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planetary是什么意思 planetary的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-02 13:58:18
  • 202

planetary是什么意思 planetary的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The planetary system includes eight planets.


2. The spacecraft will study the geological features of the planetary suce.





例句:Johannes Kepler is the person that figured out the laws of planetary motion. (约翰内斯·开普勒 他发现了行星的运动规律。)


例句:So soon we will have people on Mars, and we truly will be multi-planetary. (所以不久,我们将有人生活在火星, 那时我们就是真的多星球人了。)


例句:Feed accuracy controlled by Japan YASKAWA servo motor with precise planetary reducer. (由日本安川伺服马达配高精密行星伺服减速机控制送料精度。)

4.行星的 、现世的

例句:This is an actual group of people that sit around naming planetary objects. (翻译:这一群人坐在一起 讨论怎么给行星起名字。)


planetary一般作为形容词使用,如在inter planetary(adj. 太阳系内的;行星间的)、planetary aberration(行星光行差)、planetary aberrations(planetary aberration\n【光学】行星光行差)等常见短语中出现较多。

inter planetaryadj. 太阳系内的;行星间的
planetary aberration行星光行差
planetary aberrationsplanetary aberration\n【光学】行星光行差
planetary airglow[天物] 行星气辉
Planetary albedo行星反照率
planetary astronomy行星天文
planetary atmosphere行星雾围
planetary beater行星式搅拌器
planetary bodies[网络] 短幅外摆线齿形


1. Feed accuracy controlled by Japan YASKAWA servo motor with precise planetary reducer. (翻译:由日本安川伺服马达配高精密行星伺服减速机控制送料精度。)

2. This is an actual group of people that sit around naming planetary objects. (翻译:这一群人坐在一起 讨论怎么给行星起名字。)

3. There's actually a little read out down there of our planetary atmosphere, pressure and temperature. (翻译:这有一些关于我们这个星球的大气环境的指数, 包括气压,温度。)

4. The High Command has very specific protocols regarding planetary conflicts. (翻译:最高指挥部对如何应付行星内冲突 有很明确的准则)

5. My clients believe that Ojai is a planetary chakra. (翻译:我的客户认为奥哈伊是这个星球受神祗庇护的七轮之一)

6. But the goals of interplanetary exploration and planetary preservation are not opposed to one another. (翻译:然而,事实上星际探索和 保护星球这两个目标 并不互相矛盾。)

7. PAO seeks to encourage the formation of PAGs and their interaction within the Planetary Activation family. (翻译:行星激活组织鼓励小组的建立及其与星际家庭的联系。)

8. The answer, of course, are Planetary Resources. (翻译:我们需要什么来生存? 答案当然是 这个地球上的资源)

9. Listen up, planetary defense team. (翻译:听好了 星球保护小队 Listen up, planetary defense team.)

10. L the Ring nebula in Lyra is the best-known of the planetary nebulae. (翻译:l天琴座中的环状星云是最著名的行星状星云。)

11. You look at some of the planetary environments out there, and that is not gonna happen. (翻译:你看某些行星环境 外面的 那是不会发生的)

12. John Westfall is the science editor for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers. (翻译:约翰·威斯特·福尔是月球与行星观察者联盟的科学版编辑。)

13. What we are trying to do is trace the entire history of planetary formation from a gaseous disc, into a debris disc, into a planetary disc. (翻译:我们正试图追踪行星从气态盘到尘埃盘到行星盘而形成的整个历史。)

14. We cannot expand anymore, because it erodes the planetary boundaries. (翻译:我们不能再扩张了, 因为已经侵蚀到地球界限了。)

15. We are changing our perspective to become multi-planetary. (翻译:我们正在改变原有的观点, 逐渐适应多星球生活。)





词组搭配:planetary system(行星系),planetary gear(行星齿轮),planetary nebula(行星状星云),planetary alignment(行星排列),planetary motion(行星运动)




1. Scientists have discovered a new planetary system orbiting a star similar to our Sun.

2. The planetary gear mechanism is widely used in industrial machines.

3. The Hubble Space Telescope captured stunning images of a planetary nebula.

4. The planetary alignment caused a high tide in the ocean.

5. The book discusses the history of planetary motion.


1. 科学家们发现了一个绕着一个类似太阳的恒星的新行星系统。

2. 行星齿轮机构在工业机器中被广泛应用。

3. 哈勃太空望远镜捕捉到了行星状星云的惊人图像。

4. 行星排列引发了大洋涨潮。

5. 这本书讨论了行星运动的历史。

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