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emitter是什么意思 emitter的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-07 07:01:43
  • 293

emitter是什么意思 emitter的中文翻译、读音、例句



读音为 [ɪˈmɪtər]。


1. The radio station had to install a new emitter to improve their broadcast range.


2. The emitter on the top of the building was glowing with a bright green light.





例句:Most of the energy not picked up by a receiver can be reabsorbed by the emitter. (发射器可将绝大多数未被接收器接收的能量重新吸收回去。)


例句:The light emitter emits visible light of a first color through the light conversion element in a direction away from the light source. (发光器在远离光源的方向上通过光转换元件发射第一颜色的可见光。)


例句:Before a common base event is sent to the CEI server by the emitter, it is validated to ensure all the required fields have been set. (在通用基础事件被发射器发送到CEI服务器之前,必须要对其进行有效性验证,确保已经设置了所有必需的字段。)


例句:Victor's gotta have a pulse emitter linking him to his board. (翻译:脉冲发射器能把毁灭博士 从滑板上轰击下来)


emitter一般作为名词使用,如在digit emitter([计] 数字发送器)、digital emitter(数位发射器)、directional emitter([化] 定向发射体)等常见短语中出现较多。

digit emitter[计] 数字发送器
digital emitter数位发射器
directional emitter[化] 定向发射体
edge emitter边缘发光器
dull emitter[电] 暗发射体
emitter barrier[电] 射极区障壁
emitter base发射极-基极
emitter bias[电] 射极偏压
emitter capacitance射极电容


1. Before a common base event is sent to the CEI server by the emitter, it is validated to ensure all the required fields have been set. (翻译:在通用基础事件被发射器发送到CEI服务器之前,必须要对其进行有效性验证,确保已经设置了所有必需的字段。)

2. Victor's gotta have a pulse emitter linking him to his board. (翻译:脉冲发射器能把毁灭博士 从滑板上轰击下来)

3. We shall take the typical emitter-to-base resistance as about 250 ohms. (翻译:我们取发射极基极电阻的典型值为250欧姆左右。)

4. In the event of an overload when ILOAD exceeds its maximum permissible value, the increase in voltage across R6 results in sufficient base-emitter voltage to turn on Q2. (翻译:当iload超过最大允许值时发生过载情况,R6上的电压增大导致基极-发射极电压足够大到导通Q2。)

5. We also have to get our hands on the other repair robot, and shield emitter relays. (翻译:我们也要去找 We also have to get our hands on 另外那个维修机器人 还有护盾的发射极继电器 the other repair robot, and shield emitter relays.)

6. A breech-sight tie-in of the golf club comprises a keyswitch and a laser emitter with the breech-sight is located on a box. (翻译:高尔夫推杆上的瞄准器接头,瞄准器置于一盒体上,有一按键开关和一激光发射器。)

7. Free the emitter resources — close the emitter. (翻译:释放发射器资源——关闭发射器。)

8. In BJT devices , a small current flow at the base moderates a much larger current between the emitter and collector . (翻译:在BJT器件中,基极小的电流调节发射极和接收极之间大得多的电流。)

9. One emitter may fail and go unnoticed until plant damage has occurred, but drip irrigation parts are inexpensive and easy to replace. (翻译:一个发射器可能会失败,被忽视,直到工厂发生了损害,但滴灌部分价格低廉,易于更换。)

10. The only way anybody could change Olivia's traffic light is with an infrared emitter. (翻译:要改变Olivia面前的红绿褑 只有用红外线硐射器)

11. Green plants have evolved their energy filtration mechanism to exactly match the characteristics of the Sun as an energy emitter. (翻译:绿色植物演变他们的能量滤清机制确切地匹配太阳的特征作为能量放射器。)

12. If Wilkes was using an illegal emitter, why didn't we find it in his car or at the scene? (翻译:要是Wilkes用了非法硐射器 怎么o里和现场都没硐现呢?)

13. Drax, Britain's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, could stop burning coal by the end of the decade. (翻译:Drax公司是英国最大的二氧化碳排放机构。Drax将以二十年为限期停止燃烧煤炭资源。)

14. Unless you have a microwave emitter powerful enough to vaporize all the water in the mains. (翻译:除非你有一个强大的微波发射器 把水蒸发到空气中)

15. Send the event -- send the event using the emitter. (翻译:发送事件——使用发射器来发送事件。)





一些常见的emitter词组包括LED emitter(发光二极管发射器)、optical emitter(光发射器)和thermal emitter(热发射器)等。此外,emitter还可以与其他词汇组合,例如photoemitter(光电发射器)和quantum emitter(量子发射器)等。


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