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allay是什么意思 allay的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:08
  • 192

allay是什么意思 allay的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The doctor prescribed some medicine to allay her pain.(医生开了一些药来缓解她的疼痛。)

2. These measures are designed to allay public fears about potential health risks.(这些措施旨在减轻公众对潜在健康风险的恐惧。)

3. The company has made efforts to allay concerns about its environmental impact.(公司已经努力缓解人们对其环境影响的担忧。)




例句:Fever is one of the most common disease in pediatrics . It is a routine treatment to use antipyretic to allay a fever rapidly. (发热是儿科疾病中最常见的症状之一,对于急诊患儿,用解热药迅速退热成为常规疗法。)


例句:That's important because it would allay well, let's say, the ridiculous concerns that the US might have that the SDR could ever challenge the dollar's dominant role in international finance. (这点很重要, 因为这样会减轻美国的担忧, 他们老担心增发的SDR 会挑战美元在国际金融市场的主导地位。)


例句:Not only did the employment report allay recession fears, but also there was a technical rebound in buying... and a resurgence in deal stocks helped set the tone. (各大股东依然会迅速重整旗鼓 这里要感谢各大工厂的鼎力相助 强于预期的就业报告)


例句:Beasley wants directors of nursing to act as role models to allay concerns among frontline nurses. (翻译:Beasley希望护理主任能起到表率作用,以减轻第一线护士的忧虑。)


1. Not only did the employment report allay recession fears, but also there was a technical rebound in buying... and a resurgence in deal stocks helped set the tone. (翻译:各大股东依然会迅速重整旗鼓 这里要感谢各大工厂的鼎力相助 强于预期的就业报告)

2. Beasley wants directors of nursing to act as role models to allay concerns among frontline nurses. (翻译:Beasley希望护理主任能起到表率作用,以减轻第一线护士的忧虑。)

3. He did what he could to allay his wife's myriad fears. (翻译:他尽其所能来消除他妻子的各种恐惧。)

4. But it will not allay the sense of unease. (翻译:但却无法减轻人们的不安情绪。)

5. There are "immortal Pomo map" in the Road allay feelings, "During the Wanshan map" in the romantic color; (翻译:这里面有《泼墨仙人图》中的道释情怀,有《秋风纨扇图》中的浪漫色彩;)

6. If by your art, my dearest father, you have Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. (翻译:如果是你的法术 激起狂涛怒吼 最亲爱的父亲 让他们平息吧)

7. Unknown What combat let trenchant Colombian abjection Thus, prefer translation trash food allay hunger unwilling extend begging hand. (翻译:不得而知是什么样的打击让犀利哥落魄至此,宁愿翻垃圾桶中的食物充饥,也不愿伸出乞讨之手。)

8. Oversight is concerned an old pet project may be to blame, and Percy might be able to allay their fears. (翻译:高层担心跟之前一个杀手培训项目有关 Percy应该能帮他们释怀)

9. Desire not to allay my rages and revenges with your colder reasons. (翻译:也不要想用你们冷静的理智浇灭我复仇的怒火)

10. His virtuous hand doth allay all fear. Ne'er again shall we shed a tear." (翻译:他会为我们主持婚礼, 那时,所有的恐惧都会结束)

11. Ryabkov boss, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, last week described U.S. moves to allay Russian concerns about the shield as "symbolic." (翻译:外长拉夫罗夫上周描述称,美国消除俄罗斯担忧的举动是“象征性的。” )

12. And in a video link with the UN, Chan appeared to attempt to allay fears, adding: "We are not there yet. " (翻译:在一次与陈冯富珍的视屏连线中,她试图缓和人们的恐惧:“我们还没有到那个程度。”)

13. Such a declaration is needed to allay fears in the Middle East of a new and enduring American imperial hegemony. (翻译:美国需要作出这种声明,以此减轻中东地区对美国长期新霸权主义的担忧。)

14. Second, China is trying to allay regional concerns, but ultimately will not back down. (翻译:其次,中国正努力缓和地区问题,但是终将不会退让的。)

15. Beasley wants directors of nursing to act as role models to allay concerns among frontline nurses. (翻译:Beasley希望护理主任能起到表率作用,以减轻第一线护士的忧虑。)


1. 用法:


2. 近义词:


3. 例句:


1. 通过提供足够的证据和解释,我们希望能够消除公众的疑虑。

2. 他的话语缓解了她的不安和担忧。

3. 公司采取的措施将大大缓和工人们的不满情绪。


1. She tried to allay her fears about the surgery by talking to the doctor.

2. The government is taking steps to allay public concern about the safety of the new technology.

3. The company is offering additional benefits to employees in order to allay their concerns about the merger.

4. The the was able to allay her patient's anxiety by teaching her relaxation techniques.

5. The coach's reassuring words helped to allay the team's fears about the upcoming game.

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