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batista是什么意思 batista的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:01
  • 173

batista是什么意思 batista的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:bǎ tí sī tǎ


1. Batista是一位出色的摔角手,他曾经在WWE赛场上大放异彩。

2. 这家公司的创始人叫Batista,他的决策和领导能力一直备受好评。


Chinese translation: Batista

Pronunciation: bǎ tí sī tǎ

Example sentences:

1. Batista is an excellent wrestler who has shone in the WWE arena.

2. The founder of this company is called Batista, and his decision- and leadership skills have always been highly praised.




例句:Fidel Castro was leading a people in a revolution... against President Batista... not that you would know it from this place. (但正带领 反抗当权的巴提斯塔总统 不过在这里 倒是看不出丝毫迹象)


例句:Argentina coach Sergio Batista was no exception at this Copa America. (本届美洲杯,阿根廷主教练巴蒂斯塔也不例外。)


例句:Detective Batista told me and Mr Harmon that you'd made a mistake, that some animal pickup officer was your sole suspect. (告诉过我和Harmon 你们查错人了 说什么动物尸体清理员才是唯一嫌犯)


例句:Batista thinks Ryan is a great guy after meeting him in London, England and is curious to see where his career goes. (翻译:巴蒂斯塔认为吉格斯是一个很棒的家伙会晤后,他在伦敦、英格兰和好奇地想知道他的职业生涯走了。)


batista一般作为名词使用,如在Batista(法 意 巴蒂斯塔 人名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Batista法 意 巴蒂斯塔 人名


1. Detective Batista told me and Mr Harmon that you'd made a mistake, that some animal pickup officer was your sole suspect. (翻译:告诉过我和Harmon 你们查错人了 说什么动物尸体清理员才是唯一嫌犯)

2. Batista thinks Ryan is a great guy after meeting him in London, England and is curious to see where his career goes. (翻译:巴蒂斯塔认为吉格斯是一个很棒的家伙会晤后,他在伦敦、英格兰和好奇地想知道他的职业生涯走了。)

3. That was Batista. They found Speltzer. (翻译:是Batista 他们找到了Speltzer)

4. You helped Batista, just as you help Kwen Sai against the people. (翻译:你们帮助巴蒂斯塔和作对, 就像你们帮助昆赛那样)

5. Segura did confirm Sergio Batista will be in charge for the November 19 friendly against Scotland in Glasgow. (翻译:他确认,11月19日在格拉斯哥对阵苏格兰的友谊赛将由巴蒂斯塔临时指挥。)

6. From then on, Batista began to close his Sierra Maestra barracks, and Fidel was right. (翻译:从那之后 巴蒂斯塔关闭了他的 梅斯特拉山脊区兵营 菲德尔是对的)

7. Indeed, the real purpose of our helicopter trip was to view Mr Batista's latest project, a vast superport north of Rio, built with this customer in mind. (翻译:事实上,此次直升机之旅的真正目的是参观巴蒂斯塔的最新工程,因考虑到这一关键客户而在里约热内卢北部建造的超级港口。)

8. You could hardly live with yourself when you lied to Batista for me. (翻译:-- 你为我欺骗Batista的时候 你根本无法面对自己)

9. Batista, where are we on the Mike Anderson investigation? (翻译:Batista 咱们Mike Anderson的案子进行到哪了?)

10. They wanted to oust Batista with a general strike, and we wanted to overthrow him with an armed struggle. (翻译:他们想以一次总 来把巴蒂斯塔弄... 而我们想以一次武装斗争推翻他)

11. I need you to go with Batista to visit Hannah McKay. - What? (翻译:我需要你跟Batista一起去找Hannah McKay)

12. What if... that ticket out, is worth something to Batista? (翻译:如果... 为了自由 贝斯提达是有些利用价值?)

13. "The oil is all in front of us, " says Mr Batista. "This will be the pre-salt industrial park. " (翻译:“石油就在我们眼前,”巴蒂斯塔表示,“这里将成为一个盐下工业园。”)

14. but also, because of your betrayal, peasants were tortured and murdered by Batista's army. (翻译:由于你们的背叛... 农民们受到巴蒂斯塔的 拷问和残杀)

15. They had no water and now, to cap it all, the troops of Fulgencio Batista were about to fire on them. (翻译:此刻,他们没有淡水,而更糟糕的是,四处都是想消灭他们的巴蒂斯塔军。)

首先需要说明的是,'batista' 可以指代两个不同的词汇,具体解释如下:

1. batista (名词):指的是一种职业,即在教堂里负责洗礼、婚礼、葬礼等活动的牧师助手,有时也可以负责教堂的清洁工作。这个词来自于西班牙语,是“bautista”的变体,这个词的本意是“洗礼者”。


- baptistery (名词,洗礼堂)

- batismal font (名词,洗礼盘)

- batismal gown (名词,洗礼袍)

- assistant batista (名词,助手牧师)


1. The batista is responsible for the baptism of babies in the church.


2. The batista helped the priest hand out communion to the congregation.


2. Batista (名词):指的是一位现已退役的巴西职业摔跤手,其全名为David Michael Batista Jr,曾是世界摔角娱乐公司(WWE)的顶级摔跤明星之一,拥有多项摔角锦标赛的荣誉,也曾出演过多部电影。这个词通常指的是这位摔角手本人。


- Batista Bomb (名词,一种摔角技巧)

- Batista's entrance (名词,巴蒂斯塔的入场方式)

- Batista vs. Cena (名词,巴蒂斯塔和约翰·塞纳的对决)


1. Batista was one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE history.


2. Batista made his acting debut in the movie "The Man with the Iron Fists".


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