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javelin是什么意思 javelin的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:45
  • 204

javelin是什么意思 javelin的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He threw the javelin with great strength and accuracy. (他以极大的力量和准确度投掷了标枪。)

2. The athlete broke the world record for the javelin throw. (这位运动员打破了标枪投掷的世界纪录。)

3. During the ancient Olympics, the javelin was one of the main events. (在古代奥运会上,标枪是主要比赛项目之一。)

4. The coach gave the athlete some tips on how to improve his javelin technique. (教练给这位运动员一些提高标枪技术的建议。)




例句:CFD also has been used in other sports like the javelin6 . (计算机流体动力学同时也应用于其他体育项目,如标枪。)


例句:Former world champion javelin medallist Costas Gatsioudis will be the first runner with the torch. (前世界标枪冠军科斯塔·盖茨欧迪斯将承担今年奥运火炬接力的第一棒。)


例句:He's outfitted head to toe in this glittering bronze armor, and he's got a sword and he's got a javelin and he's got his spear. He is absolutely terrifying. (他从头到脚都装备着闪亮的青铜铠甲 手持利剑和标枪 还有一支矛,威风凛凛 )


例句:Helen is very good at throwing the javelin and Mary is very good at running. (翻译:海伦很擅长标枪,玛丽则长于跑步。)


javelin一般作为名词使用,如在the javelin([网络] 标枪;投掷标枪;掷标)、javelin formation(标枪队形)、javelin shaft(标枪杆)等常见短语中出现较多。

the javelin[网络] 标枪;投掷标枪;掷标
javelin formation标枪队形
javelin shaft标枪杆
javelin thrown. 掷标枪
javelin thrower标枪运动员
javelin throwers标枪运动员
javelin throwing掷标枪
throwing the javelin掷标枪
javelin throwing zone标枪投掷区


1. He's outfitted head to toe in this glittering bronze armor, and he's got a sword and he's got a javelin and he's got his spear. He is absolutely terrifying. (翻译:他从头到脚都装备着闪亮的青铜铠甲 手持利剑和标枪 还有一支矛,威风凛凛 )

2. Helen is very good at throwing the javelin and Mary is very good at running. (翻译:海伦很擅长标枪,玛丽则长于跑步。)

3. Javelin Soldiers are by far the best garrisoning unit that the Allies have since they can attack both enemy ground and air units. (翻译:标枪兵到目前为止是盟军拥有的最好的驻守单位因为它们可以攻击地面和空中的单位。)

4. She poised the javelin in her hand before the throw. (翻译:她把标枪握稳,然后投了出去。)

5. The Javelin Soldier IFV is a quick unit that packs a lot of offensive firepower; (翻译:标枪兵IFV是可以火力强大的快速单位,它是一个非常有效的扰单位。)

6. But most importantly, we call him an underdog because all he has is -- it's that Goliath is outfitted with all of this modern weaponry, this glittering coat of armor and a sword and a javelin and a spear, and all David has is this sling. (翻译:们不看好他的最重要的原因是 哥利亚全身上下都武装着 先进的武器装备 闪亮的青铜铠甲 利剑,标枪和长矛 而大卫就只有一条投石绳 )

7. missile cavalry These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry a javelin and an axe . (翻译:波耶骑兵身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,手持标枪长斧,极为骁勇善战。)

8. Research on Blood Serumenzyme and Carbamide Azote of Javelin Thrower by Training Models (翻译:关于训练方式对标枪运动员血清酶和尿素氮影响的测试研究)

9. Cadmus next threw his javelin, which met with better success, for it penetrated the serpent's scales and pierced through to his entrails . (翻译:卡德摩斯紧接著投出了长矛。这一手倒还奏效,长矛穿过鳞片刺入了蛇的内脏。)




1. Definition: A javelin is a long, wooden or metal spear used in athletics, particularly in the sport of javelin throwing.

Example: He threw the javelin further than anyone else in his school.

2. History: The javelin dates back to ancient times when it was used as a weapon in ware.

Example: The Roman soldiers were known for their skill with the javelin.

3. Technique: Javelin throwing requires a specific technique to achieve maximum distance and accuracy.

Example: The coach spent hours teaching his athletes the proper technique for javelin throwing.

4. Safety: Javelin throwing can be dangerous if not done properly, and safety rules must be followed.

Example: The athletes were required to wear helmets during javelin practice to protect them from injury.

English examples:

1. He won the gold medal in javelin at the Olympic Games.


2. The athlete's form was perfect as he launched the javelin through the air.


3. They had to delay the javelin competition because of the strong winds.


4. The athlete set a new world record in javelin with her impressive throw.


5. The coach emphasized that safety must always remain a top priority in javelin throwing.


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