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mjx是什么意思 mjx的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-10 02:10:48
  • 256

mjx是什么意思 mjx的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 我们公司使用了MJX品牌的无人机来拍摄航拍照片。

2. 这款游戏手柄采用了MJX技术,让玩家体验更加流畅。

3. MJX公司是一家专门生产玩具遥控器和无人机的公司。




例句:Fragile-X syndrome, autism. (脆性X综合症、自闭症 Fragile -X syndrome, autism.)


例句:Hi, it's MJ. Sing a song at the beep. Beep! (Hi 我是MJ 听到beep声就唱首歌 Beep)


例句:8x8=64 8x9=72 8x10=80 9x1=9 9x2=18 9x3=27 9x4=36 (八七五十六八八六十四七十二一九得九二九十八 三九二十七四九三十六五九四十五六九五十四)


1. 8x8=64 8x9=72 8x10=80 9x1=9 9x2=18 9x3=27 9x4=36 (翻译:八七五十六八八六十四七十二一九得九二九十八 三九二十七四九三十六五九四十五六九五十四)

2. You could be four Xs, you could be five Xs, you could be XO. (翻译:也可以是四个 X ,或者五个 X。甚至是 XO。)

3. Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10. (翻译:把5x8的再分成5x5和5x3, 我们就能得到10分。)

4. The objective function is named z and equals 3x1 + 2x2. Note that (翻译:目标函数称为 z,它等于 3x1 + 2x2。)

5. So you got MJ over there posting up a small point guard, right? (翻译:你把迈克尔. 乔丹安排在这里 置入一个小角度防守,对吗?)

6. ## The night MJ scored 63 points? (翻译:[The night MJ scored 63 points?)

7. Ultraviolet, X-ray, infrared... (翻译:紫外线光 X光 红外线光... ultraviolet, X)

8. Release a sticky adhesive that deals X% weapon damage and entangles up to X enemies, slowing their movement speed by X% for X seconds. (翻译:释放出一种黏性物质,能够造成X%的武器伤害并且缠绕住X敌人,减慢它们的移动速度达X%,持续X秒。)

9. MJ [Michael Jordan], Penny [Hardaway], Tim Hardaway, even Magic Johnson, Larry Bird. (翻译:乔丹、便士哈达威、蒂姆·哈达威,甚至还有魔术师约翰逊、大鸟伯德。)

10. So, the number you're trying to figure out is the X, so what is X here? (翻译:好 首先我们设要求的数为X 这里X指的是什么)

11. MJ: Well we know India and Pakistan had nuclear energy first, and then they developed nuclear weapons secretly in the factories. (翻译:MJ:我们都知道印度和巴基斯坦拥有核能在前, 然后他们在工厂里偷偷的制造了。)

12. Final Opinion: Good call on 16x10 instead of 16x9 Optoma. (翻译:最后意见:关于16x10答得好,而不是16x9奥。)

13. ## Turn around and hit you with the MJ fade-away ## (翻译:[ Turn around and hityou with the MJ fade -away ])

14. Let’s keep our 1x4 while breaking the 3x4 into a 3x3 and a 3x1. (翻译:让我们留下1x4的长方形, 并且把3x4的分成3x3的和3x1。)

15. The unit for electricity consumption is not understandable. Could express it in kWh or MJ ? (翻译:不能理解电消耗单位,可以用千瓦时或者兆焦耳表达吗?)


1. MJX是一款玩具无人机的品牌缩写,这个品牌的无人机非常受欢迎,因为它们提供了高质量的飞行体验、良好的稳定性和可靠的性能。例如:

- I just got a new MJX drone and I can't wait to take it for a spin.

- The MJX Bugs 6 is an excellent drone for beginners who want to learn how to fly.

- This MJX drone has a built-in camera that takes stunning aerial photos and videos.

2. MJX也可以指代美金指数(Majors Currency Index),是一种衡量美元指数的方法。它是由美元兑换的六种主要货币(英镑、欧元、加拿大元、瑞士法郎、日元和澳大利亚元)组成的。例如:

- The MJX fell sharply today as the euro gained strength against the dollar.

- Investors are closely watching the MJX as a key indicator of the strength of the US economy.

- The MJX has been relatively stable in recent weeks, indicating that currency markets are waiting for more clarity on geopolitical risks.

3. MJX还可以是任何一个组织、机构、人物等的缩写词,具体含义需要根据上下文来判断。例如:

- MJX stands for the Mike Jones Experience, a popular nightclub in downtown Los Angeles.

- MJX is the initials of a famous Chinese actor, Meng Jia Xin.

- The MJX Corporation is a technology company specializing in artificial intelligence and machine learning.


1. The MJX Bugs 4W is one of the best drones for aerial photography.

(MJX Bugs 4W 是拍摄航拍照片的最佳无人机之一。)

2. The MJX Majors Currency Index measures the strength of the US dollar against six major currencies.

(MJX 美金指数衡量美元兑换六种主要货币的强弱。)

3. MJX Entertainment is a new record label that focuses on up-and-coming hip hop artists.

(MJX Entertainment 是一家专注于新晋嘻哈歌手的唱片公司。)

4. Pilots love flying the MJX Bugs 5W because of its excellent stability and ease of use.

(飞行员喜欢驾驶 MJX Bugs 5W,因为它稳定性好,使用简单。)

5. Some investors believe that the MJX is a more accurate measure of the strength of the US dollar than other currency indices.

(一些投资者认为,与其他货币指数相比,MJX 更准确地衡量了美元的强度。)

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