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ttl是什么意思 ttl的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:35:04
  • 183

ttl是什么意思 ttl的中文翻译、读音、例句

中文翻译:生存时间(Time To Live)



1. 协议规定,IP数据包的生存时间不得超过TTL值。

The protocol stipulates that the Time To Live value of an IP packet should not exceed its TTL value.

2. TTL为0时,数据包将被丢弃。

When the TTL is 0, the packet will be discarded.




例句:This manostat can serve as a TTL circuit or MCU circuitry of power sources. (本稳压电源可作为TTL电路或单片机电路的电源。)


例句:The site's Russian name server uses a low TTL so your computer constantly queries the name server's record. (现在这个俄罗斯域名主机 缩短封包存活时间 让你的电脑随时更新记录)


例句:The IP addresses match, but there are big discrepancies in the TTL values, and the headers are failing to authenticate. (IP地址没有问题 但TTL值完全不对 数据头也无法通过验证)


例句:"Back in the 70s when I first got involved in computers and electronics, TTL chips were what people used, so that's what I turned to, " said Mr Buzbee. (翻译:巴兹比说:“回顾70年代,当我刚刚接触计算机和电子器件的时候,人们使用的就是TTL芯片,所以我也开始研究它们。” )


ttl一般作为名词使用,如在TTL([计] 晶体管晶体管逻辑电路)、TTL circuit([计] 晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路)、TTL compatibility(TTL 兼容性)等常见短语中出现较多。

TTL[计] 晶体管晶体管逻辑电路
TTL circuit[计] 晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路
TTL compatibilityTTL 兼容性
TTL meter【摄影学】 = through-the-lens meter
TTL monitorTTL 监视器
ttl technologyTTL技术
low voltage TTL低电压晶体管晶 体管逻辑


1. The IP addresses match, but there are big discrepancies in the TTL values, and the headers are failing to authenticate. (翻译:IP地址没有问题 但TTL值完全不对 数据头也无法通过验证)

2. "Back in the 70s when I first got involved in computers and electronics, TTL chips were what people used, so that's what I turned to, " said Mr Buzbee. (翻译:巴兹比说:“回顾70年代,当我刚刚接触计算机和电子器件的时候,人们使用的就是TTL芯片,所以我也开始研究它们。” )

3. The TTL defines the number of times nodes can forward a packet as it travels between its source and destination. (翻译:TTL定义数据包在源和目标之间传输时,节点可以转发该数据包的次数。)

4. characterize binary signals in terms of: input levels, output levels, and "noise margins" , specifically using the TTL specification. (翻译:使用TTL格规描述二进制信号依据︰输入准位,输出准位,及“噪声极限”。)

5. Canon's E-TTL II even measures the distance to the main subject and that also becomes part of the evaluation taking place. (翻译:佳能的E-TTLII甚至可以测出相机和主要被摄对象间的距离并将此作为测光的考虑因素之一。)

6. This manostat can serve as a TTL circuit or MCU circuitry of power sources. (翻译:本稳压电源可作为TTL电路或单片机电路的电源。)

7. The output stage can switch 20 mA over the full frequency response range of the sensor, and is compatible with TTL and CMOS logic circuits. (翻译:输出级可在传感器全频率响应范围内达到20mA,且与TTL和CMOS逻辑电路兼容。)

8. The optional objects are: language, copyright, managingEditor, webMaster, pubDate, lastBuildDate, category, generator, docs, cloud, ttl, image, rating, textInput, skipHours, and skipDays. (翻译:可选对象是:language, copyright、managingEditor, webMaster、pubDate, lastBuildDate、category, generator、docs、cloud、ttl、image、rating、textInput、skipHours 和 skipDays。)

9. If the message's TTL had already expired at this point, then the message may appear in the sender's Dead Letter Queue. (翻译:如果此时消息的TTL已过期,则此消息就会出现发送端的死信队列中。)

10. The TTL element defines the number of seconds that the response is valid. (翻译:TTL元素定义了响应有效的秒数。)

1. 定义及用途方面

- TTL是英文“Time To Live”的缩写,通常用于计算机网络中,表示某个数据包可以穿过多少跳(hop)路由器后失效。

- TTL还可以用于其他领域,如生物学中的细胞存活时间等。

- 除了TTL,还有类似的缩写词,如TTF(Time To Failure)、TTS(Time To Service)等。


1. The TTL for this packet is set to 64.

2. The TTL on this job offer is two weeks.

3. The TTL of red blood cells is about 120 days.

4. It's important to monitor the TTL of your company's products.

5. The manufacturer claims a TTL of 10,000 hours for this light bulb.

2. 技术方面

- TTL是一种二进制逻辑家族,由门电路、触发器等组成,广泛应用于数字电路设计领域。

- TTL电路的主要优点是速度快、功耗低、可靠性高等。

- TTL电路还有多种变种,如LS-TTL(Low-power Schottky TTL)、HCT-TTL(High-speed CMOS TTL)等。


1. The TTL gate provides a logical 1 output when both inputs are logical 0.

2. The TTL IC is widely used in microprocessor systems.

3. The LS-TTL family is known for its low power consumption.

4. HCT-TTL offers faster switching speeds than regular TTL.

5. TTL logic can be cascaded to form complex circuits.

3. 艺术设计方面

- TTL也可以是艺术和设计领域的缩写,代表“Through The Lens”或“Through The Looking-glass”。

- Through The Lens通常指摄影师通过相机的镜头来观察拍摄对象,以及用镜头来表达自己的视觉风格。

- Through The Looking-glass则源自于Lewis Carroll的小说《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的一个场景,意为“通过镜子看到另一种世界”。


1. The TTL approach to photography emphasizes composition and lighting.

2. The TTL exhibit showcases the work of emerging photographers.

3. The photographer's unique TTL style is evident in all their work.

4. The TTL technique adds depth and dimension to the image.

5. The TTL theme for the art show is "Reflections".

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