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fsms是什么意思 fsms的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-30 17:49:51
  • 249

fsms是什么意思 fsms的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'fsms'是一种缩写词,代表有限状态机(Finite State Machine)。它是计算机科学中的一种模型,用于描述计算机程序或硬件的行为。

2. 原理:有限状态机是由状态、转移和动作组成。状态指某一时刻系统所处的状态;转移表示改变状态的条件;动作则表示在某一状态下所执行的操作。

3. 应用:有限状态机广泛用于自动化控制、计算机网络、人工智能等领域中。其中最常见的应用是编译器和解析器。

4. 实现:有两种实现有限状态机的方法,一种是使用硬件电路来设计,另一种是使用软件编程语言来实现。常用的软件语言包括C、C++、Java、Python等。

5. 发展:有限状态机理论已经有了很长的发展历史,从最早的自动机模型到现在的广义自动机模型,逐步完善了其功能和应用范围。


1. A finite state machine is a mathematical model of computation that maps an input sequence to an output sequence based on a set of rules.


2. The state diagram of a finite state machine shows the different states that the machine can be in, and the transitions between those states.


3. Finite state machines are commonly used to represent complex systems that can be modeled as a series of states and transitions.


4. The implementation of a finite state machine in software involves defining the states of the machine, the transitions between those states, and the actions to be performed in each state.


5. Finite state machines have been used for decades in a wide variety of applications, and continue to be an important tool for modeling and controlling complex systems.


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