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intends是什么意思 intends的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-22 04:28:59
  • 186

intends是什么意思 intends的中文翻译、读音、例句

英 [ɪnˈtɛndz] 美 [ɪnˈtɛndz]



1. She intends to study at Harvard University.


2. He intends to start his own business next year.


3. The company intends to expand its operations in Asia.


4. The new policy intends to improve the welfare of the elderly.


5. He intends to retire early and travel around the world.





例句:Assuming for the moment that Krushev has not gone off the deep end and intends to start World War Three (假设没有发疯 而想掀起第三次世界大战)


例句:The company intends to re-fashion itself as AIU Holdings. (公司打算改头换面作为保险公司控股有限公司。)


例句:Seeing no need for summoning more witnesses for interrogation, the court intends to close the case soon. (法庭认为没有必要传讯更多的证人,打算在近期结案。)


例句:Mr Carstens has said he intends to carry "the flag of emerging markets" . (翻译:卡斯滕斯表示,他打算举起“新兴市场的旗帜”。)


1. Seeing no need for summoning more witnesses for interrogation, the court intends to close the case soon. (翻译:法庭认为没有必要传讯更多的证人,打算在近期结案。)

2. Mr Carstens has said he intends to carry "the flag of emerging markets" . (翻译:卡斯滕斯表示,他打算举起“新兴市场的旗帜”。)

3. Milk put his foot down to emphasize that the city intends to enforce, and you guessed it. (翻译:为了强调市执法的决心 米尔克用脚踩了上去 后果不难想象)

4. "the New Freedom", has control of the bomb... and intends to detonate it on U.S. soil. (翻译:而且打算在美国本土上引爆 他们计划造成百姓们最大的伤 害)

5. She intends to make a crossing into Canada with the help of some of the more disenchanted members of the citizenry. (翻译:她企图偷渡到加拿大 她得到了一些神秘公民的帮助)

6. FRA intends to consider all of these suggestions as it moves forward with reviewing safety on HSR corridors. (翻译:联邦铁路局打算将这些建议都纳入考虑范围,因为它们都是基于高铁轨道的安全评价而提出的。)

7. You don't think George intends to let him live, do you? (翻译:你不会想 George 还会让他活着吧 ?)

8. I do not intends rude but you do not get much chance sepekiku (翻译:我不是故意无礼 但你没有得到很多的 机会sepekiku)

9. Once she has succeeded she intends to denounce the Emperor as a fratricide and usurper (翻译:她说 一旦成功 她便当众宣布皇上弑兄篡位的罪恶)

10. "Of course yes, " Nour says of when asked if he intends to run. (翻译:“当然是的,”努尔说,当问他是否有意来运行。)

11. Now, the railroad intends to put him on the 3:10 to Yuma and hang him (翻译:铁路公司打算... 送他上3点10分的火车 到犹马镇去绞死他)

12. You think a civilization sending this message intends it just for Americans? (翻译:你以为一个文明会仅为了美国人发送这消息吗?)

13. Carlos Figueira intends to change this with a series of articles on WCF Extensibility. (翻译:Carlos Figueira打算通过一系列关于WCF扩展的文章来改变这种现状。)

14. Mr. Houdini intends to contact the departed soul of his beloved mother... (翻译:胡迪尼将试着与逝者的灵魂联系 他敬爱的母亲...)

15. Majesty, I have just heard that the Pope intends to make Reverend Fisher a Cardinal. (翻译:陛下 我刚刚听说教皇意欲 Majesty,I have just heard that the Pope intends 任命费施尔神父为红衣主教 to make Reverend Fisher a Cardinal.)



词的意思:'intends' 是 intend 的第三人称单数形式,意为“打算,计划”。



词组搭配:intend to do something(打算做某事);intend on doing something(打算做某事)。

相关短语:intend for(面向,指向);intend on(打算,计划)。


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