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macaulay culkin是什么意思 macaulay culkin的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:13
  • 171

macaulay culkin是什么意思 macaulay culkin的中文翻译、读音、例句

Macaulay Culkin是美国一位知名的演员,他主要因在电影《小鬼当家》(Home Alone)中饰演主角凯文而广受欢迎。


读音:məˈkɔːli ˈkʌlkɪn


1. Macaulay Culkin became famous for his role in Home Alone.


2. Macaulay Culkin retired from acting for a while, but he recently returned to the big screen.


macaulay culkin在中文中有"网络、麦考利·克尔金"的意思,作为名词时有"麦考利克金"的意思,在线发音:[macaulayculkin],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到39个与macaulay culkin相关的例句。

Macaulay culkin的中文翻译


例句:Karen was not on her own, as this 2006 post from Jennifer Macaulay reminds us. (Karen并不是一个人,JenniferMacaulay在2006年的这篇博客提醒了我们这一点。)


例句:Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky. (麦考利·卡尔金的银幕初吻来自于忸怩作态的11岁童星安娜·克鲁姆斯基。)


例句:Well, I'm Elizabeth Imbrie and this is Mr. Macaulay Connor. (哦,我是伊丽莎白・英布利, 这位是迈克・肯那)


例句:Katharine Hepburn's character, Tracy Lord, is talking with her new friend, Macaulay Connor, a writer. (翻译:凯瑟琳赫本的性格,特雷西主,正在与她的新朋友,一个作家,麦考康纳。)


macaulay culkin一般作为名词使用,如在culkin(卡尔金 姓氏)、Macaulay(麦考利(姓氏))、Lord Macaulay([网络] 麦考利勋爵;麦考莱;麦考利勋爵)等常见短语中出现较多。

culkin卡尔金 姓氏
Lord Macaulay[网络] 麦考利勋爵;麦考莱;麦考利勋爵
Macaulay Duration麦考莱存续期间
Thomas Macaulay[网络] 麦考利;英国历史学家麦考莱;托马斯·麦考莱
First Baron Macaulay[网络] 第一个利男爵
George Macaulay Trevelyan[网络] 乔治Macaulay Trevelyan
george macaulay trevelyans[网络] 乔治Macaulay Trevelyan\n(george macaulay trevelyan 的复数)
Macaulay's formula麦考利公式


1. Well, I'm Elizabeth Imbrie and this is Mr. Macaulay Connor. (翻译:哦,我是伊丽莎白・英布利, 这位是迈克・肯那)

2. Katharine Hepburn's character, Tracy Lord, is talking with her new friend, Macaulay Connor, a writer. (翻译:凯瑟琳赫本的性格,特雷西主,正在与她的新朋友,一个作家,麦考康纳。)

://www.ted.com/talks/david_macaulay_s_rome_antics.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/david_macaulay_s_rome_antics.html)

4. By crazy ads, where the customer Eslite fire, MacAulay forest is also in the 2010 hit the United States listed Bell on the NASDAQ. (翻译:靠疯狂的广告投放,凡客诚品火了,麦考林也在2010年撞响了美国纳斯达克的上市钟声。)

5. After receiving death threats Mr Macaulay fled to Britain, from where he now preaches via YouTube. (翻译:在接到死亡威胁后,麦考雷逃到了英国。如今麦考雷在英国通过YouTube视频网站向信众们传教。)

6. Mama, this is Miss Imbrie of Duluth and the young man she goes with at SPY magazine, Mr. Mike Macaulay Connor. (翻译:和她一起从侦探杂志社来的这位年轻人, 是迈克・麦考利・肯那先生)

7. With Mel Gibson and Rory Culkin, and Abigail Breslin? (翻译:梅尔·吉布森, 罗瑞·卡尔金和阿比盖尔·布蕾斯琳出演的?)

8. Many of the children that Jackson has befriended, including Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin have been questioned by police and have testified that their relationship was perfectly innocent. (翻译:许多与Jackson成为朋友的孩子,包括《小鬼当家》的主角麦考利金,都接受了警方的询问并证实了他们之间的关系完全是清白的。)

9. I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up. (翻译:我想Xixi和Macaulay会是理想的一对,我们来撮合他们吧。)

10. And Britain had become too insignificant to provide the subject of a grand narrative of progress in the style of Macaulay. (翻译:而且英国已经成为一个太过平凡的国度,无法提供关于进步发展的、麦考莱风格一样的宏大叙事主题。)

Macaulay Culkin是一位著名的美国演员。他的名字是由父母的姓氏Macaulay和Culkin组合而成。

作为名词,Macaulay Culkin指的是这位演员本人。

作为名词,Macaulay Culkin的常用场景是在电影、电视节目、新闻报道等娱乐界相关的场合中。

作为名词,Macaulay Culkin的词组搭配包括:“Macaulay Culkin出演的电影”、“Macaulay Culkin的新闻报道”、“Macaulay Culkin的演艺生涯”等。

除了Macaulay Culkin这个名字外,还有一些相关的短语,例如“Home Alone”(《小鬼留家》)——这是他最为著名的电影之一,“child star”(童星)等。

在发音拼写方面,Macaulay Culkin的读音为/ˈmækəleɪ ˈkʌlkɪn/,拼写为Macaulay Culkin。

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