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successive是什么意思 successive的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-10 09:09:26
  • 174

successive是什么意思 successive的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The company experienced five successive quarters of growth.


2. The new coach led his team to successive victories.


3. The successive waves of immigration have transformed the cultural landscape of the country.





例句:Successive governments have tried to tackle the problem. (历届都试图解决这个问题。)


例句:The last prime minister, Hermes Lima, a member of the Socialist Party, came to wind up parliamentarism in the country. (survived two months of successive crisis. 最后的,赫尔墨斯・利马,社会党成员, The last prime minister, Hermes Lima, a member of the Socialist Party, 结束了国家的议会制。)


例句:The genetic information contained in DNA consists of a linear sequence of successive coding units, known AS codons. (DNA中的遗传信息是由连续的编码单位即密码子的线形序列构成的。)


例句:As the source keeps moving in a certain direction, the successive waves in front of it will become bunched closer together. (翻译:持续朝同一方向移动 声源前方的波会聚拢 )


successive一般作为名词使用,如在on successive occasions(在接连不断的时候;接二连三地)、reaction successive(逐次反应)、successive action([法] 连续诉讼)等常见短语中出现较多。

on successive occasions在接连不断的时候;接二连三地
reaction successive逐次反应
successive action[法] 连续诉讼
successive actions连续诉讼
successive adaptation逐次适应
successive adjustment序贯平差
successive approximation[计] 逐次近似法\n[化] 逐次逼近
successive approximations[经] 成功的约计
successive attack[军] 连续袭击


1. The genetic information contained in DNA consists of a linear sequence of successive coding units, known AS codons. (翻译:DNA中的遗传信息是由连续的编码单位即密码子的线形序列构成的。)

2. As the source keeps moving in a certain direction, the successive waves in front of it will become bunched closer together. (翻译:持续朝同一方向移动 声源前方的波会聚拢 )

3. and in one of our own western cities this proud boast used to be repeated to successive visitors by its superintendent. (翻译:在我们西部的一个城市里,这种自豪的吹嘘过去也经常一次次被学校主管向一批批的来访者重复着。)

4. Until an unbalanced world faces up to its chronic imbalances, successive crises are likely to be increasingly destabilising. (翻译:在这个不平衡的世界敢于直面长期失衡问题之前,接二连三的危机对于稳定性的影响可能会越来越大。)

5. Successive UK governments of both major parties supinely truckled to him. (翻译:两个主要政党轮流执掌的历届英国都采取消极的态度,对默多克惟命是从。)

6. Random Weighting Center Fusion Estimation of Prior Distribution of SIMU Successive Test Data (翻译:捷联惯组历次测试数据验前分布随机加权中心融合估计法)

7. The new cabinet, headed by Brochado da Rocha survived two months of successive crisis. (翻译:when the prime minister resigned to run in the elections. 以Brochado da Rocha为首的新内阁, The new cabinet, headed by Brochado da Rocha 在2个月的连续危机中幸存下来。)

8. The chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years of abundant acorn crops in the forest. (翻译:金花鼠数量显著地增加,是因为森林里连续两年丰硕的橡子收成。)

9. Successive Japanese governments have refused to take responsibility for the sinking of the AHS Centaur. (翻译:日本历届都拒绝承担责任的沉没的翰凯半人马。)

10. I worked in northern Kenya, trying to help struggling pastoralist communities survive successive droughts. (翻译:我曾在肯尼亚北部工作,努力帮助苦苦挣扎的牧民度过连续的干旱。)

11. Italia Nostra accused successive Italian governments of underestimating the devastating effects of development projects. (翻译:ItaliaNostra指控连续几届意大利都低估了发展项目带来的性。)

12. Ding in the Northern Song Dynasty "Jingkang Change", Due to successive years Bingzai gradual decline and abandonment. (翻译:定窑在北宋末年“靖康之变”后,由于连年兵灾,逐渐衰落和废弃。)

13. In July sales were down 26%, the fifth successive monthly decl in e. (翻译:2009年七月,销量环比下降26%,是连续第五个月出现销量下滑。)

14. In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day. (翻译:在东京,股价已经是连续第6天暴跌了。)

15. In July sales were down 26%, the fifth successive monthly decl in e. (翻译:2009年七月,销量环比下降26%,是连续第五个月出现销量下滑。)




1. successive government 连续的

2. successive defeats 连续的失败

3. successive generations 连续的一代

4. successive victories 连续的胜利

5. successive years 连续的年份



1. The company has enjoyed five successive years of growth. 公司已经连续五年实现增长。

2. Yesterday was the fourth successive day of rain. 昨天是连续下雨的第四天。

3. The team has won three successive games. 这支队伍已经连续赢了三场比赛。

4. The successive governments have failed to improve the economy. 连续几届都未能改善经济状况。

5. The novel tells the story of three successive generations of a family. 这部小说讲述了一家人连续三代的故事。

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