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recap是什么意思 recap的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 08:39:14
  • 899

recap是什么意思 recap的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Let me recap what we've discussed so far.(让我回顾一下我们到目前为止讨论过的内容。)

2. The teacher gave a recap of the lesson at the end of class.(老师在课堂结束时对这节课进行了一次总结。)

3. Can you give me a brief recap of the movie plot?(你能给我简要概括一下电影剧情吗?)


1. 让我回顾一下我们到目前为止讨论过的内容。

2. 老师在课堂结束时对这节课进行了一次总结。

3. 你能给我简要概括一下电影剧情吗?

recap的意思是"翻新 、胎面翻新",还经常被翻译为概述,在线发音:[ri:'kæp],recap是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到32个与recap相关的例句。



例句:To recap, I want to live in some beautiful place outside... a carefree place where I don't have to hide or worry. (简单的说 我想 到外面找一个优美的地方生活 一个无忧无虑的地方那里 我不须躲藏也没有烦恼)


例句:To recap, good snapback but slowing momentum as we proceed through the year. (综上所述,DRAM存储产品业绩会在今年出现良好的回升但是势头慢慢减弱。)


例句:Why don't you just recap for me, at the moment, all the committees that you're currently sitting on? (你何不现在就给我概括一下 所有你目前做了委员的委员会?)


例句:I've digressed a little to explain the situation so far, so let me now recap. (翻译:我刚才稍微离题说明了迄今的情况,现在让我重述一下要点。)


recap一般作为名词、动词使用,如在recap sheet(汇总表)等常见短语中出现较多。

recap sheet汇总表


1. Why don't you just recap for me, at the moment, all the committees that you're currently sitting on? (翻译:你何不现在就给我概括一下 所有你目前做了委员的委员会?)

2. I've digressed a little to explain the situation so far, so let me now recap. (翻译:我刚才稍微离题说明了迄今的情况,现在让我重述一下要点。)

3. So going back to the figures, the seven billion people of the world, now we're going to do a quick recap. (翻译:好,回到这些数字, 全世界70亿人口, 现在我们简单地重述要点。)

4. Let me just recap on what we've decided so far. (翻译:让我来概括一下到目前为止我们所作的决定吧。)

5. I demonstrated data retrieval using db4o's QBE engine last time, but I'll quickly recap here. (翻译:上一次我使用了db4o的QBE引擎演示了数据检索,这里将快速回顾一下。)

6. If you're lost, Dad, let me recap. (翻译:老爸 如果你搞不清楚状况的话 我来简单理一理思路)

7. Neil: To recap. If you want to tell a friend about something funny or surprising that's happened to you, you can introduce it like this. (翻译:来复习一下。假如你想告诉朋友你遇见的一件不平常的事情,你的开场白可以是这样。)

8. A lot of color on that, and recap, and place it on the table, and pick up another marker out of the cup. (翻译:上面有各种颜色了,盖上笔帽,放到桌子上。再从杯子里拿另一支马克笔。)

9. Then she smiled and ran towards the court to recap the routine I had seen overandover again. (翻译:说完她笑了笑,跑向篮球场,又起头我之前见过的一遍又一遍的操练。)

10. I started to do... er... a little recap in my head, and I found out we had nothing. (翻译:我开始在脑子里反复思索着 觉得我们一无所获)

11. Okay, and recap that marker and pick up another marker out of the cup and color in the rooster for me, color in the rooster. (翻译:好的,再用这支笔上色一次, 拿起杯子里的另一支马克笔, 给这只公鸡上色,给这只公鸡上色。)

12. We have a nice recap for you of all the great events taking place downtown in Seattle-- (翻译:We have a nice recap for you of all the great events taking place downtown in Seattle --)

13. If it's obvious they haven't read your resume, recap it briefly, and then tie it to the job you want. (翻译:如果对方显然没有读过你的简历,就简单说一下,然后把话题引到你要应征的工作上。)

14. Getting a solid recap of the panel has proven difficult, so if any new info's come out that we've missed, we'll be sure to let you know. (翻译:捕捉完整充实的重述内容是有点困难的,所以如果有任何已经透露的消息我们遗漏了,我们肯定会让大家知道。)

15. So, to recap: First, eavesdrop. Next, pretend imaginary people are real. (翻译:我来总结一下 第一,偷听;第二,把角色当成真人 )





词组搭配:recap something(对某事进行总结、回顾),recapitulate something(详细重述某事物)。

短语:give a recap(做一份总结),recap on something(对某事物进行回顾),recapitulate on something(详细阐述某事物)。



1. Can you recap what we discussed in the last meeting?

你能不能回顾一下我们上次会议讨论的内容2. Let's have a quick recap of the main points before we move on.


3. The teacher asked the student to recapitulate the story in their own words.


4. I'll give a quick recap of what's been happening so far.


5. The reporter will recap on the highlights of the match at the end of the program.


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