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naming是什么意思 naming的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-04 06:10:10
  • 186

naming是什么意思 naming的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The naming of the new product is still being discussed.


2. Naming your child is an important decision.


3. The naming ceremony of the ship was attended by many dignitaries.





例句:This public naming and shaming is a new tactic. (这次公开点名和羞辱是一个新的战术。)


例句:Debian package naming conventions. (Debian软件包命名约定。)


naming一般作为名词使用,如在naming for(v. 提名为)、hierachy naming([计] 层次型命名法)、logical naming(逻辑命名)等常见短语中出现较多。

naming forv. 提名为
hierachy naming[计] 层次型命名法
logical naming逻辑命名
naming a member[法] 指责某议员
naming afterna. name for 用(别人,别物的名字)命名
naming and shaming[网络] 点名羞辱;点名和令人羞愧;点名和使其蒙羞
naming authority名称机构
naming ceremony[网络] 命名典礼;命名弄L;命名仪式
naming collision[网络] 冲突;名称碰撞


1. When naming to executant, want to reject to name tastelessly, and correct and useless gibberish. (翻译:给执行者命名的时候,要拒绝淡而无味的命名,以及正确而无用的废话。)

2. My journalism is hinged on three basic principles: naming, shaming and jailing. (翻译:我的报导立足于三项基本原则: 揭露罪犯姓名、使其蒙羞、使其入狱 )

3. And so they went on naming dinosaurs because they were different. (翻译:所以当他们发现了与原先不一样的恐龙 还是会不断地给它们取新名字 )

4. CMP Fields and Naming conventions. (翻译:CM p字段和命名约定。)

5. He made a new will just before he died, naming... Widow Winship? (翻译:他临死前立了新遗嘱 受益人是寡妇温希普?)

6. And they ended up naming the company Warby Parker. (翻译:最后他们把公司 命名为“瓦比·帕克”。)

7. But I'm still not naming my baby after you, dov. (翻译:不过我还是不会把我儿子起 和你一样的名的 Dov)

8. I heard they're going to start naming snowstorms like they do with hurricanes. (翻译:我听说他们要开始命名 像他们的暴风雪做的飓风。)

9. For all that pirates are clever clogs, we are unimaginative when it comes to naming things. (翻译:虽然海盗都很聪明 咱们想到的名字都超没创意)

10. No. Not naming my son after a masturbating dog. (翻译:不行,不能让我儿子 和一条的狗同一个名字)

11. So that is possible and this is the principle that naming "Seed Bank" is built upon. (翻译:所以有这种可能 这也是银行这一概念的基础)

12. Define naming context in TDS proxy instance. (翻译:在TDS实例中定义命名上下文。)

13. Paul took a lot of pride in naming that moth, when... (翻译:Paul因为命名那只飞蛾得到了 很多荣誉 这本来...)

14. There's unease in Castile over the naming of the new Grand Master of the Order. (翻译:卡斯蒂利亚有人对新一任圣地亚哥骑士团 教官的任命感到不愉快)

15. The police made an early breakthrough, with an informant naming Smalls as the leader of the gang. (翻译:当一名线人指证斯莫就是帮派头目时,警方的调查有了突破。)



1. Definition:

Naming can refer to the act of giving a name to something or someone, such as a person, an animal, a place, or a thing. It can also refer to the process of identifying or labeling something, such as a file, a folder, or a variable. In computer science, naming conventions are used to standardize the names of files, functions, and cl, so that they are easy to understand and use.


- My parents had a hard time naming me, as they wanted a name that was unique and meaningful.

- The zookeepers named the newborn giraffe after a famous explorer who had a long neck, just like the giraffe.

- The town council decided to give a new name to the park, in honor of a local hero who had fought for environmental protection.

- The programmer used camel case to name his variables, so that they would be easy to read and distinguish from each other.

- The designer followed a strict naming convention for the files of the project, so that they could be easily located and updated.

2. Importance:

Naming is important because it helps us communicate and refer to things in a clear and efficient way. A good name can convey information about the object or person it represents, and can also be memorable, distinctive, and culturally relevant. In the computer science field, naming conventions are crucial for creating consistent, reliable, and maintainable code, as well as for facilitating collaboration between multiple developers.


- The name of a brand can influence its success in the marketplace, as it conveys its values, identity, and target audience. For example, Apple, Nike, and Coca-Cola are iconic brands that have strong and distinctive names.

- The names of characters in a story can enhance their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations, and can also make them more relatable and memorable to readers. For example, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are beloved characters from the Harry Potter series, whose names reflect their traits and roles in the story.

- The names of functions and variables in a program can make it easier to understand and modify the code, as well as to reuse and share it with others. For example, a function that calculates the square root of a number can be named "sqrt", while a variable that stores the user's name can be named "username".

3. Challenges:

Naming can be challenging because it involves balancing multiple factors, such as creativity, clarity, brevity, relevance, and legality. It can also be affected by cultural, linguistic, and personal biases, which can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, or offenses. In addition, naming conventions in computer science can be complex and vary depending on the programming language, framework, or community.


- Choosing baby names can be a daunting task, as parents have to consider factors such as family traditions, meanings, origins, popularity, and unciation. For example, the name "Aiden" became very popular in the US in the 2000s, but has since declined in popularity due to its overuse and association with a certain demographic.

- Naming a business or a product can be a legal and marketing challenge, as it requires avoiding trademark infringement, domain name availability, and semantic es, as well as creating a distinctive and memorable brand. For example, the car brand Tesla was named after the inventor and physicist Nikola Tesla, who embodied the innovative and visionary spirit of the company.

- Naming variables and functions in programming can be a tedious and technical task, as it involves following conventions such as camel case, snake case, or Pascal case, as well as avoiding reserved keywords, ambiguous names, and redundant prefixes or suffixes. For example, a function that sorts an array can be named "sort", while a variable that stores a boolean value can be named "is_valid".

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