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jasmine是什么意思 jasmine的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:38
  • 272

jasmine是什么意思 jasmine的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. I love the sweet fragrance of jasmine in the garden.(我喜欢花园里茉莉的甜香味。)

2. Jasmine tea is my favorite type of tea.(茶是我最喜欢的茶。)

3. The bride's bouquet was made of white jasmine flowers.(新花束是由白色的制成的。)




例句:- Yeah. Me, Jasmine, David and him are gonna hang. Maybe you and Kev? (是啊 我 Jasmine David 还有他会 一起出去转转 要不你和Kev也去?)


例句:Hey, come on, Jasmine, let's not dig at each other, okay? (嘿,来吧,茉莉, 让我们不要挖苦对方,好吗?)


例句:Every time I call on him, he offers me tea; Longjing, jasmine and Wu-long. (每次我去拜访他,他都用茶招待我:龙井,和乌龙。)


例句:The word "jasmine" has been all but banned in the media, as has the flower itself in markets. (翻译:“mlh”一词已经在媒体全面被禁,市场上也不允许出售mlh。)


jasmine一般作为名词使用,如在jasmine aldehyde([化] 素馨醛)、jasmine bouquet(茉莉百花型)、jasmine concrete(茉莉浸膏)等常见短语中出现较多。

jasmine aldehyde[化] 素馨醛
jasmine bouquet茉莉百花型
jasmine concrete茉莉浸膏
jasmine oil[化] 茉莉油; 素馨油\n[医] 茉莉油
jasmine ricen. 【旅】泰国香米\n[网络] 茉莉香米;茉莉米;香米饭
jasmine rices香米
night jasmine夜香树
primrose jasmine云南黄素馨
red jasmine【植物】红鸡蛋花
Spanish jasmine[网络] 素馨花;西班牙茉莉


1. Every time I call on him, he offers me tea; Longjing, jasmine and Wu-long. (翻译:每次我去拜访他,他都用茶招待我:龙井,和乌龙。)

2. The word "jasmine" has been all but banned in the media, as has the flower itself in markets. (翻译:“mlh”一词已经在媒体全面被禁,市场上也不允许出售mlh。)

3. I pick up jasmine flowers every morning and I put them in my bra. (翻译:你看 我每天早上摘些 穿衣服的时候我就把花放在罩里)

4. You have us, and V, and your pushy friend Jasmine and that seems to be enough. (翻译:你有我们 还有你那咄咄逼人的朋友Jasmine)

5. Dude, her name was Jasmine. (翻译:her name was jasmine.)

6. A kitchen garden that smells of herbs in the day... jasmine in the evening. (翻译:白天菜园里飘着药草的香味 到了晚上则是的味道)

7. "Lucky for you he calls at all," said Jasmine. (翻译:Jasmine说:“能有他的唠叨是你的幸运,)

8. Rose, Carrot Seeds, Frankincense, Palmarosa, Jasmine, Bergamot , Neroli, Peppermint, Eucalyptus , Sweet Almond Oil . (翻译:玫瑰、胡萝卜籽、乳香、玫瑰草、茉莉、佛手柑、橙花、薄荷、尤加利、甜杏仁。)

9. A sensuous and lingering floral bouquet of gardenia, tuberose, jasmine and rose. (翻译:像是一束栀子花,晚香玉,,和玫瑰,带给您美丽悠远的花香。)

10. I would pick out a pewter kia, taupe, tasmine, which is combo of taupe and Jasmine. (翻译:我会挑选出一个锡起亚,灰褐色,tasmine, 这是灰褐色和的组合。)

11. For the sweet tooth: How about some jasmine biscotti? (翻译:对于喜欢甜食的朋友:茉莉脆饼怎么样呢? )

12. For Jasmine. She said we would be together forever if - If only Vicki was... (翻译:为了贾丝敏 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}For jasmine. 如果 如果 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}If)

13. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for (STAMMERING) Jasmine. (翻译:女士们先生们 请热烈鼓掌 有请J -J -J)

14. Marty out with that arson thing. (翻译:-谁 {\3cH202020} - Jasmine was there. - Who?)

15. - So we can say that the smell of jasmine Mississippi. (翻译:- 所以我们可以认为 密西西比气味。)



1. 词源来源:Jasmine这个词源于波斯语Jasmin,意思是芬芳或者香气,是一种常见的中东植物。


1. The house was filled with the sweet fragrance of jasmine. (这个房子充满了的香气。)

2. She loves to drink jasmine tea in the morning. (她喜欢在早上喝茶。)

2. 的种类:有很多种类,最常见的是白色或者的,但也有粉色、红色等。


1. The garden is filled with different varieties of jasmine. (花园里种植着各种各样的。)

2. The yellow jasmine is particularly fragrant. (特别香。)

3. 用途:不仅仅是美丽的装饰物,还被广泛应用于化妆品、香水、食品、药物等领域。


1. Jasmine oil is often used in perfumes and cosmetics. (油常被用于香水和化妆品中。)

2. Jasmine tea is a popular drink in many countries. (茶是许多国家流行的饮料。)

4. 文化意义:在一些国家被视为象征爱情、美丽和纯洁,是很多婚礼和其他仪式的重要元素之一。


1. The bride carried a bouquet of jasmine on her wedding day. (新娘在婚礼当天手持一束。)

2. In some cultures, jasmine is associated with love and affection. (在一些文化中,是与爱情和情感联系在一起的。)

5. 艺术作品中的应用:作为艺术品的主题,常常出现在音乐、文学、绘画、雕刻等作品中。


1. The painting featured a vase of jasmine flowers. (画中有一只摆满了的花瓶。)

2. The song was inspired by the beauty and fragrance of jasmine. (这首歌曲的灵感来自于的美丽和芳香。)

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