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ckg是什么意思 ckg的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:34
  • 200

ckg是什么意思 ckg的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: [siːkeɪjiː]


1. CKG is the airport code for Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport.





例句:Regardless, eating less accounts for just 1 kg of the 1.5 kg lost, says Lippl. (但利普说,进食的减少只能解释1.5千克中的1千克。)


例句:A more conventional scheme might be to start with a ration of 1. 75kg for a 30 kg pig. (一种较通用的方案是猪从30公斤起开始饲喂1.75公斤的日粮。)


例句:I lost 4 kg. and gained 6 kg., perdia 4 kg. y ganaba 6 kg. (失去了4KG和6千克赚 失去了4KG和6千克赚来的。)


例句:Pigs usually slaughtered at 120kg are now being killed at a weight of about 75kg, says Mr Rice. (翻译:赖斯表示,通常在120公斤时才被宰杀的生猪,目前在75公斤左右就被宰杀了。)


ckg一般作为名词使用,如在CKG(心动描记法 心动描记器)等常见短语中出现较多。

CKG心动描记法 心动描记器


1. I lost 4 kg. and gained 6 kg., perdia 4 kg. y ganaba 6 kg. (翻译:失去了4KG和6千克赚 失去了4KG和6千克赚来的。)

2. Pigs usually slaughtered at 120kg are now being killed at a weight of about 75kg, says Mr Rice. (翻译:赖斯表示,通常在120公斤时才被宰杀的生猪,目前在75公斤左右就被宰杀了。)

3. Translated by Tiberio for KG. (翻译:鸣谢原英文字幕翻译者 Tiberio for KG)

4. Bond materials: according to the ratio cement 97kg, scale graphite 3kg, clean water 35kg to paste form as backup. (翻译:黏结材料:以水泥97 KG、鳞片石墨3 KG、清水35 KG左右比例调成膏状备用。)

5. Batteries can account for over 10 per cent of the 45kg to 70kg of equipment that infantry currently carry. (翻译:电池占用了目前士兵携带的45kg到70kg设备的超过10%的重量。)

6. But the limit would not buy much more than a 50kg sack of rice at prevailing retail prices. (翻译:但是限制人们不能以现有的市场价格购买超过50 kg的大米。)

7. Suitable for the 2kg, 3kg, 5kg, 7kg portable CO2 fire extinguisher and CO2 fire extinguisher cart. (翻译:适用于灌装2公斤、3公斤、5公斤及7公斤手提式二氧化碳灭火器和推车二氧化碳灭火车。)

8. C-1 to 6 will clear the northern field. (翻译:C -1至C -6 去清理出北边空地 C)

9. To Mary's joy, her weight has decreased from 65kg last year to 55kg at present . (翻译:让玛丽高兴的是,她的体重已由去年的65公斤降到目前的55公斤。)

10. 175cm tall, weighs over 90kg, thirsty hippo in his early 30s. (翻译:目标身高175cm,体重超过90KG 30岁出头的饥渴河马)

11. Annual per capita potato consumption is contracting, from 63 kg in 1990 to a less than 50kg in 2006. (翻译:马铃薯的年人均消费量正在减少,从1990年的63公斤减少到2006年的不到50公斤。)

12. High-load: static load capacity of 250kg or more, the level of the most ultra-dynamic load Over 170kg; (翻译:负载量高:静态负载量达250kg以上,高低动态负载最超过170kg;)

13. I have to admit, I love it when KG goes bonkers, but tonight I found it a little tough to swallow. (翻译:我必须承认,我喜欢KG疯狂的样子,可今晚我却感到有点难以下咽。)

14. Others have caught crabs that weighed 15kg, and were almost two metres long. (翻译:其他人抓到的螃蟹有重达15kg的,几乎有两米长。)

15. If, let's say, between 70kg and 100kg of H.E.U. (翻译:如果 我们说 装有70到100千克之间的高浓缩)

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