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qingke是什么意思 qingke的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:49
  • 182

qingke是什么意思 qingke的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:qīng kě


1. 我不知道“qingke”是什么意思。

I don't know what "qingke" means.

2. 这个词可能是新的网络用语,所以很多人不熟悉“qingke”。

This word may be a new internet slang, so many people are not familiar with "qingke".




例句:Friends gone, Zhu Di Mudi only and their dislike of the silly brother Siting Ke stay together. (好朋友走掉了,朱迪·穆迪只能和自己的看不顺眼的傻乎乎的弟弟斯汀科呆在一起。)


例句:Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. (章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。)


例句:This is online map of the address "Qing Yang Bei Lu Qing Yang Xin Cun , Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China" . (这是地址“中国安徽省合肥市蜀山区青阳北路青阳新村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


1. This is online map of the address "Qing Yang Bei Lu Qing Yang Xin Cun , Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国安徽省合肥市蜀山区青阳北路青阳新村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

2. The early Qing Dynasty, Lintao County to the House. (翻译:清初,金县改属临洮府。)

3. Chu-ke Liang went up to the altar in a Taoist robe and with a sword in his hand. (翻译:诸葛亮穿着道士法衣,手执宝剑,上了七星坛,开始作法。)

4. Gaetano is a mafia organization "Ke Liang, " the boss, was arrested in 1993 and took over the Salvatore Farina. (翻译:加埃塔诺是组织“科里昂”的老大,是在1993年接替了被捕的萨尔瓦托·里纳。)

5. The song was composed during the Qing Dynasty. (翻译:这首歌是在清朝创作的。)

6. Did you know that my esteemed mother knew Anna Pavlovna Ke... (翻译:你知道吗 我亲爱的母亲 认识 安娜 -巴芙诺夫娜)

7. If you want to collect the reward on that girl, remember that Hesh-ke has a knife. (翻译:假如你想要那女孩的赏金,记著海斯姬有刀子 If you want to collect the reward on that girl, remember that Hesh -ke has a knife.)

8. So Far. Drin Ke Freight Area included all big city and Shanghai anywhere. (翻译:目前,品酒客配送的范围为全国各大城市以及上海市全境。)

9. Chihli Qing Dynasty was the first capital of the province. (翻译:清代曾为直隶省第一省会。)

10. Our fellow countrymen are suffering under the corrupt and dying Qing Empire (翻译:一个垂死的帝国还在苟延残喘 我们的同胞还生活在水深火热之中)

11. That sou nds I i ke a I ot of fu n. (翻译:这SOU NDS我我科一个我OT福的n。)

12. Tan Sitong was an outstanding social reformer at the end of the Qing Dynasty. (翻译:谭嗣同是清末杰出的社会改革家。)

13. Drive me to Ke edy Airport, please? (翻译:请送我去肯尼迪。)

14. You know she has a terrible temper. (翻译:-ke. You know she has a terrible temper.)

15. "Ke", "mu", "ro", and the uppercase English key on the left side. (翻译:KE,MU,RO,还有左边的英文全角变换键)

“qingke”的汉语拼音为“qīng kē”,是一个由两个汉字组成的词。从不同的方面进行介绍:





发音拼写:qīng kē


1. 我们习惯在早餐喝一杯热腾腾的青稞饮。

We are used to drinking a hot cup of qingke drink for breakfast.

2. 这些天气渐冷,来点青稞粉暖暖身子吧。

As the weather is getting colder, why not warm up with some qingke powder.

3. 老家的人喜欢用青稞面制作各种传统小吃。

People from my hometown love to use qingke flour to make various traditional snacks.

4. 青稞茶以其独特的口感和营养价值而受到越来越多人的喜爱。

Qingke tea is becoming more and more popular due to its unique taste and nutritional value.

5. 山区的人喜欢食用青稞来获取足够的营养。

People in mountainous areas prefer to consume qingke to get enough nutrition.

6. 这里的青稞产量极高,成为当地的重要农作物。

Qingke has a very high yield here and has become an important crop in the area.

7. 青稞是一种富含膳食纤维和蛋白质的健康粮食。

Qingke is a healthy food that is high in dietary fiber and protein.

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