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attributed是什么意思 attributed的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:47
  • 312

attributed是什么意思 attributed的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The success of the project is attributed to the hard work of the team. (这个项目的成功归功于团队的努力工作。)

2. The invention of the telephone is usually attributed to Alexander Graham Bell. (电话的发明通常被认为是亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔的功劳。)

3. The poem was attributed to Shakespeare, but there is some debate over its authorship. (这首诗被认为是莎士比亚所作,但是对于它的作者有争议。)

4. The increase in sales can be attributed to the new marketing strategy. (销售增长归因于新的营销策略。)

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"Attributed" is a verb that means to assign, credit, or ascribe something to a particular cause, source, person or account. Here are four angles to consider when discussing this word:

1. Linguistic Aspect: "Attributed" is a regular verb that follows the basic pattern of adding -ed to the base form of the verb to show the past tense or past participle. It can be used in different tenses and forms depending on the context, such as attributing, attributes, or attribution.

2. Meaning Aspect: "Attributed" implies that something is given a specific source or responsibility for a particular value, quality, or action. It can be used with various objects or complements such as successes, failures, ideas, opinions, quotes, qualities, characteristics, etc.

3. Science Aspect: "Attributed" is often used in research and scientific writing to indicate the source or author of information or data, and to give credit or acknowledgment to the original researcher. This is vital to ensure the accuracy and reliability of scientific work.

4. Legal Aspect: "Attributed" can also have legal implications, as it relates to the responsibility or liability of an individual or organization for a particular action or outcome. This can affect legal judgments, insurance claims, and other legal matters.

Here are some examples of "attributed" used in context:

1. The success of the project is largely attributed to the hard work and dedication of the team members. (这个项目的成功很大程度上归功于团队成员的努力和奉献)

2. The famous quote is often attributed to Mark Twain, but there is some debate about its origin. (这句著名的名言常常被归于马克·吐温,但是有些人对它的起源存在争议。)

3. The high rate of cancer in the area has been attributed to environmental pollution. (该地区的高癌症率被归因于环境染。)

4. The report cites several studies that attribute the decline in bee populations to pesticides. (该报告引用了几项研究,将蜜蜂种群下降归因于杀虫剂。)

5. The hacker attack on the company's servers was attributed to a group of cybercriminals from Eastern Europe. (针对公司服务器的黑客攻击被认为是来自东欧的一群网络犯罪者所为。)

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