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nepenthe是什么意思 nepenthe的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-25 11:08:12
  • 231

nepenthe是什么意思 nepenthe的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The traveler found comfort in the nepenthe that his journey would soon come to an end.(旅行者在忘忧草中找到了安慰,因为他的旅途很快就要结束了。)

2. The old man spoke of the nepenthe of his youth, when the world seemed full of possibilities.(老人谈到了他青年时代的忘忧草,那时候世界充满了可能性。)




例句:The ancient Greeks, when brand-new democracy got too much for them, knew the calming oblivion of eating the lotus or sipping nepenthe. (当古希腊人被新兴的弄得不胜其烦之时,就知道吃睡莲或忘忧草来寻求镇静,忘却烦恼。)


例句:Viewed from a distance, the island of Nepenthe looked like a cloud. (从远处眺望,尼彭西岛就像一朵云。)


例句:On this day, the children of mothers sent a Nepenthe , blessed mother away from trouble and sorrow , mental and physical pleasure , health and longevity. (在这一天,子女为母亲送上一株忘忧草,祝福母亲远离烦恼和忧愁,身心愉悦,健康长寿。)


例句:In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe. (翻译:在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。)


1. On this day, the children of mothers sent a Nepenthe , blessed mother away from trouble and sorrow , mental and physical pleasure , health and longevity. (翻译:在这一天,子女为母亲送上一株忘忧草,祝福母亲远离烦恼和忧愁,身心愉悦,健康长寿。)

2. In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe. (翻译:在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。)

3. Why don't we go to Nepenthe and private our grief tonight? (翻译:为什么我们现在不去忘忧草 和私人今晚我们的悲痛吗?)


1. 词源和含义:Nepenthe来自古希腊文,意思是“遗忘痛苦的药物”。它是指一种能够使人暂时忘却痛苦或愁绪的东西,通常是指酒或药物。

例句:After his wife passed away, he turned to alcohol as a nepenthe to help him forget his pain.(他妻子过世后,他求助于酒精作为nepenthe帮助他忘记痛苦。)

2. 文化和历史:Nepenthe曾在古希腊文学中被提到,例如在荷马史诗《奥德赛》中,赫连的妻子海伦曾给他使用这种药物。此外,这个词也被用来形容某些精神障碍的症状,例如忧郁症和焦虑症。

例句:She was prescribed antidepressants as a nepenthe to help her cope with her depression.(她被开了抗抑郁药作为nepenthe帮助她应对抑郁症。)

3. 形容词和副词:Nepenthe也可以用作形容词或副词,来形容某个人或事物具有舒缓、安抚的效果。

例句: The sound of the ocean waves is often described as nepentheic, helping to soothe and calm people's minds.(海浪的声音常常被形容为nepentheic,有助于缓解和平静人们的心情。)

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