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whiter是什么意思 whiter的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 06:25:33
  • 226

whiter是什么意思 whiter的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She used a special detergent to make her clothes whiter than white.(她使用了一种特殊的洗涤剂,让她的衣服更白)

2. The snow on the mountaintop was whiter than the clouds in the sky.(山顶上的雪比天空中的云更白)

3. The artist added a little white to the paint to make the color look whiter.(艺术家在颜料中加了一点白色,使颜色看起来更白)




例句:The blacks will be blacker and the whites whiter. (黑色将更黑而白色将更白。)


例句:Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. (求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就干净,求你洗涤我,我就比雪更白。)


whiter一般作为形容词使用,如在whiter than white([网络] 比白更白;比白纸还白;比白还白)等常见短语中出现较多。

whiter than white[网络] 比白更白;比白纸还白;比白还白


1. You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better-lit part of this city right now. (翻译:在这个城市的这个区 你找不到一个有更多白人的 更安全的 更好的地方了)

2. You may think that I've cheated, that I've put a little whiter-than-white boundary there. (翻译:你可能觉得我在骗你, 通过放置一些不显眼的边界。)

3. There are some places getting colder and whiter than when humans were here. (翻译:相比人类存在之时,有些地方正变得更加寒冷和苍白)

4. Yet I'll not shed her blood nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow and smooth as monumental alabaster. (翻译:可是我不愿溅她血... ...也不愿毁伤她肌肤,比雪还白的... ...雪花石膏碑还没有这样光润呢)

5. The action often takes place in Rio de Janeiro, where Globo is based, among families which are smaller, whiter and richer than average. (翻译:电视台总部位于里约热内卢。通常电视剧里的情节也设置在这个,相比平均程度而言,家庭比较小,白人较多也较为富裕的城市里。)

6. He was graded whiter than white. Didn't put a foot wrong. (翻译:对波里雅科夫的评级比洗衣粉还白 没必要查)

7. She puts it on, ties a saffron-colored kerchief round her neck, and then the gown looks whiter. (翻译:她穿上它,在脖子上系了一条橘色的头巾,把衣服衬得更白了。)

8. Halogen lamps are bright and illuminates the road ahead pretty well. HID lamps are brighter and whiter and has more street-cred. (翻译:卤素灯照明鲜艳,前面的路很好。藏灯是亮,白,有更多的趋之若鹜。)

9. His face grew whiter and whiter. (翻译:他的面孔渐渐苍白。)

10. See it gradually slowing down, and as the fluid goes in, the heart gets a little whiter, because there's no blood going into it. (翻译:可以看见血流逐渐放缓 流进心脏的液体变白了 因为没有血液进入心脏了)

11. dressed in a delicate white dress, she seemed herself slighter and whiter. (翻译:她穿了一件薄薄的白衣衫,显得她自己更白净,更轻盈了。)

12. Pepsodent's new improved formula cleans teeth whiter than ever. (翻译:Pepsodent 的新改良配方清洁牙齿比以前白.)

13. Cleanse me with hyssop , and I will be clean ; wash me , and I will be whiter than snow . (翻译:求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就干净;求你洗涤我,我就比雪更白。)

14. You want what 's like, because an invigorating autumn climate, the sky bluer whiter clouds. (翻译:你想啥像啥,因为秋高气爽,蓝天更蓝白云更白。)

15. As the years went by, he got taller, whiter, skinnier. (翻译:岁月过去了,他长高了 也变得更苍白更消瘦)








'Whiter'可以用来修饰名词或者作为表语,通常用于比较两者之间的亮度或明亮度的程度。此外,它也可以与一些形容词或者介词连用,如'whiter than'、'whiter shade of'等。


1. 这件衣服比那件更白。

This shirt is whiter than the other one.

2. 她的牙齿比白兔子还要白。

Her teeth are whiter than white rabbits.

3. 墙壁的底漆应该选用白色的,这样颜色更加鲜明,白度也更高。

The primer of the wall should be white, which makes the color more brilliant and whiter.

4. 新房子的墙壁颜色选的是亮白色,显得更加开阔。

The walls of the new house are painted in a whiter shade of white, which looks more spacious.

5. 在海滩上一直沐浴在阳光下,我的皮肤变得比以往更加白皙。

Bathing in the sunshine on the beach, my skin becomes whiter than before.

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