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badmood是什么意思 badmood的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-28 16:17:05
  • 157

badmood是什么意思 badmood的中文翻译、读音、例句

badmood是英语单词,意为“坏情绪”。其读音为[bæd mu:d]。


1. I don't want to talk to him now. I'm in a bad mood.


2. She was in a bad mood after the argument with her boss.





例句:You were in a bad mood when I arrived even before I said anything. (我一来你就情绪不好 甚至在我没说什么之前)


例句:You seem to be in a good mood. You don't find Germans as bad as you expected? (你似乎心情不错 你是不是发现 德国人并不象你原来想的那么坏?)


例句:-He's not in a bad mood, Scoob he's a monster. (-为什么弗情绪那么差? -他并没有情绪差,史酷比... ...他是个妖怪)


1. -He's not in a bad mood, Scoob he's a monster. (翻译:-为什么弗情绪那么差? -他并没有情绪差,史酷比... ...他是个妖怪)

2. The fastest way out of a bad mood: step outside, go for a walk, turn the radio on and dance. (翻译:摆脱坏心情的最快的方法就是: 走出去,散一个步, 打开收音机来跳个舞. )

3. When he was in the mood, listening to feel nice. When a bad mood, listen to what all perturbed. (翻译:心情好的时候,听忐忑挺好听。心情不好的时候,听什么都忐忑。)

4. Look, I know that I've been in a bad mood for the last 20 years. (翻译:我知道我后来脾气特别糟... ...20年了)

5. ♪ That you got it bad ♪ Come on! (翻译:♪That you got it bad♪)

6. Agent Yauch is in the mood for a club sandwich. (翻译:想吃俱乐部三明治有多有趣 Agent Yauch is in the mood for a club sandwich.)

7. "Darling, you give love a bad name, bad name!" (翻译:Darling,you give love a bad name,bad name!)

8. It's bad, the bad always happens (翻译:the bad aIways happens)

9. A series of very bad mistakes happened all at once, but everything is fine now and my mood is good. (翻译:一连串严重的事故发生了 不过一切正常,我精神很好)

10. Let me ask you-- she's in a bad mood, what, two, three days tops? (翻译:我来问问你... ... 她现在情绪不好)

11. Well, someone's in a bad mood. (翻译:谁在乎呢? Who gives a ?)

12. A bad mood has less of a chance of sabotaging my day when I fit in a run. (翻译:当我添加了跑步,坏心情一天的机会就更小。)

13. And before you know it, what used to be a bad mood now takes over and becomes her only mood. (翻译:你还没回过神, 原本的坏情绪 接管成为唯一的情绪)

14. It was so bad. You did it bad, you did it bad. (翻译:太糟糕了,你是,你也是 was so bad, You did bad, you did bad.)

15. - Don't interrupt. - Are you tired, Sebastin, or in a bad mood? (翻译:-你累了吗, 赛巴斯丁, 还是心情不好?)

Badmood是一个常见的缩写词,它是“bad mood”的简称。作为英语老师,我们需要从以下五个方面来展开说明:

1. 定义:Badmood是指一种消极情绪或不良心态,通常表现为情绪低落、易怒或压抑等负面情绪。

2. 产生原因:Badmood通常由许多因素引起,例如个人生活中的压力或挫折、工作或学习中的挑战、家庭矛盾以及健康问题等。

3. 影响:Badmood会对个人的身心健康产生负面影响,例如增加焦虑、抑郁和失眠的风险,影响人际交往和工作表现等。

4. 应对方法:减轻Badmood的最佳方法是寻找有效的应对方法,例如积极的思维模式、良好的睡眠习惯、适量的运动和社交活动等。

5. 避免方法:避免Badmood的最佳方法是预防其产生,例如保持积极心态、定期进行身体检查、学习有效的压力管理技巧等。


1. I'm in a badmood today, everything seems to be going wrong.(我今天心情不好,似乎每件事情都出了问题。)

2. She always gets into a badmood when she's under a lot of stress at work.(她总是在工作压力大的时候心情不好。)

3. Don't let your badmood ruin your day, try to focus on the positive things in your life.(不要让心情不好毁了你的一天,试着关注你生活中的积极事物。)

4. Regular exercise is a great way to improve mood and reduce the risk of badmood.(定期运动是改善心情和减少心情不好风险的好方法。)

5. Talking to a friend or counselor can be helpful when you're feeling stuck in a badmood.(当你陷入心情不好时,与朋友或心理咨询师交谈可能会有所帮助。)

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