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cf是什么意思 cf的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:20
  • 186

cf是什么意思 cf的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. CF可以是“CrossFire”的缩写,是一款以团队对战为主的第一人称射击游戏。

2. CF也可以是“Compact Flash”的缩写,是一种常见的相机储存卡。

3. CF还可以是“Cystic Fibrosis”的缩写,是一种遗传性疾病,影响呼吸、消化和系统的正常功能。


1. CF:《穿越火线》

2. CF:紧凑闪存卡

3. CF:囊性纤维化


1. CF:[kɔːsfaɪə]

2. CF:[kəmˈpækt flæʃ]

3. CF:[ˈsɪstɪk faɪˈbroʊsɪs]


1. He spends most of his leisure time playing CF with his friends. (他大部分的闲暇时间都是和他的朋友们一起玩《穿越火线》。)

2. I need to buy a new camera CF card because my old one is full. (我需要买一张新的相机闪存卡,因为我的旧卡已经满了。)

3. CF is a life-threatening disease that affects many people around the world. (囊性纤维化是一种危及生命的疾病,影响着全球许多人。)




例句:She was floored and astonished that he could read. (她愣住了 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}She was floored 没想到 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}and astonished that)


例句:A simplified and hybrid model for steady state process of CFMF was established. (建立了稳态CF MF过程的简化组合模型,对过程的计算具有现实意义。)


例句:The CF provides a scalable and centralized locking mechanism to ensure data coherency. (CF提供一个可扩展的集中锁定机制来确保数据一致性。)


例句:It was weighing on him very heavily. He did not like having his actions and his movements restricted in any way, and the threat of jail, which they pounded him with a lot, was terrifying to him. (翻译:他处于重重压力之下 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}It was weighing on him very heavily. 把他吓坏了 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}was terrifying to him. it was in the millions of dollars.)


cf一般作为名词使用,如在CF(囊性纤维变性 寻线机 无载体的 -,穿越火线)、us cf(abbr. 超离心分离机(Ultracentrifuge);联合目录文档(Union Catalogue File);部件控制文件(Unit Control File))、Vinyon CF((氯乙烯与醋酸乙烯的共聚长丝)维荣CF)等常见短语中出现较多。

CF囊性纤维变性 寻线机 无载体的 -,穿越火线
us cfabbr. 超离心分离机(Ultracentrifuge);联合目录文档(Union Catalogue File);部件控制文件(Unit Control File)
Vinyon CF(氯乙烯与醋酸乙烯的共聚长丝)维荣CF
fracture cf skull[医] 头颅骨折
hf.cf.abbr. half calf 【装订】半小牛皮装订
lacuna cf cornea[医] 角膜腔隙
didontoglossa cf. decoratoides秀气粗米螺
epitonium cf. coretum肩钩海蛳螺
haplochlaena cf. fasciata蓝纹章鱼
haplochlaena cf. maculosa豹班章鱼;蓝环章鱼


1. The CF provides a scalable and centralized locking mechanism to ensure data coherency. (翻译:CF提供一个可扩展的集中锁定机制来确保数据一致性。)

2. It was weighing on him very heavily. He did not like having his actions and his movements restricted in any way, and the threat of jail, which they pounded him with a lot, was terrifying to him. (翻译:他处于重重压力之下 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}It was weighing on him very heavily. 把他吓坏了 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}was terrifying to him. it was in the millions of dollars.)

3. My three-year-old told me that the doctors would fix him. (翻译:{\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}there is so much we could have)

4. The Symbol CF card, unlike the PCMCIA card, lacks firmware on the card and depends on the device driver to download the firmware. (翻译:不同于PCMCIA卡,SymbolCF卡缺乏板载固件,它依靠设备驱动程序来下载固件。)

5. The result indicates that CF is simular with GF in binding with PMMA matrix. (翻译:研究结果表明,碳纤维与玻璃纤维和PM MA基体粘接的界面状态类似。)

6. For this machine, the nid is cf190f 4c and the longnid is 80001815. (翻译:对于这台计算机,它的nid为cf 190f 4c, longnid为80001815。)

7. With the saturating market of the chemical cleaning products, even excess of it, CF is faced with the increasing competition in the market. (翻译:随着日化洗涤产品市场的饱和,甚至过剩,CF日化企业面临的市场竞争压力越来越大。)

8. The way Aaron always saw it, is that programming is magic. (翻译:我所想的事都没有一件做成的 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}there was nothing that I wanted done. 总有编程能解决的事情 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}always something that programming could solve. 编程是奇妙的 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}is that programming is magic.)

9. Create an outbound QCF for the outbound Queue. (翻译:为出站队列创建一个出站Q CF。)

10. - and whatever they learn... (翻译:-Right. 随便他们已知道的... {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3})

11. Some people even in the budget SLI, CF, or also wanted a physical card. (翻译:有些人的预算里甚至还有SLI、CF,或者还有人想要个物理加速卡。)

12. Aaron is certainly deeply influenced by Tim. (翻译:亚伦毫无疑问 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}Aaron is certainly)

13. The way Aaron always saw it, is that programming is magic-- you can accomplish these things that normal humans can't, by being able to program. (翻译:亚伦总是认为 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}The way Aaron always thought it 编程是神奇的 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}is that programming is magic.)

14. He takes it out of his backpack, leans out of frame for about five minutes, and then leaves. (翻译:斯沃茨正在更换硬盘 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}Swartz is replacing the hard drive. 然后离开了 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}and then leaves. and started going after him. 并被袭击了 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}and assaulted by the police.)

15. Many patients with CF develop chronic lung infections from a strain of bacteria known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (翻译:许多肺囊性纤维化病人发展成慢性肺感染是由于感染了绿脓杆菌。)



1. CrossFire:这是一款第一人称射击游戏。

例句:1. He plays CF every night after dinner. (他每晚晚饭后都在玩CF。)

2. She's really good at CF. (她在CF中非常擅长。)

2. ColdFusion: 这是一种Web开发工具,用于创建站。

例句:1. The company's website was built using CF technology. (公司的网站是使用CF技术构建的。)

2. The programmer is proficient in CF programming. (程序员精通CF编程。)

3. Cystic fibrosis: 这是一种遗传疾病,影响呼吸和消化系统的功能。

例句:1. The CF Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. (CF基金会致力于发现治愈囊性纤维化的方法。)

2. CF patients typically have difficulty breathing. (CF患者通常呼吸困难。)

4. CompactFlash: 这是一种用于数字相机、蓝牙耳机和其他电子设备的存储卡。

例句:1. The camera uses a CF card to store images. (相机使用CF卡来存储图像。)

2. The technician replaced the old CF card with a new one. (技术人员用新的CF卡替换了旧的。)


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