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sealer是什么意思 sealer的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:50
  • 225

sealer是什么意思 sealer的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The tray sealer is said to be compatible with all types of tray and top- lidding materials. (托盘密封据说是符合所有类型的托盘和顶级封盖材料。)


例句:mastic adhesive, and a good mastic sealer ensure leak-free performance. (乳香胶粘剂生产企业,以及一个良好的乳香封口机确保问题保持注射的性能。)


例句:Following lateral or vertical condensation using a sealer, the length of time for complete penetration was maximally 48 days. (使用侧方加压或者垂直加压根充后,细菌完全渗漏到根尖的时间延长到最多48天。)


例句:To begin the process, we apply a fine coat of urethane sealer to protect the wood from excessive drying or absorption of moisture. (翻译:我们首先涂上一层氨基甲酸密封剂,防止木材过度干燥或吸收湿气。)


sealer一般作为名词使用,如在drag sealer(覆土环[耙])、floor sealer((地板用)封闭底漆)、heat sealer((塑料薄膜袋)热封机,熔接机)等常见短语中出现较多。

drag sealer覆土环[耙]
floor sealer(地板用)封闭底漆
heat sealer(塑料薄膜袋)热封机,熔接机
impulse sealer脉冲热封机;高频熔接机
joint sealer接缝封闭剂
lacquer sealer硝基(纤维)封闭底漆(不加颜料和填料)
photosensitive sealer光敏封闭剂
sanding sealer掺砂涂料
sealer schooner温肭;兽猎船


1. Following lateral or vertical condensation using a sealer, the length of time for complete penetration was maximally 48 days. (翻译:使用侧方加压或者垂直加压根充后,细菌完全渗漏到根尖的时间延长到最多48天。)

2. To begin the process, we apply a fine coat of urethane sealer to protect the wood from excessive drying or absorption of moisture. (翻译:我们首先涂上一层氨基甲酸密封剂,防止木材过度干燥或吸收湿气。)

3. Both sealer and packer are made of said oil-absorbing expansion material as well as oil and water-absorbing expansion material. (翻译:此外还公开了由上述吸油膨胀材料和吸油吸水膨胀材料制成的密封件和封隔器。)

4. Get a vacuum sealer for wine and champagne and you'll never toss another half-empty bottle. (翻译:为红酒和香槟买真空瓶塞,这样你再扔掉一瓶喝光一半酒的酒瓶。)

5. The PAC PVT is the industry standard tabletop vacuum sealer for applications where removal of air from a bag before sealing is required. (翻译:PACPVT是行业标准的桌面真空封口机,可用于袋式密封,从一个袋子去除空气。)



1. 词的意思:封口机、密封剂

2. 词性:名词

3. 常用场景:Sealer一词最常见的是指封口机,用于封闭或密封包装袋或容器。同时,该词还可以用作密封剂的意思,用于填补或封闭裂缝、接缝或孔洞,以确保物品的密封性。

4. 词组搭配:sealer tape(封口胶带),concrete sealer(混凝土密封剂),vacuum sealer(真空密封机),metal sealer(金属密封剂)

5. 相关短语:seal up(密封)、seal off(封锁、隔离)

6. 发音拼写:/'siːlə(r)/

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