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sani是什么意思 sani的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:02
  • 289

sani是什么意思 sani的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The sani is a traditional form of transportation used by the Navajo people.(sani是纳瓦霍人使用的传统交通方式。)

2. The sani is pulled by horses or donkeys and is often used to transport goods or people across rough terrain.(sani由马或驴拉动,通常用于在崎岖的地形上运输货物或人。)




例句:This is the region where Sani ethnic minority people live also the very place where the legendary story Ashima originated. (这里是撒尼人聚居区,传说中阿诗玛的故乡。)


例句:"The continuous bombing and killing that is going on is a clear indication of the failure of the use of force, " said Sani. (他说:“正不断发生的爆炸和杀戮事件,清楚地表明使用武力对付他们是失败的。”)


例句:He used Libya's oil wealth to support neighboring countries in debt and, Sani says, now looks set to collect on much of that goodwill. (他动用利比亚的石油财富援助负债的邻国。萨尼说,卡扎菲现在要从他释放的善意中开始获得回报了。)


例句:Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival--the Torch Festival. (翻译:在每年农历的六月二十四,撒尼会庆祝他们自己的节日--火把节。)


1. He used Libya's oil wealth to support neighboring countries in debt and, Sani says, now looks set to collect on much of that goodwill. (翻译:他动用利比亚的石油财富援助负债的邻国。萨尼说,卡扎菲现在要从他释放的善意中开始获得回报了。)

2. Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival--the Torch Festival. (翻译:在每年农历的六月二十四,撒尼会庆祝他们自己的节日--火把节。)

3. Last among the girls was Sani, the one with silken voice. (翻译:最后一个女孩叫珊妮,她有一副柔美如绸的嗓音。)

4. Sani has also become the Indian history to be sentenced for fraud in the highest rank of officer. (翻译:撒尼也成为了印军历史上因舞弊案被判刑的军衔最高的军官。)

5. Sani's epic, but also recorded the "Ashima" in pieces. (翻译:撒尼人的史诗,也记载了《阿诗玛》的片断。)

6. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. (翻译:撒尼姑娘擅长纺纱、编织和刺绣。)

7. Sani says the government must now understand that approaching Boko Haram exclusively as a security threat will not end the violence. (翻译:萨尼表示,现在必须明白,仅仅把博科圣地当作一个安全方面的威胁,是无法结束暴力的。)

8. This is the stereotype of the typical African leader that we typically think of: Mobutu Sese Seko from Zaire, Sani Abacha from Nigeria. (翻译:我们一想到非洲国家就会联想到这种典型形象, 他们是这种形象的原型。像扎伊尔的蒙博托·塞塞·塞科, 尼日利亚的萨尼·阿巴查。)

9. The Moli-sani Project is funded by the Pfizer Foundation. (翻译:Moli - sani项目由辉瑞基金会赞助。)



1. 定义:'sani'是一个缩写词,通常指代Sanitation(卫生)。

2. 历史:'sani'一词最早被使用于19世纪,随着城市化和卫生意识的提高,促进了相关技术和政策的发展和实施。

3. 应用范围:'sani'可以用来描述任何与卫生有关的领域,比如卫生设施、卫生保健、卫生标准等。

4. 重要性:卫生不仅关系到个人健康,也关系到公共卫生和环境卫生,因此它是一个至关重要的领域。


1. The government is planning to invest more in sani infrastructure in rural areas.


2. A lack of sani facilities is a major problem in many developing countries.


3. The school has strict sani standards for hygiene and cleanliness.


4. Sani workers play a crucial role in maintaining public health and hygiene.


5. The company has implemented a new sani policy to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.


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