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contrived是什么意思 contrived的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:56
  • 210

contrived是什么意思 contrived的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The dialogue in the movie seemed too contrived and unnatural.(电影中的对白看起来过于刻意,不自然。)

2. I could tell that her smile was contrived and insincere.(我能看得出她的微笑是刻意做出来的,不真诚。)

3. The plot of the book was overly contrived, it difficult to enjoy.(这本书的情节设计过于牵强,让人很难喜欢。)




例句:And this is why every time you see the GDP rise in any country you are witnessing an increase in necessity whether real or contrived and by definition, a necessity is rooted in inefficiency. (在本质上背离于 经济的可持续性 这就是为什么 每当你看到一个国家的GDP增长)


例句:There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so much happiness is produced, as by a good tavern or inn. (人类没有哪一项发明像酒吧或酒馆那样给人类带来如此多的快乐。)


例句:Mr Lucas calls them "schlock economics" , contrived to justify Mr Obama's projections for the budget deficit. (Lucas先生称他们“蹩脚的经济学家”,只是设法证明先生的赤字预算有正当理由。)


例句:and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance. (翻译:而且,也正因为有了这个同一性,海丝特才能如此完美地用孩子的外表率象征她的红字。)


1. Mr Lucas calls them "schlock economics" , contrived to justify Mr Obama's projections for the budget deficit. (翻译:Lucas先生称他们“蹩脚的经济学家”,只是设法证明先生的赤字预算有正当理由。)

2. and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance. (翻译:而且,也正因为有了这个同一性,海丝特才能如此完美地用孩子的外表率象征她的红字。)

3. We've contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. (翻译:我们想出了各种各样的解释,结果它们要么半真半假,要么只是偏见或传说。)

4. He contrived an eager , ingratiating smile , which he bestowed on Mr. Squires . (翻译:他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。)

5. Phillips let viewers appreciate each painting as a unique product of an artist's vision, rather than as a mere cog placed in the unwieldy and contrived structure of canonised art. (翻译:菲利普让观者将每一幅画当作是一件表现艺术家眼光的独特作品来欣赏,而不是拧在笨拙而做作的被捧上神坛的艺术架构上的一颗螺丝钉。)

6. He contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. (翻译:他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。)

7. It was totally contrived just for that room, just for that moment. (翻译:而这完全是瞎编的 仅仅是那个房间,仅仅在那个时刻。)

8. Maybe such a premise would be good for a college thesis, but in execution here it merely feels tired and a bit contrived . (翻译:也许这样一个命题适合做大学论文,但是在音乐制作中却显得异常疲惫而且还有点做作。)

9. Mr Lucas calls them "schlock economics", contrived to justify Mr Obama's projections for the budget deficit. (翻译:Lucas先生称他们“蹩脚的经济学家”,只是设法证明先生的赤字预算有正当理由。)

10. That I don't know either... but if past experience is anything to go by... it'll be a well-contrived accident. (翻译:我也不知道... ...但依照前车之鉴...)

11. This is an event contrived to create news coverage where none had been considered warranted. (翻译:这是一件刻意制造新闻报道的事件,且没有人认为这是有根据的。)

12. They contrived a plan to defraud the company. (翻译:他们精心策划要欺诈那家公司。)

13. The cause they contrived so painstakingly also ended in failure. (翻译:他们惨淡经营的事业也以失败而告终。)

14. So he went and began to fell a tree at the edge of the river, and presently contrived to let his axe drop into the water. (翻译:于是,他去河畔砍树,并故意将自己的斧子丢入河水中。)

15. We charge you that you have contrived to take from Rome all seasoned office, and to wind yourself into a power tyrannical, for which you are a traitor to the people. (翻译:你企图推翻一切罗马相传已久的政制 造成个人专权的地位 所以我们宣布你是的叛徒)




1. contrived plot 策划过度的情节

2. contrived smile 做作的微笑

3. contrived laughter 虚伪的笑声

4. contrived scene 刻意制造的场景

5. contrived dialogue 缺乏自然感的对话

6. contrived situation 牵强附会的情境

7. contrived image 缺乏真实感的形象




1. The dialogue in this movie is so contrived that it sounds wooden.


2. The painting looked contrived and lacked the natural beauty of a true masterpiece.


3. Her attempts at humor seemed contrived and forced.


4. The contrived plot of the book was easy to predict.


5. The speech was so contrived that the audience didn't respond well to it.


6. The contrived scene in the play ruined the entire performance for me.


7. The al's contrived sound didn't appeal to many fans.


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