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snooze是什么意思 snooze的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:56
  • 277

snooze是什么意思 snooze的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. I set my alarm for 6:30 but ended up hitting snooze until 7:15.


2. He closed his eyes and started to snooze during the boring lecture.


3. I like to snooze for a few minutes after my alarm goes off in the morning.


snooze通常被翻译为"小睡 、睡午觉"的意思,其次还有"懒散地打发日子"的意思,读音为[snu:z],snooze在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到60个与snooze相关的例句。



例句:The "Daily Snooze" , as the Post dubs its rival, takes great pleasure in rubbishing its arch-enemy, and vice versa. (就像纽约邮报给其起的“每日瞌睡”绰号一样,每日新闻也非常喜欢贬低它的首要竞争对手,反之亦然。)


例句:Imagine that you just hit the snooze alarm and in a minute, you're going to be marching through the morning routine. (想象你刚刚按下了打盹闹钟一分钟,你就要起床开始一天的早上的例行事。)


例句:Sometimes midnight by nightmares, your body curly snooze in the bedding, suddenly want to want to him, as if he is behind you. (有时候半夜被恶梦催醒,你的身子卷曲在被窝里,突然很想很想他,仿佛他就在你背后了。)


例句:There's no one setting the snooze alarm for 15 minutes before they actually want to wake up, so that's nice. (翻译:至少不会有 每隔15分钟就响的重复闹钟 所以还不算坏)


snooze一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to snooze([网络] 懒散的人)、snooze alarm((不按止便闹不停的)催醒闹钟)、snooze away(消磨)等常见短语中出现较多。

to snooze[网络] 懒散的人
snooze alarm(不按止便闹不停的)催醒闹钟
snooze away消磨
snooze on(收音机闹钟的)小睡催醒按钮
snooze timer催醒计时器(可连续闹的钟)
take a snooze=take a nap小睡


1. Sometimes midnight by nightmares, your body curly snooze in the bedding, suddenly want to want to him, as if he is behind you. (翻译:有时候半夜被恶梦催醒,你的身子卷曲在被窝里,突然很想很想他,仿佛他就在你背后了。)

2. There's no one setting the snooze alarm for 15 minutes before they actually want to wake up, so that's nice. (翻译:至少不会有 每隔15分钟就响的重复闹钟 所以还不算坏)

3. She said to me before I went to bed and had a noontime snooze that she wanted to recite to me first. (翻译:在我午睡之前她给我说,她想先背给我听。)

4. Then one group took a 90-minute snooze. (翻译:其中一组人小睡了90分钟。)

5. A post-prandial snooze sets the brain up for learning. (翻译:午餐之后打个小盹会让头脑更清醒,学习更高效。)

6. Even if you're the one graduating, it's a snooze-fest. (翻译:即便你就是毕业生本人,那也无聊到想打瞌睡。)

7. In snooze mode, the output voltage is sampled at a rate up to 2 ms and is applied to the power-good comparator. (翻译:在睡眠模式下,输出电压的取样率高达2毫秒,是适用于电源良好比较器。)

8. Eh, well, you snooze, you lose. (翻译:呃 好吧 稍不注意就得错过了 Eh, well, you snooze, you lose.)

9. The Joint Commission's usually a snooze fest. (翻译:商贸联委会谈判通常很无聊的 The Joint Commission is usually a snooze)

10. I used to run the Four Seasons group in Asia but after some point, you know, the corporate life becomes a bit of a snooze-fest. (翻译:我在亚洲经营过四季饭店集团 I used to run the Four Seasons group in Asia 企业生活就变得有点无聊 the corporate life becomes a bit of a snooze -fest.)

11. We're teaching them a valuable lesson. If you snooze, you lose in this world. (翻译:这是多重要的一课 如果睡过去了那你就是会错失一些东西的)

12. Now they relax, snooze, and socialise in comfort. (翻译:现在,它们很放松,有些在睡觉,有些忙着搞社交)

13. Hit the snooze about three or four times, get out of bed, dress, jump in the car, and head on your way to work. (翻译:按3到4次的“再响”按钮,然后才下床,穿衣,跳进车里,直奔单位。)

14. Orange 2: Tomorrow? Orange 1: It's our Tuesday Snooze Day. (翻译:橘2:那明天呢? 橘1:星期二是我们的打盹日。橘2:那星期三? 橘1:那是我们的独处日。)

15. You snooze, you gain. (翻译:你打盹,你收获。)



1. 定义及用途:


2. 发音:

Snooze的发音是/ snuːz /。

3. 同义词:

Snooze的同义词包括:nap, doze off, nod off, drowse等。

4. 应用场合:



1. I always snooze for 5-10 minutes after my alarm goes off in the morning. (每天早上,我的闹钟响起后我总是小睡5-10分钟。)

2. He fell asleep while watching TV and snoozed for over an hour. (他看电视时睡着了,小睡了一个多小时。)

3. I think I'll have a quick snooze before dinner. (我想我会在晚饭前小睡一会儿。)

4. After a long day of traveling, she snoozed on the train for a few hours. (经过一整天的旅行,她在火车上小睡了几个小时。)

5. The snooze on on my alarm clock is my best friend. (我闹钟上的小睡按钮是我最好的朋友。)

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