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malleable是什么意思 malleable的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:04
  • 160

malleable是什么意思 malleable的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Gold is a malleable metal that can be hammered into different shapes.


2. The clay is malleable when wet, but becomes rigid when dry.


3. His opinion is not fixed and is rather malleable depending on the situation.





例句:Software appears not to have these same types of natural limits, but to be infinitely flexible and malleable. (软件好像不仅不会受到这些自然规律的限制,而且灵活性和延展性近乎无限。)


例句:So to summarize, we find the old mouse, and its brain in particular, are malleable. (总结一下, 我们发现这只老年老鼠, 准确地说是它的大脑,是可以改变的。)


例句:A hard malleable ductile silvery element that is resistant to corrosion used in alloys occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite. (一种硬而软的元素可锻造抗腐蚀用于合金中见于硫镍铁矿砷钴矿硅镁镍矿针镍矿中。)


例句:My views are malleable. I change easily. (翻译:我含糊其辞,人云亦云只以最新报纸为准 My views are malleable.)


malleable一般作为形容词使用,如在ferritic malleable(铁素体可锻铸铁)、malleable anneal(可锻化退火)、malleable annealing(un. 可锻铸铁退火)等常见短语中出现较多。

ferritic malleable铁素体可锻铸铁
malleable anneal可锻化退火
malleable annealingun. 可锻铸铁退火
malleable brass芒茨合金;孟滋合金
malleable capital可延展的资本
malleable casting韧性铸件,可锻铸件,展性铸件
malleable castings展性铸件
malleable castiron韧性铸铁, 可锻铸铁
malleable copper韧性铜


1. A hard malleable ductile silvery element that is resistant to corrosion used in alloys occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite. (翻译:一种硬而软的元素可锻造抗腐蚀用于合金中见于硫镍铁矿砷钴矿硅镁镍矿针镍矿中。)

2. My views are malleable. I change easily. (翻译:我含糊其辞,人云亦云只以最新报纸为准 My views are malleable.)

3. Vinyl, or roto-cast vinyl is actually a very malleable material. (翻译:乙烯基塑料,也称搪胶塑料实际上是一种可塑性强的材料。)

4. Onara appointed Giddean Danu as Lenoan's replacement, erroneously thinking him to be a malleable political figurehead. (翻译:奥娜拉指定吉迪安·达纽接替勒诺昂。她误以为达纽会成为一名顺从的傀儡。)

5. We went in there thinking, "We're ultimately, completely malleable. You're going to tell us. (翻译:我们就在一旁听 我说,“我们的人都是很灵活的,你们要我们怎么做我们就怎么做。”)

6. The future of cities is diverse, malleable, and creative, no longer built around a single industry, but reflecting an increasingly connected and global world. (翻译:未来城市将是形形的, 具有可塑性, 并且别出心裁的, 未来城市不再围绕某一行业而设, 而是会反映出日益紧密连接的 全球化趋势。)

7. IMO he's right up there with Daniel Day Lewis and Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the best, most consistent, most malleable actors of our time. (翻译:在我看来,他与丹尼尔刘易斯以及菲力普霍夫曼,并列我们时代最具有可塑性和个人表演风格的演员。)

8. I think stairs may be one of the most emotionally malleable physical elements that an architect has to work with. (翻译:我认为台阶可能是 建筑家需要去解决的在情感上 最具可塑性的物理元素之一。)

9. Typically, the malleable program of a theater is wrapped around the technical core of its auditorium hiding the characteristic features. (翻译:通常剧场的延展部分环绕在其技术核心――听众席――周围,而掩盖了自己的特征。)

10. Designing and implementing malleable software has been a challenge since stored-program computers were invented. (翻译:从发明了存储程序计算机开始,设计和实现延展性软件就是一大挑战。)

11. She was young enough to be malleable. (翻译:她当时年轻得足以轻易地被别人影响。)

12. And yet, this is a period of life where the brain is particularly adaptable and malleable. (翻译:而且,这个时期,是大脑处于 特别有可塑性的时期。)

13. Vinyl, or roto-cast vinyl is actually a very malleable material. (翻译:乙烯基塑料,也称搪胶塑料实际上是一种可塑性强的材料。)

14. There's something known as the magical age, between 9 and 12, when a child's psyche is more malleable. (翻译:有个说法叫神奇的年纪 9至12岁的孩子心智还未成熟)

15. The handle is of malleable iron with epoxy coating. The throttling index plates are made of zinc-plated steel. (翻译:手柄是可锻铸铁,环氧树脂涂敷。节流刻度板由镀锌钢制成。)

1. 词义:Malleable一词的字面意思是可塑性的、可锻性的,表示某种物质或材料可以被加工成各种形状和用途。在引申义上,malleable可以指人或思想易受影响、易改变的、容易被塑造的。

2. 词性:malleable是一个形容词。

3. 常用场景:malleable这个词一般用于形容某种金属、合金、塑料等材料的物理特性,也可以用于形容人或思想等的特性。在日常生活中,malleable这个词可能不太常用。

4. 词组搭配:

- Malleable material:可塑性材料

- Malleable metal:可锻金属

- Malleable mind:易受影响的思想

- Malleable personality:可塑性的个性

- Malleable clay:可塑陶土

5. 相关短语:

- Be malleable to:容易被…塑造

- A malleable character:一个可塑性的人物

- Malleable into different shapes:可以被塑造成不同的形状

6. 发音拼写:məˈliəbəl。

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