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kibby是什么意思 英文名kibby[基比]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-14 01:53:07
  • 209

kibby是什么意思 英文名kibby[基比]的翻译、发音、来源


1. kibbe或kibbeh,是一道古老的食品,通常是将香料和碾碎的肉末混合在一起,在烤或油煎之前将混合物包在薄的面团中。它也可以作为蘸酱或配菜食用。

2. Kibby,是美国南部路易斯安那州一个非正式的名字。


1. kibby: 吉馅饼、基比

2. Kibby:吉卜(美国南部路易斯安那州一个非正式的名字)


1. kibby: ['kɪbi]

2. Kibby: ['kɪbi]


1. I love eating kibby with yogurt sauce.


2. Kibby is a small town in Louisiana, United States.





例句:In this example, you would encode the string a + b as a%20%2B%20b. (在本例中,可以将字符串 a + b 编码为 a%20%2B%20b。)


例句:Still in public use is Neemrana Ki Baori, located just off the Jaipur-Dehli highway. (Neemrana Ki Baori 就在斋浦尔-德赫里高速公路旁,仍供公众使用。)


1. O/d money, b/ue b/ooded, society sweethearts (翻译:坐拥万贯家财 承袭贵族血统 是上流社会的宠儿)

2. But Min Ki, if you just endure it, things will be different. (翻译:可是 民基 只要你撑过去了 就一定会有所改变)

3. May I explain to you which part Min Ki lacks of? (翻译:我可以给您分析一下 民基哪些部分需要加强)

4. This is the B.B.C. Third Programme. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}维多莉亚·佩吉 这是BBC电台)

5. B1/p, B1/b1 , B1/b2, B1/b3, type B2, B2/b... This is the survey done on the spot. There you are. (翻译:B1/B3 户型B2 B2/B 这个是实地考察后的结果)

6. When inspecting in Folk music in Lantsang Basin of Three Parallel Rivers'Region , I began to exposure to Wa Ki Ki of Li su clan in Weixi county , and have a strong interest in it . (翻译:在进行三江并流民族民间音乐的澜沧江部分的考察中,本人开始接触维西傈僳族的《瓦器器》并产生了浓厚的兴趣。)

7. These girls are also working in big construction companies like Ram-ki construction, as masons, full-time masons. (翻译:她们也在大型的建筑公司工作 比如在 Ram-ki 建筑公司当全职的建筑工人)

8. I saw them kill him. That ki. (翻译:上集中被割喉的青年曾在第四季出现过 瑞克把表给了他)

9. - To see B.B. King! - Come on, man! (翻译:Thomas 我们该怎样找到Billy呀)

10. They're "B" players, and "B" players discourage the "A" players. (翻译:他们都是“二等” 致谢“二等”只会让“一等”的丧气)

11. Commander Bacara and his marines opened fire on Ki-Adi-Mundi. (翻译:巴卡拉指挥官及其陆战队向基-阿迪·芒迪开火。)

12. Then less than a week later, 5 B, 25 B and 50 B ZWD notes were introduced, and later, in July, a 100 B denomination was introduced. (翻译:一周不到,5亿、25亿和50亿津巴布韦元纸币被发行了,以后,到了7月份,出现了100亿面值的货币。)

13. It forms Book XXVIII of the "Li-ki", and is one of its most valuable treatises. (翻译:这形式二十八书的“立基”,是其最有价值的论文。)

14. Results KI of middle and high dose can inhibit human thyrocytes to proliferate and exhibit dose-effect and time-effect relationships. (翻译:结果低浓度的KI对人甲状腺细胞生长没有影响,而中、高浓度的KI对细胞生长具有抑制作用,并且呈现剂量-时间依赖关系; )

15. A motion moved by Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki on "Protecting the Harbour" was negatived. (翻译:郭家麒议员就“保护海港”动议的议案遭否决。)

它可能是一个特定场合下的专业术语或是某个组织的名称。 如果您能给出更多上下文,我会尽力帮您解释它的意思和用法。

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