我仍然想向我的太太证明我是个优秀的... ...)



词组搭配:acceptable to sb. (能够被某人接受),acceptable standard(合格的标准),acceptable solution(可接受的解决方案)




1. The quality of the product is acceptable, but we need to improve the packaging.

2. The price quoted by the vendor is not acceptable, we need to negotiate.

3. His behavior was not acceptable in a formal business meeting.

4. The company has set an acceptable level of performance for its employees to meet.

5. The dress code for the event is business casual, so jeans are not acceptable.

1. 产品的质量是可以接受的,但是我们需要改善包装。

2. 供应商所报的价格不可接受,我们需要谈判。

3. 他的行为在正式的商务会议中是不可接受的。

4. 公司已经设定了员工需要达到的可接受业绩水平。

5. 活动的着装要求是商务休闲,所以穿牛仔裤是不可接受的。

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