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beeg是什么意思 beeg的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-20 01:46:21
  • 34497

beeg是什么意思 beeg的中文翻译、读音、例句



I tried to search for "beeg" online, but I couldn't find any relevant results. (我试图在线搜索“beeg”,但找不到相关结果。)




例句:Eg: Libretto for the seven basic words, actors recite lyrics, and to put it plainly. (例句:唱词基本为七字句,演员吟诵唱词,兼以说白。)


例句:eg. Senior managers must be committed to and actively involved in the ems process from the beginning. (高层管理人员必须全身心投入,从系统开始运作时便积极地参与工作。)


例句:Eg: I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new night club. (我发现很多外商都在为咱们的新投钱。)


例句:eg: Our completive edge is sharpened by adapting product mix to customer needs. (翻译:我们通过调整产品结构适应顾客需求来强化自身竞争优势。)


1. Eg: I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new night club. (翻译:我发现很多外商都在为咱们的新投钱。)

2. eg: Our completive edge is sharpened by adapting product mix to customer needs. (翻译:我们通过调整产品结构适应顾客需求来强化自身竞争优势。)

3. Eg. More and more young people prefer a staycation to save money. (翻译:越来越多的年轻人倾向于宅度假,这样更省钱。)

4. eg. Primroses need to be grown in rich damp soil with plenty of manure or composed worked into it . (翻译:迎春花需要种植在富有粪肥和堆肥的多湿的土壤中。)

5. eg. The main dish had little flavor, but I made it palatable by adding condiments. (翻译:主菜没什么味道,不过我加了调味料使它味美可口。)

6. Eg. To tell the truth, your design is quiteout of dateand not to the taste of the market . (翻译:老实说吧,你们的款式早已过时了,不合市场的口味。)

7. A huge hit with the European techno tuning scene, this beemer is probably the continental equivalent of the Honda Civic EG9. (翻译:一个巨大冲击与欧洲电子调谐的场景,这可能是里与思域EG9。)

8. eg: He seemed to be quick-tempered, but was acturally not difficult to deal with. (翻译:他似乎性子急躁,但是实际上并不难相处。)

9. So if we can connect the mental activity of Harper, which is recorded in the EG machine. (翻译:因此,如果我们可以连接 哈珀的心理活动, 被登记在机器例如。)

10. The output file, eg1.rng, is a RELAX ng file. (翻译:输出文件eg1 . rng是RELAX ng文件。)

11. Eg. While visiting the Great Wall, they blundered upon a group of foreign friends. (翻译:他们在游览长城的时候偶然遇到了一群外国友人。)

12. Eg: If it had not rained yesterday we could have played tennis. (翻译:如果昨天没有下雨的话我们就可以打网球了。)

13. eg: His boss told him to work hard and not be a clock watcher. (翻译:老板告诉他要好好干活,不要老是看钟表等下班。)

14. Eg: That company is bankrolling our office party this year. Everything is free. (翻译:那家公司将负责我公司今年年会的费用。一切都是免费的。)

15. eg he young madam was disconcert to discover that she was being watched. (翻译:这位年轻的太太发现有人在监视她,便惊慌失措。)

1. Beeg是什么Beeg是一个视频网站,主要提供内容。

2. Beeg的历史


3. Beeg的影响



1. I accidentally stumbled upon a video on Beeg while searching for something else.


2. Beeg is one of the most popular adult websites.


3. I would never allow my children to visit a website like Beeg.


4. Many people have criticized Beeg for providing adult content.


5. Beeg has been the subject of controversy for many years.


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