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invalid address是什么意思 invalid address的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-20 15:52:44
  • 199

invalid address是什么意思 invalid address的中文翻译、读音、例句

invalid address的中文翻译是“无效地址”,读音为[inˈvælɪd ˈædrəs]。


1. Please check your email address again. The address you provided is invalid.(请重新检查您的电子邮件地址。您提供的地址是无效的。)

2. The letter was returned to me because the address was invalid.(这封信因地址无效被退回给我了。)

invalid address在中文中有"无效地址"的意思,其中文解释还有"无效地址"的意思,单词读音音标为[invalidaddress],invalid address来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到36个与invalid address相关的句子。

Invalid address的中文翻译


例句:For example, myfavorite-. bucket. com is invalid. (例如,myfavorite-.bucket.com是无效的。)


invalid address一般作为名词使用,如在invalid receiver address(无效接收器位址)、no address(无位址)、to address([网络] 解决;为了解决;致辞)等常见短语中出现较多。

invalid receiver address无效接收器位址
no address无位址
to address[网络] 解决;为了解决;致辞
with address高明地
established invalid慢性病人,疑难病患者
invalid advice[法] 过期无效通知
invalid argument[计][NT]非法参数
invalid array无效排列
invalid ballot[法] 无效选票
invalid bit[计] 无效位


1. Sometimes we can only explain such things with invalid reasons, such as (翻译:有时我们只可以用 不成立的理由来解释,好像)

2. How did you get this address? (翻译:你怎么得到这个地址的 How did you get this address?)

3. This is an invalid ip address or subnet. The first octet must be less than 224. (翻译:这是一个无效的ip地址或子网。八位数的第一个必须小于224。)

4. The treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified. (翻译:条约没有得到批准,因此被宣布无效。)

5. A will, we believe, is invalid, and we ask for emergency relief. (翻译:我们认为其中一份遗嘱是无效的 我们请求紧急援助)

6. - Got it! Between someone with the address (翻译:邮件 地址写着 Between someone with the address)

7. What happens to invalid form submissions? (翻译:提交无效的表单时会发生什么情况? )

8. When you address me, address me as Master Gregory. (翻译:当你跟我说话时 要叫我格雷戈里老师 When you address me, address me as Master Gregory.)

9. The BINL service received a message from an invalid client. (翻译:BINL服务从一台无效的客户机收到一个消息。)

10. The trial was stopped and the results declared invalid. (翻译:审判被终止了,其结果被宣布无效。)

11. And left no forwarding address. (翻译:且没留下任何转递地址 and left no forwarding address.)

12. Date of birth, July 26, 1976, address... Suite 504, Watergate South, 700 New Hampshire Avenue North West, Washington D.C.? Correct. (翻译:address... Washington D.)

13. Becomes unquestionably invalid. (翻译:就会变得毫无用处 becomes unquestionably invalid.)

14. Get me his parents' address. (翻译:给我找到他父母的地址 Get me his parents address.)

15. A blue Jeep registered to this address. (翻译:A blue Jeep registered to this address.)

1. invalid:表示“无效的,不正确的”意思,通常用于描述某种信息或状态。

2. address:表示“地址”的意思,是指能够唯一确定某个物体在空间中位置的标识。

3. invalid address:表示“无效地址”的意思,通常指在某个程序或系统中使用的地址无确地识别或定位某个物体或数据。

4. 这个词组常用于计算机领域,特别是在程序调试和错误处理时经常出现。

5. 一些常见的词组搭配包括:invalid memory address(无效内存地址)、invalid email address(无效电子邮件地址)、invalid IP address(无效 IP 地址)等。

6. 相关的短语包括 invalid argument(无效参数)、invalid input(无效输入)、invalid operation(无效操作)等。

7. 发音拼写:invalid 读作 /ɪnˈvælɪd/,address 读作 /ˈædres/。

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