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rfu是什么意思 rfu的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:50
  • 177

rfu是什么意思 rfu的中文翻译、读音、例句

rfu的中文翻译是“英国橄榄球联盟”(Rugby Football Union),读音为/rʌɡbi ˈfʊtbɔːl ˈjuːnɪən/。


1. The RFU is the national governing body for rugby union in England.


2. The RFU is responsible for promoting and developing rugby at all levels in England.





例句:Everybody is kung fu fighting (~『不要离开 - 接下来同样精彩』~ 每人都在进行战斗)


rfu一般作为名词使用,如在RFU(放射免疫聚焦装置(radiommunofocus unit))等常见短语中出现较多。

RFU放射免疫聚焦装置(radiommunofocus unit)


1. "It's not," Sloan said, "kung fu." (翻译:“这可不是——功夫。”斯隆说。)

2. The cha i r. Th is cha i r... (翻译:她说得没错吧 你是不是像支火箭在太空里横冲直撞)

3. Fοr better οr wοrse... fοr richer οr pοοrer... in sickness and in health... till death dο us part... (翻译:不论更好更坏 不论更富更贫 不论健康疾病)

4. I was there taking a little R and R with the Doolittle twins. (翻译:我当时正和一对叫杜力图的双胞胎 在那儿大肆挥霍)

5. -Jerry! (翻译:- J e r r y

6. If you are at it, look for "S". (翻译:等等 翻到R那一页 Attends, regarde à R.)

7. I work for David Shane at the New York Courier. (翻译:我任职 《New Yo rk Co u r i e r》 戴维夏恩麾下)

8. R2, switch on the comlink. R2, can you hear me? R2? (翻译:R2 接通连线 R2 能听到么? 停下 我们要往上走)

9. Is this where you learned kung fu? (翻译:你就在这里学会了功夫? Is this where you learned kung fu?)

11. O.R. lobby! O.R. lobby! Take the stairs! (翻译:手术室大厅,手术室大厅, 上楼梯,在二楼!)

12. The period of Longyou is important in Du Fu'life, that Du Fu came into being his special poem contain and style. (翻译:陇右生活是杜甫一生之关键时期,亦是形成其独特诗歌内涵、风格的重要时期。)

13. Karate, kung fu, whatever. (翻译:Okay, all right. Karate, kung fu, whatever.)

14. Well. you are aware that there are many branches of Shaolin kung fu. do you? (翻译:{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Well. you are aware that there are many branches of Shaolin kung fu. do you?)

15. For the two Fu love Diji. (翻译:对于两个罘相爱旳亼来说。)

1. 含义:

- RFU 可以表示 "Ready for Use",意思是准备好了可以使用的;

- RFU 还可以表示 "Rugby Football Union",指英格兰橄榄球联合会。

2. 用途:

- RFU 可以用在产品或项目准备阶段,表示已经完成准备,可以进行实际使用;

- RFU 也可以用来指代英格兰橄榄球联合会,该组织负责管理和推广英格兰橄榄球运动。

3. 相关行业:

- RFU 更常见地用于工程、科技、软件等行业,表示产品已经经过测试并且准备好上市;

- RFU 也是橄榄球领域的专业术语,表示相关比赛、比分、联合会等等。

4. 同义词:

- Ready to Use(准备好使用的);

- England Rugby(英格兰橄榄球)。

5. 例句:

- This equipment is RFU, you can start using it immediately. (这个设备已经准备好了,你可以立刻开始使用了。)

- The project is RFU and will be launched next month. (该项目已经准备好了,将于下个月推出。)

- RFU has announced the schedule for the upcoming rugby matches. (英格兰橄榄球联合会已经宣布了即将进行的比赛日程安排。)

- The RFU is responsible for promoting rugby in England. (英格兰橄榄球联合会负责推广英格兰橄榄球运动。)

- The RFU Cup Final was a thrilling match. (英格兰橄榄球联合会杯决赛是一场精彩的比赛。)

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