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mak是什么意思 mak的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:21
  • 245

mak是什么意思 mak的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She can mak a delicious cake.(她能做出美味的蛋糕。)

2. The company is planning to mak a new product.(公司正在计划制造一款新产品。)

3. He always knows how to mak people laugh.(他总是知道如何让人们发笑。)




例句:Mrs. Mak began planning McDull's... future even before he was born (其实早在麦兜没出世之前 麦太就已经为他做好了准备)


例句:If you're so interested in Little Mak, I'll bring him along next time. (你要是对小麦那么感兴趣 那下回吃饭,我带他一起过来!)


例句:The ΑTM was another contraption of Mak-zi aka McFat (自动提款机也是麦子 名兜 字仲肥 他发明的)


例句:Out of the blue, Mrs. Mak is suddenly overcome by... a feeling of being bullied (翻译:麦太突然感到一种 不知道是被谁 反正就是被人欺负的感受)


mak一般作为名词使用,如在mak nyahs([网络] 女性化者)、mak'ob([网络] 妈妈)、mak'st([网络] 马克斯特)等常见短语中出现较多。

mak nyahs[网络] 女性化者
mak'ob[网络] 妈妈
mak'st[网络] 马克斯特
eurya marginata mak滨柃
gynura japonica mak土三七(图考)
mak friends againvt. 言归于好(重修旧好)
dicliptera japonica mak.接骨草;土细草;黑叶草(日本)
drymotaenium miyoshianum mak.二条线蕨;丝带蕨
epipactis sayekiana mak.海岸柿兰


1. The ΑTM was another contraption of Mak-zi aka McFat (翻译:自动提款机也是麦子 名兜 字仲肥 他发明的)

2. Out of the blue, Mrs. Mak is suddenly overcome by... a feeling of being bullied (翻译:麦太突然感到一种 不知道是被谁 反正就是被人欺负的感受)

3. Little Mak is away in Singapore... so his friends came over to keep me company. (翻译:哦,小麦他不在,去了新加坡 所以他那一帮朋友都过来陪陪我 怕我无聊嘛)

4. Mak-Fest in Stip and the Skopje Festival are the two best-known festivals of popular music in Macedonia. (翻译:Mak-FestinStip和theSkopjeFestival是马其顿流行音乐中最有名的盛会。)

5. If you think this changes the MAK file, you are right. (翻译:如果您认为该函数改变了MAK文件,那么您是对的。)

6. Mak Tai Tai was just telling us about a real Shanghai restaurant here. (翻译:麦太太刚才说 香港有一家特别好的上海餐馆)

7. Sir, perhaps together... the Mak'tar chant of strength, Larak tarath. (翻译:先生,也许我们一起... 来点马克他赞美勇气的圣歌: Larak tarath.)

8. Along with his wife, Alice Mak, he created the cartoon characters McMug and McDull. (翻译:他和妻子麦家碧一起创作了卡通形象麦唛和麦兜。)

9. Wong Chia Chi carries herself every bit like Mak Tai Tai, and not an agent. (翻译:王佳芝的优点 就在于她只当自己是麦太太 不是弄情报的)

10. W had to wash dishes, mak bds, larn to cook and all sorts of curl things. (翻译:我们得洗盘子、展床、学习做饭以及做其他各种各样痛苦的事情。)

11. They say Mak-Zi invented yawning belching and sitting (翻译:据说 打呵欠是麦子发明的 他还发明了打马虎眼和打大腿)

12. Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson33, to mak eone paragraph. 33 (翻译:完整回答以下关于第33课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。)

13. The waiter stuffed the card in Mak-Zi's mouth and tapped on... his acupressure points (翻译:店小二把卡塞到麦子的嘴里边 然后再嘟 嘟 嘟 嘟 摁了他几个穴位)

14. At the end of her ropes, Mrs. Mak wracks her brain for another idea (翻译:用尽 麦太于是又很快很快的顿悟别的东西)

15. You can buy a lot like stocks, " says marketing manager, Akei Mak." (翻译:买很多存起来。” 营销经理Akei Mak说。)



1. 意释:

'mak' 是一种缩写词,可以表示多种意思。常见的意思包括:make(制造、做)、mark(标记、注明)、mask(掩盖、遮盖)、marketing(营销)、maximum(最大值)等。

2. 用法说明:

'mak' 可以作为独立的单词出现,也可以作为其他单词的缩写形式出现。需要根据上下文来确定具体的含义。

3. 例句:

1. Make 英文例句:

(1) She made a delicious cake for the party.

(2) He's trying to make a good impression on his new boss.

(3) They will make a big announcement at the press conference.

(4) I'm going to make a salad for dinner tonight.

(5) Can you make me a new key for the front door?


(1) 她为聚会做了一块美味的蛋糕。

(2) 他正在试图给他的新老板留下好印象。

(3) 他们将在新闻发布会上做出重大宣布。

(4) 我今晚要做沙拉。

(5) 你能给我做一把新钥匙吗2. Mark 英文例句:

(1) Please mark the correct answer with a tick.

(2) The teacher marked the students' homework.

(3) They put a mark on the tree so they could find it again.

(4) She marked the date of the meeting in her calendar.

(5) He always marks his books with his name and class.


(1) 请用勾号标记正确答案。

(2) 老师批改了学生的家庭作业。

(3) 他们在树上打了个记号,以便再次找到它。

(4) 她在日历上标记了会议日期。

(5) 他总是在书上打上自己的名字和班级。

3. Mask 英文例句:

(1) She tried to mask her disappointment with a smile.

(2) He used a mask to protect his face from the dust.

(3) The dark clouds masked the sun.

(4) The spy tried to mask his identity.

(5) They used a tarpaulin to mask the broken window.


(1) 她试图用微笑掩盖自己的失望。

(2) 他用面罩保护脸部免受灰尘的侵害。

(3) 黑云遮挡了阳光。

(4) 间谍试图掩盖自己的身份。

(5) 他们用防水帆布蒙住了破损的窗户。

4. Marketing 英文例句:

(1) The company's new marketing strategy is working well.

(2) He has a degree in marketing from a top university.

(3) They spent a lot of money on marketing the new product.

(4) The marketing team is working on a new advertising campaign.

(5) They hired a marketing consultant to help them improve sales.


(1) 公司的新营销策略运作良好。

(2) 他拥有一所顶尖大学的市场营销学位。

(3) 他们在新产品营销上花了很多钱。

(4) 营销团队正在策划一场新的广告宣传活动。

(5) 他们聘请了一个营销顾问来帮助他们提高销售量。

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