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notary是什么意思 notary的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 09:28:31
  • 177

notary是什么意思 notary的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. In some countries, a notary is required to witness and certify legal documents.


2. The notary acknowledged the signatures on the contract.


3. I need to find a notary to certify my passport copy.





例句:but , " said the notary , " you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony ? (“但是,”公证人说,“您知道吗,法律是不允许一个儿子的继承权全部被剥夺的?”)


例句:That is true, Notary. Your dog's tail has been cut. So it's not good at seizing. (你的狗的尾巴被切断了,所以它不擅长抓东西)


例句:I worked for the wife of a notary before. Do you care to check that? (我之前为一个公证员的,妻子干活,要去核实吗?)


例句:She's better than Artie in some ways. Plus she's a licensed notary public. (翻译:她在某些地方比亚瑟还厉害 而且,她还是位有执照的公证人)


notary一般作为名词使用,如在digital notary(数位公证人)、latin notary([网络] 拉丁文凭)、notary act([法] 公证行为)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital notary数位公证人
latin notary[网络] 拉丁文凭
notary act[法] 公证行为
notary authority公证机构
notary certification公证者验证
notary office公证处
notary public[经] 公证人
notary publics公证人
notary testament[法] 公证遗属


1. I worked for the wife of a notary before. Do you care to check that? (翻译:我之前为一个公证员的,妻子干活,要去核实吗?)

2. She's better than Artie in some ways. Plus she's a licensed notary public. (翻译:她在某些地方比亚瑟还厉害 而且,她还是位有执照的公证人)

3. As you know, a few years ago, I achieved one of my lesser dreams and became a notary public. (翻译:做了一名公证人 my lesser dreams and became a notary public.)

4. Taken from the National Archives, Rio de Janeiro... 4th Notary Office, book 104... (翻译:来自国家档案馆, 里约热内卢... 第四公证处, 预订104 ...)

5. Then, promise, Mr. Marwan, a notary is on the order of the sacred. (翻译:你也要答应我 马万先生 公证人可是神圣不可侵犯的)

6. For you, I turned down the Assessor, the Count and the Notary. (翻译:为了你,我拒绝了估价员、伯爵,还有会证人)

7. As you know, a few years ago I achieved one of my lesser dreams and became a notary public. (翻译:几年前我实现了其中一个小梦想,做了一名公证人。)

8. A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency . (翻译:第十七条公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证办理。)

9. The notary looked at the count with astonishment. (翻译:那公证人惊异地望着伯爵。)

10. A real notary, and my expert advisor. (翻译:安德瑞塔,杰出的公证人 也是我的技术顾问)

11. You knew he went to his notary, and when you were sure about your inheritance... (翻译:你知道他去找了公证人 你很了解你有那份遗产)

12. Party B may amend commodity information. Party B presents Party A the amendment application only after notarizing and recording all contents of amendment at the Notary Office. (翻译:乙方可以修改商品信息,但应将修改的内容传真至公证处备案后方可向甲方提交修改申请。)

13. And you disinherit your granddaughter, " continued the notary, " Because she has contracted an engagement contrary to your wishes? (翻译:“所以您才不把遗产留给您的孙女儿,”公证人又说,“就是因为她结了一门违背您心愿的亲事,是不是?”)

14. So they sent for the notary and the deed was made, and the Seigneur signed it on the wash-basin. (翻译:于是他们叫来一个公证人,写了一张证明,庄园主就在洗手盆上给证明签了字。)

15. My bank will not pay the commission base on the EDT but base on Hard COPY Notary and must understand. (翻译:我的银行将不支付,但美国东部时间上的硬拷贝公证基地,必须了解佣金基地。)



1. 词义:notary是一个名词,指的是一个公证人,通常被授权来认证文件和文件的签名。

2. 词性:notary是一个名词,没有其他词性变化。

3. 常用场景:notary通常在法律、商业和领域中使用,用来认证文件、签名和证实身份等。

4. 词组搭配:

- Public notary:公共公证人

- Mobile notary:移动公证人

- Notary public seal:公证印章

- Notary services:公证服务

5. 相关短语:

- Sworn notary:宣誓公证人

- Certified notary:认证公证人

- Notary signature:公证签名

- Notary public office:公证办公室

6. 发音拼写:

- 发音:[ˈnoʊtəri]

- 拼写:notary

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