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dogma是什么意思 dogma的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:17
  • 165

dogma是什么意思 dogma的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The church's dogma is that God created the world in six days. (教会的教义是上帝在六天内创造了世界。)

2. She follows the dogma of a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly. (她遵循健康生活方式的教条,定期锻炼。)

3. The political party adheres to a strict dogma that is not open to debate or compromise. (该政党坚守一种严格的教条,不容许辩论或妥协。)

dogma在中文中有"教条 、教条"的意思,在日常中也代表"教理"的意思,单词读音音标为['dɒgmә],dogma来源于英语,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到83个与dogma相关的例句。



例句:If we move from an "intellectual" base, one is forced to admit that all dogma undergoes modification under the exigencies of a given moment. (如果我们从“理智”的基础上醒悟过来,一个必须承认的问题是所有的教条在特定时刻的紧急状态下都经过了修正。)


例句:The story of humans is the story of ideas -- scientific ideas that shine light into dark corners, ideas that we embrace rationally and irrationally, ideas for which we've lived and died and killed and been killed, ideas that have vanished in history, and ideas that have been set in dogma. (人类的历史就是“理念“的历史 — 将启蒙之光照亮黑暗角落的科学理念, 被我们冷静或狂热拥护的理念, 有我们为之而生存、死亡、杀戮,甚至牺牲的理念, 有在历史长河中消逝的理念, 也有被列入教条的理念。)


例句:The truth belongs to every one of you, and does not need to be wrapped in religious dogma. (属于你们每个人,根本就不需要裹上什么的信仰在里面。)


例句:By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! (翻译:借由坚守过时的教条... 来纪念我们这个社会中 经济和社会上的差别!)


dogma一般作为名词使用,如在doctrine and dogma([网络] 教义)等常见短语中出现较多。

doctrine and dogma[网络] 教义


1. The truth belongs to every one of you, and does not need to be wrapped in religious dogma. (翻译:属于你们每个人,根本就不需要裹上什么的信仰在里面。)

2. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! (翻译:借由坚守过时的教条... 来纪念我们这个社会中 经济和社会上的差别!)

3. May I ask you to get all this old and outworn stuff over board, outmoded ideas, dogma, and else. . . (翻译:请问您获得超过董事会的这一切旧的陈腐的东西,过时的观念,教条。)

4. One, they became extremists because they wanted to belong, not because of ideology or dogma. (翻译:第一,他们成为极端主义者的原因 是因为他们想有所归属, 而不是因为什么理论或教义。)

5. Maybe like denying the beauty of life by adhering to repressive and outdated religious dogma. (翻译:就好像否认生命之美 固执坚守过时的,压抑的 教义)

6. "Professor Hawkins Has Promulgated an Official Dogma Binding on All Loyal Hawkinsians That an Asteroid Killed the Dinosaurs." (翻译:Hawkins 教授颁发了一份官方教条 规定所有忠诚的信奉Hawkins的人, 去认识到恐龙是因为小行星撞击地球而灭绝的。”)

7. The story of humans is the story of ideas -- scientific ideas that shine light into dark corners, ideas that we embrace rationally and irrationally, ideas for which we've lived and died and killed and been killed, ideas that have vanished in history, and ideas that have been set in dogma. (翻译:人类的历史就是“理念“的历史 — 将启蒙之光照亮黑暗角落的科学理念, 被我们冷静或狂热拥护的理念, 有我们为之而生存、死亡、杀戮,甚至牺牲的理念, 有在历史长河中消逝的理念, 也有被列入教条的理念。)

8. The official dogma of all Western industrial societies. (翻译:就是整个西方工业社会所笃信不疑的 一个信条。)

9. Because of religious dogma. (翻译:因为教条 {\3cH202020}Because of religious dogma.)

10. Values are acquired; doctrine and dogma are imposed -- the two opposing mechanisms. (翻译:价值观是后天习得的;教条是被灌输的 -- 这两者的本质是相反的。)

11. Well, like most fanatical dogma in America, these ideas come from old Puritan beliefs. (翻译:跟美国的许多狂热信条一样, 这些观念都来自于以前的清。)

12. The Central Dogma of Genomics derives from structural biology. (翻译:这个基因组学的中心法则源于结构生物学。)

13. China's currency regime is now beginning to look more like political dogma rather than sound policy. (翻译:中国的汇率制度如今开始显得更像是信条而不是完善的政策。)

14. Evolution has been dogma for so long that many people consider it a foregone conclusion that life arose by random processes. (翻译:进化了这么长时间,很多人认为这是一个定局,生命的随机过程产生的教条。)

15. One problem, says Mr Kuran, is that religiously-inspired institutions change more slowly than religious dogma. (翻译:Kuran教授说,有一个问题是激发的社会制度的改变要比本身教义的变更来得缓慢。)




1. 词汇定义:dogma是指一种信条或教条,通常是不容置疑的,、、哲学等方面都会用到这个词汇。它是一种被广泛接受的信念、观点或理论。


- He followed the dogma of his religion strictly. 他严格遵循他的信条。

- The company has a dogma of innovation and creativity. 公司有创新和创造的信条。

- The scientific community often es over dogmas and theories. 科学界经常在信条和理论上发生冲突。

- The political party's dogma may not appeal to everyone. 政党的信条无法吸引所有人。

- She questioned the dogma of authority and hierarchy. 她质疑权威和等级制度的信条。

2. 派生形式:dogmatic是dogma的形容词形式,意思是顽固的、教条的、武断的。dogmatism是dogmatic的名词形式,指的是强制推行信条或教条的态度或行为。


- His dogmatic approach to teaching is not appreciated by many students. 他的教条方法不被很多学生所欣赏。

- The politician's dogmatic statements alienated many voters. 家的顽固言论让许多选民不满。

- The scientist's dogmatism led to his rejection of new ideas. 科学家的教条主义导致他否定新的想法。

3. 修辞用法:dogma有时会被用在贬义的修辞中,表示过于武断、不容置疑、缺乏灵活性等。


- The company's dogma prevented it from adapting to changing market conditions. 公司的武断使它无法适应不断变化的市场形势。

- His dogmatic stance on the issue showed a lack of willingness to consider other viewpoints. 他在这个问题上的教条立场表明他缺乏考虑其他观点的意愿。

4. 文化概念:dogma通常与信仰和教义有关,因此与文化和传统有关。在某些文化中,dogma是很重要的,它被视为不可动摇的信仰。


- The Catholic Church has a number of dogmas that are central to the faith. 教会有许多信仰中心的信条。

- Islamic dogma requires Muslims to pray five times a day. 教的教义规定每天要祈祷五次。

5. 与其他单词的关系:dogma经常与doctrine、tenet、creed等其他词汇混淆,它们都有关于信仰、信条和教义的含义。但是,这些单词之间并不完全相同,它们在用法和意义上各有不同。


- The doctrine of the church states that all people are created equal. 教会的教义规定,所有人都是平等的。

- One of the tenets of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. 佛教的信条之一是四圣谛。

- The creed of the business is to provide the best customer service. 企业的信条是提供最好的客户服务。


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