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grated是什么意思 grated的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:44
  • 193

grated是什么意思 grated的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. She added some grated cheese to the pasta. 她在意大利面上加了些刨碎的奶酪。

2. The recipe calls for grated garlic. 这份食谱需要用到磨碎的大蒜。

3. He grated his knuckles against the rough suce of the wall. 他的手指在墙上粗糙的表面上擦得受伤了。

4. The sound of the grating metal made my hair stand on end. 金属摩擦的声音让我毛骨悚然。




例句:The root only is served as a vegetable, made into a cream soup or grated raw in salads. (它的根用来作蔬菜食用,可以放在奶油汤中或拌入沙拉。)


例句:The rusty hinges grated as the gate swung back. (大门荡了回去,生锈的铰链发出嘎吱嘎吱的刺耳声。)


例句:Texturally, the crispy fish makes a great contrast to the soft, grated vegetable hash. (实际上,香酥鱼和柔软的磨碎的蔬菜大杂烩很不同。)


例句:i experienced a strange feeling as the key grated in the lock , and the sound of his retreating step ceased to be heard. (翻译:钥匙在锁孔喀喀响起,他远去的脚步声听不到时,我体会到了一种奇怪的感觉。)


grated一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在grated cheese(搓碎干酪)、grated hatch(un. 格栅舱口)、grated inlet(箅式进水口;格栅式进水口)等常见短语中出现较多。

grated cheese搓碎干酪
grated hatchun. 格栅舱口
grated inlet箅式进水口;格栅式进水口
grated pack搓碎食品,金枪鱼糜罐头
grated style碎形


1. Texturally, the crispy fish makes a great contrast to the soft, grated vegetable hash. (翻译:实际上,香酥鱼和柔软的磨碎的蔬菜大杂烩很不同。)

2. i experienced a strange feeling as the key grated in the lock , and the sound of his retreating step ceased to be heard. (翻译:钥匙在锁孔喀喀响起,他远去的脚步声听不到时,我体会到了一种奇怪的感觉。)

3. About 2 pounds winter squash, sweet potatoes, daikon radishes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, or celery root, peeled and grated (翻译:约2磅的冬瓜,红薯,萝卜,白萝卜,胡萝卜,欧洲防风草,或者去皮磨碎的芹菜根)

4. It is often used grated, so not much is needed. Use in pasta dishes and salads. (翻译:它常被磨成粉状,常用在意大利面和沙拉中。)

5. He grated his knife across the plate. (翻译:他用刀子划过盘子时发出刺耳的声音。)

6. Good luck. This guy can't even buy the right kind of grated cheese. (翻译:Good luck 这家伙甚至 连奶酪丝都买不对)

7. I am pleased to see him. I turn to talk, but can't help noticing that on his head is a pile of grated cheese. (翻译:我很高兴见到他,开始和他攀谈,但免不了注意到他头上有一堆碎奶酪。)

8. Mix the chicken meat with half of the bechamel sauce and grated nutmeg, salt and pepper. (翻译:鸡肉与半份白汁拌匀, 加入盐、胡椒粉及豆蔻粉调味。)

9. It can be grated and eaten raw in salads, or in stir-frys or soups. (翻译:它可以生吃,也可以炒菜或放汤。)

10. Add grated or cut vegetables into entrees, side dishes, and soups. (翻译:把磨碎或切好的蔬菜加到主菜、配菜和汤里面。)

11. His chair grated as he got to his feet. (翻译:当他站起身时,椅子发出了嘎嘎声响。)

12. It grated with him when people implied he wasn't really British. (翻译:当有人暗示他不是地道的英国人时,他很是恼火。)

13. This is a building that has a similar reconstruction to that of a building that has been grated, but which Sandnes Kommune would like incorporated as part of a larger, older built environment. (翻译:这座建筑有着类似格栅化建筑的改造结构,但桑内斯公社希望将其设在一个更大、更旧的建成环境中。)

14. His manner always grated on me. (翻译:他的举止总是令我很恼火。)

15. Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts. (翻译:椰子汁是从擦碎的椰肉里榨出来的。)



词义:'grated' 是源自动词'grate'的过去式和过去分词,意为擦碎或切碎成细小的片或颗粒。

词性:'grated' 是个形容词,用来描述已经被切碎成小颗粒的食物或其他物体。

词组搭配:'grated' 通常与一些食物相关的词搭配,如'grated cheese'(切碎的奶酪)、'grated carrots'(切碎的胡萝卜)。

短语:'grated' 可以与一些修辞或比喻相关的短语搭配使用,如'grated on my nerves'(让我感到很烦躁)、'grated like fingernails on a chalkboard'(声音像指甲刮黑板一样刺耳)。

发音拼写:'grated' 的发音是/ɡreɪtɪd/,其中 'g' 发音为软音,类似于 'j' 的发音。

以下是 5 个中英文例句:

1. She sprinkled some grated cheese on top of her salad.(她在沙拉上撒了一些切碎的奶酪。)

2. He grated some ginger and mixed it into the sauce.(他将一些姜切碎后混入酱汁中。)

3. The sound of the chalk scratching the board grated on her nerves.(粉笔划破板子的声音让她感到非常烦躁。)

4. The metal grate on the window prevented the thief from entering.(窗户上的金属格子防止了小偷进入。)

5. I can't stand the way he talks - it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.(我受不了他说话的方式——就像指甲刮黑板一样刺耳。)

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