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preach是什么意思 preach的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:33
  • 153

preach是什么意思 preach的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The minister would preach on Sunday mornings.


2. Don't try to preach to me about the importance of being frugal.


3. He would often preach about the evils of drinking.





例句:5,000 people on a remote hillside just to hear him preach -- that was him, not us. (五千人走到遥远的山坡上 5,000 people on a remote hillside 只为听他布道... just to hear him preach...)


例句:We preach against sin, but in God's eyes, we are sinners. (我们布道反对罪恶 但在上帝的眼中 我们就是罪人)


例句:Her delusion is that she must preach from a high mountain, but no one listens. (她的错觉就是她是从高山 来讲道的可没有人听她的)


例句:He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to give sight to the blind. (翻译:他 派我来 医治 心碎 , 鼓吹 解脱 的 俘虏 , 给 盲人重见光明。)


preach一般作为名词、动词使用,如在preach at(唠叨; 说教)、preach to(说教)、preach a funeral(致悼词)等常见短语中出现较多。

preach at唠叨; 说教
preach to说教
preach a funeral致悼词
preach a sermon布道,讲道;说教,劝戒
preach against对…作反宣传
preach down贬损
preach the Gospel布讲福音
preach up宣扬


1. Her delusion is that she must preach from a high mountain, but no one listens. (翻译:她的错觉就是她是从高山 来讲道的可没有人听她的)

2. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to give sight to the blind. (翻译:他 派我来 医治 心碎 , 鼓吹 解脱 的 俘虏 , 给 盲人重见光明。)

3. And a few years ago, I was walking in Tel Aviv and I saw this graffiti on a wall, and I found it so compelling that by now I preach it to my students, and I'd like to try to preach it to you. (翻译:几年前,我走在特拉维夫 我看到这个墙上的涂鸦 我觉得它是如此引人注目 现在我把他宣扬给我的学生 同时我想试着宣传给你们。)

4. And a few years ago, I was walking in Tel Aviv and I saw this graffiti on a wall, and I found it so compelling that by now I preach it to my students, and I'd like to try to preach it to you. (翻译:几年前,我走在特拉维夫 我看到这个墙上的涂鸦 我觉得它是如此引人注目 现在我把他宣扬给我的学生 同时我想试着宣传给你们。)

5. I didn't preach the truth. (翻译:我说的也许不是真理 想跟大家说一下...)

6. Papa, don't preach... 'cause I made up my mind... (翻译:爸爸, 别劝我... 我已经下定决心...)

7. I ll preach it the rest of my life. But let me put a little frosting on the cake. (翻译:我在馀生仍会宣讲这信息,但请容我在蛋糕上放点糖霜。)

8. While you preach peace , you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension . (翻译:你一边宣传和平,一边又干着煽动纷争的营生。)

9. Ministers and members must be willing to risk criticism in order to preach the Laodicean message. (翻译:为要传扬老底嘉的信息,传道人与教友都必须甘愿冒着批评的危险。)

10. As a priest, I must follow Gospel imperatives, the first of which is to preach the truth. (翻译:作为一位牧师 我必须遵从福音的教诲 我首先要做的就是宣扬真理)

11. My father came from Britannia to preach God's word to the Saxons. (翻译:我父亲来自不列颠尼亚 向撒克逊人宣扬上帝的道)

12. But now... everything I see here... contradicts what you preach. (翻译:但现在我在这里的所见所闻 都与你宣称的相反)

13. And they really practice what they preach because this office doesn't have any electric lighting at all. (翻译:他们确实无愧于自己的生意 这间办公室就没有使用一个人工照明。)

14. And this is not the audience to which I'm going to preach to what extent the Internet empowered people. (翻译:我并不是想告诉大家 因特网在多大程度上给了我们力量)

15. My only problem is that you didn't preach that sermon a week ago. (翻译:我的异议只是 一周前你可没对我们如此严厉呀)




1. 词释:'preach'是一个动词,意为“宣讲、鼓吹、布道”。通常用于传道、教导、宣传、鼓舞等方面。

2. 用法说明,通常需要接宾语,表示讲课、教训、传道等行为。'preach to'也是一个固定短语,表示向某人宣讲、传道。

3. 常见用法:'preach'常被用于、道德、伦理等方面的宣讲,比如传教士会在教堂里'preach',家会'preach'自己的政见,教育工作者会'preach'正确的学习和生活方式。

4. 同义替换:'preach'的近义词包括'deliver', 'present', 'propound',还可以用诸如'talk about', 'advocate', 'promote'等词替代。


1. The pastor preached a sermon on forgiveness.(牧师讲了一堂关于宽恕的布道)

2. She preaches love and tolerance everywhere she goes.(她到哪儿都宣讲爱和宽容)

3. The teacher preached the importance of hard work to his students.(老师向学生宣讲了努力工作的重要性)

4. The politician preached the need for a more just society.(家宣传了建立更公正的社会的必要性)

5. The activist preached his message of peace to the crowd.(活动家向人群宣讲他的和平理念)

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