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tedious是什么意思 tedious的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-11 10:33:42
  • 282

tedious是什么意思 tedious的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The lecture was so tedious that I almost fell asleep.


2. I find gardening to be a very tedious activity.


3. Proofreading is a tedious but essential part of the writing process.





例句:The work can be tedious and time-consuming, Kirschbaum admits, but it's imporant. (Kirschbaum承认这项工作不仅繁琐而且耗时,不过它很重要。)


例句:I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details. (在他们造访之余,我讲些乏味琐事让他们厌烦不已,我则私下窃喜。)


例句:Do not yawn: this is no tedious group of ancestor likenesses. (你不会感到乏味: 这并非一组风格雷同的祖先们的画像. )


例句:Actually, you saved me from the longest date with the most tedious man. (翻译:其实 你把我从和超级乏味男的 超长约会中解救出来)


tedious一般作为形容词使用,如在tedious labor([医] 滞产)等常见短语中出现较多。

tedious labor[医] 滞产


1. Do not yawn: this is no tedious group of ancestor likenesses. (翻译:你不会感到乏味: 这并非一组风格雷同的祖先们的画像. )

2. Actually, you saved me from the longest date with the most tedious man. (翻译:其实 你把我从和超级乏味男的 超长约会中解救出来)

3. And one of the most tedious ones, I think, was saying that beauty was about symmetry. (翻译:我想最无趣的说法之一就是 说对称的就是美的)

4. You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season. (翻译:你跟一个不可避免的 而且令人厌恶的季节 一同出现)

5. However, this way of identifying the right tipple turned out to be rather tedious. (翻译:然而,用这种方法去找合适的酒是十分沉闷的。)

6. It's very tedious, but I keep reading material with me all the time. (翻译:过程非常的冗长烦闷 不过我身上总是带着一些读物)

7. Tedious, it's so steep you'd need a piton every metre. (翻译:停顿耗去大量时间,太陡了 几乎每一米就需要一个岩钉)

8. No more tedious work, leaving more time for leisure activities and enjoying the sweet life. (翻译:不必再辛苦工作 空出时闲进行休闲活动 并且享受美好生活)

9. Recently, I went to a friend's long, tedious concert ... (翻译:最近,我去听了一位朋友 冗长而又乏味的音乐会…… )

10. The journey soon became tedious. (翻译:那次旅行不久就变得乏味起来。)

11. "It's going to be a tedious business," said the Badger, sighing. (翻译:“这件事要拖挺久的呢。”獾子班杰叹息着说。)

12. Providence, out of pity for mankind, has instilled a soporific charm into all tedious things. (翻译:老天爷悲悯世人,他在一切沉闷的东西上都施加了催眠般的魔力。)

13. I find it tedious to always stay in the same place. (翻译:钉在一个地方不动真没劲 I find it tedious to always stay in the same place.)

14. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. (翻译:在某种意义上来说,准备食物已经不再是一项单调乏味的工作,至少更容易容忍些。)

15. But truly, for mine own part, if I were as tedious as a king... (翻译:可是说真的,拿我自个儿来说要是我的本领有君王那样大...)

1. 词的意思:tedious意为乏味的、单调的、枯燥的、无聊的。

2. 词性:tedious是形容词。

3. 常用场景:tedious常用于描述时间、工作、活动等的单调乏味,也可形容人物和事物的无趣。

4. 词组搭配:

a tedious job——乏味的工作

a tedious lecture——乏味的讲座

a tedious task——乏味的任务

a tedious journey——枯燥的旅程

become tedious——变得乏味

a tedious routine——单调乏味的日常生活

5. 相关短语:

tedious work——乏味的工作

tedious task——枯燥的任务

tedious process——冗长的过程

tedious routine——单调乏味的日常生活

6. 发音拼写:[ˈtiːdiəs](美式),[ˈtiːdjəs](英式)


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