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tees是什么意思 tees的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:17
  • 234

tees是什么意思 tees的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. I prefer wearing tees and jeans on weekends.


2. The store has a wide variety of graphic tees.





例句:A $3 donation will be made to our anti-bullying fund with each purchase of one of our super, super cute tees. (每买一件我们的超可爱T恤 A $3 donation will be made to our anti -bullying fund 就会给我们的反校园欺凌基金捐款3美元 with each purchase of one of our super, super cute tees.)


例句:They also had two afghans, two reflective emergency blankets, and a bag of dog food for Medusa, their basenji mix. A suitcase held jeans, sweatshirts, and tees. (另外还有2张阿富汗毛毯,两条紧急求救用的反光毯子,一袋为巴辛吉混血狗梅杜莎准备的狗食,一箱衣服,装有牛仔、羊毛衫和T恤等。)


tees一般作为名词使用,如在football tees([网络] 足球三通\n(football tee 的复数))、golf tees(高尔夫球钉)、Tees Bay([地名] 蒂斯湾 ( 英 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

football tees[网络] 足球三通\n(football tee 的复数)
golf tees高尔夫球钉
Tees Bay[地名] 蒂斯湾 ( 英 )
tees offna. 从球座发球;开始;痛骂 触怒
tees upun. 放在球座上
union tees连接丁字管;[机] 活接三通
wind tees丁字风向标;丁字风向指示器


1. Mobile technologies such as EVDO and HSPA provide wide area coverage with consistent bandwidth guaran - tees; while technologies like WiFi provide high band - width and low latency. (翻译:诸如EVDO和HSPA这样的移动技术能够利用协调的有保证的带宽提供宽的覆盖范围;而想WIFI这样的技术提供高的带宽和低的等待时间。)

2. -I'm gonna need some tees. (翻译:现在还早, 如果快点,少说废话... ...)

3. "Higher Sutton Farm, Wellaby on Tees?" Is this your address, David? (翻译:上苏顿农场,提兹河上的维勒比。这是你的地址吗,戴维?)

4. The guys all wore pressed Dickies khaki pants, white tees, and hi-top white Chuck Taylors. (翻译:他们都穿着熨平的迪斯基卡其裤,白T恤,白色查泰勒运动鞋。)

5. It won't give you back fat even in skinny fitted tees and there's absolutely no metal or stitching to irritate. (翻译:甚至它极细的T型部分也不会显出你的赘肉,而且绝对没有令你过敏的金属或针脚。)

6. Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne. (翻译:流入北海的重要河流是:泰晤士,亨伯,蒂斯,泰恩。)

7. This spectacular golf course commences with a solid par 4 that tees off from an elevated position, across water to a wide landing area. (翻译:该球场以实心4杆开始,球从高位击出,跨过水面,到达开阔的落地区域,效果蔚为壮观。)

8. Well, I think we ordered too many of our cupcake tees. (翻译:这儿没穿过的衣服 There are more unworn shirts here)

9. The book tees off with a discussion of bitterness. (翻译:那本书以关于悲痛的讨论作开头。)

10. Mobile technologies such as EVDO and HSPA provide wide area coverage with consistent bandwidth guaran- tees; (翻译:诸如EVDO和HSPA这样的移动技术能够利用协调的有保证的带宽提供宽的覆盖范围;)



1. 含义和用途:Tees 可以指T恤衫(T-shirts),也可以是高尔夫球场上的球座(Golf tees)或者是用于建筑或制造业的T型连接件。这个单词或缩写词可以用于日常生活,体育运动或工业制造等领域。


- I love wearing tees in the summer.

- He put the ball on the tee and got ready to swing.

- The engineers used tees to connect the pipes together.

2. 发音和拼写:Tees 的发音为 /tiːz/,拼写为 T-e-e-s。这个单词的拼写比较简单,但是需要注意区分与其他单词的拼写不同(如 tease)。


- How do you spell "tees"?

- The word "tees" is ounced with a long "e" sound.

3. 词性和复数形式:Tees 是一个名词,它的复数形式为 T-shirts 或 tees,取决于使用场合和语境。


- I have a few new T-shirts that I bought last week.

- She has a collection of tees with different logos and designs.

4. 搭配和用法:Tees 可以作为主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语等,也可以与其他词汇搭配使用,如 T-shirt size, golf tees, tee connector 等。


- I like to wear comfortable tees when I'm at home.

- He always uses wooden tees when he plays golf.

- The tee connector is used to join two pipes together.

5. 常见表达和俚语:Tees 这个单词或缩写词还可以用于一些俚语或常见表达中,如 tee up(准备好)或 tee off(开始)。


- He teed up the ball and took a swing.

- Let's tee off the meeting with a brief introduction.

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