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novelty是什么意思 novelty的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:55
  • 206

novelty是什么意思 novelty的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. These toys are popular because of their novelty and uniqueness.(这些玩具因其新颖独特而受到欢迎。)

2. The novelty of traveling to a new country quickly wore off after the first week.(到一个新国家旅行的新鲜感在第一周之后很快就消失了。)

3. The novelty of wearing a fancy dress soon disappeared when the uncomfortable reality of the corset set in.(穿着漂亮的礼服的新鲜感很快就消失了,当紧身衣的不舒服现实出现时。)




例句:But I want to concentrate on the role of investment in seeking out novelty, the production and consumption of novelty. (但是我想聚焦于 投资的角色 在寻求创新, 新事物的生产和消费。)


例句:Novelty is adaptive when things are changing and you need to adapt yourself. (新事物是与事物发展相适应的 你需要使自己适应。)


例句:And we devised what we called a "novelty hypothesis." (于是,我们设想了一个 “新颖性假设”。)

4.新颖 、新颖

例句:Very low novelty standard, anybody can register anything. (翻译:非常低的新颖性标准, 任何人可以申请任何东西. )


novelty一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在evolutionary novelty([进化] 进化新征)、information novelty(资讯新奇性)、lack of novelty([专利] 缺乏新颖性)等常见短语中出现较多。

evolutionary novelty[进化] 进化新征
information novelty资讯新奇性
lack of novelty[专利] 缺乏新颖性
negate novelty否定新颖性
novelty degree[网络] 现有大学
novelty fabric花式织物
novelty factor新奇因素;新颖因素
novelty finish装饰性美术漆施工法;绞纹漆
novelty key[五金] 新奇钥匙


1. And we devised what we called a "novelty hypothesis." (翻译:于是,我们设想了一个 “新颖性假设”。)

2. Very low novelty standard, anybody can register anything. (翻译:非常低的新颖性标准, 任何人可以申请任何东西. )

3. Novelty was beckoning to them as usual. (翻译:新奇的事物像往常一样吸引着他们。)

4. Use of loanword so as to create novelty. (翻译:借用外来词,达到新颖的效果。)

5. Novelty is adaptive when things are changing and you need to adapt yourself. (翻译:新事物是与事物发展相适应的 你需要使自己适应。)

6. But novelty isn't about new positions. It isn't a repertoire of techniques. (翻译:但新奇并不只意味着新的,也不是五花八门的技巧)

7. "I see this as something that is not necessarily a novelty anymore," says Kulka. (翻译:库尔卡说:“我认为已经没必要将它看作新鲜事物了。” )

8. But the call for creative courage is not for novelty or relevance. (翻译:但是我们呼吁有新意的勇气 并不是为了新奇和反叛, )

9. As the novelty wore off, the months went by, there was some amount of tolerance, people got used to it. (翻译:几个月过去了,随着新鲜感的消退 人们接受了 并且习惯了猪流感的事情)

10. The definition of creativity that a lot of people go with is "appropriate novelty." (翻译:很多人对创意的定义是 “适用的新奇”。)

11. Until the... the puppet becomes an extension of you, it's a novelty act. (翻译:朱莉亚学院 影音档 要让木偶变成你的延伸 是全新的表演)

12. In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism. (翻译:在当代西方世界,快速变换着的款式迎合了人们对新奇和独特性的追求。)

13. It's a novelty death warrant and you give it to a friend. (翻译:这是个新潮的死刑执行书 你可以将它用在朋友身上)

14. And can we stick a smidge of pastrami in the sandwiches, just for the novelty? (翻译:我们可以继续熏微幅下挫 三明治,只为新奇?)

15. There is an incessant influx of novelty into the world, and yet we tolerate incredible dulness. (翻译:新奇的事物正在无穷尽地注入这个世界来,而我们却忍受着不可思议的愚蠢。)





词组搭配:a novelty item (新奇的物品)、a novelty store (卖新奇玩意儿的商店)、novelty goods (新奇商品)、novelty song (新奇歌曲)




1. This restaurant offers some novelty dishes that you won't find anywhere else. (这家餐厅提供一些你在别处找不到的新颖菜肴。)

2. The novelty of the idea captured everyone's attention. (这个想法的新颖性吸引了每个人的注意力。)

3. She likes to keep up with the latest fashion trends and novelty items. (她喜欢跟上最新的时尚潮流和新奇的物品。)

4. The company is known for its novelty goods that are popular around the world. (这家公司以其在世界各地都受欢迎的新奇商品而闻名。)

5. The novelty song was catchy and quickly became a hit. (这首新奇的歌曲曲调很吸引人,很快就成为一首热门歌曲。)

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