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inflation是什么意思 inflation的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-04 09:32:33
  • 207

inflation是什么意思 inflation的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The inflation is starting to impact the economy. (通货膨胀已经开始影响经济。)

2. The government has implemented measures to control inflation. (已经实施措施来控制通货膨胀。)

3. Inflation has led to a decrease in purchasing power. (通货膨胀导致购买力下降。)




例句:The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices. (通货膨胀的威胁在证券价格上已经是明显可见的。)


例句:Runaway inflation will depress the economy. (无法控制的通货膨胀将会使经济萧条。)


例句:Inflation continues to accelerate. (通货膨胀不断加速。)


例句:Inflation is moving firmly downward. (翻译:通货膨胀在稳步下降。)


inflation一般作为名词使用,如在double inflation([网络] 双重暴胀)、dough inflation(面团发起)、economic inflation(经济膨胀)等常见短语中出现较多。

double inflation[网络] 双重暴胀
dough inflation面团发起
economic inflation经济膨胀
disguised inflation变相涨价be driven to drastic alternatives
effect of inflation通货膨胀的影响
ego inflation自我膨胀
Excessive inflation过度通货膨胀
expected inflation预期通货膨胀
export of inflation输出通货膨胀


1. Inflation continues to accelerate. (翻译:通货膨胀不断加速。)

2. Inflation is moving firmly downward. (翻译:通货膨胀在稳步下降。)

3. I'm still reluctant to call it inflation risk, but only because inflation statistics aren't what they used to be. (翻译:我仍不愿意称其为通胀风险,但这仅仅是因为通胀统计数据不同于以往。)

4. The government is looking to reduce inflation. (翻译:正在力求降低通货膨胀率。)

5. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. (翻译:工资赶不上通货膨胀。)

6. Despite the underlying inflation risks, a statistical quirk may push core inflation down in the coming months. (翻译:尽管有着潜在的通胀风险,一个统计特性可能降低将来几个月的核心通胀率。)

7. The universe then underwent an exponential expansion called inflation. (翻译:宇宙开始进入一个 呈指数级扩张的阶段,叫做暴涨期 )

8. Severe inflation requires a very tight monetary policy (翻译:严重的通货膨胀需要 极度紧缩的货币政策来应对)

9. Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation. (翻译:黄金传统上是一种防范通货膨胀的手段。)

10. Inflation was the scourge of the 1970s. (翻译:通货膨胀曾是20世纪70年代的祸患。)

11. Inflation is in double figures. (翻译:通货膨胀率达两位数。)

12. The universe then underwent an exponential expansion called inflation. (翻译:宇宙开始进入一个 呈指数级扩张的阶段,叫做暴涨期)

13. In college, we've got cost inflation in higher education that dwarfs cost inflation in medical care. (翻译:大学里,高等教育的成本增长不断增长, 这种增长使医疗保健中的成本增长显得相形见绌。)

14. Secondly, inflation simply never became a threat. (翻译:第二,通货膨胀单纯来说时不会成为威胁的 )

15. Inflation is rising rapidly; the yuan is depreciating. (翻译:通货膨胀正在迅速上升;币正在贬值。)



1. 词义:Inflation指的是经济中物价普遍上涨的情况。通常指的是对整个经济的影响,而不是单个物品的价格上涨。

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:inflation rate(通胀率)、inflationary pressure(通胀压力)、hyperinflation(恶性通货膨胀)、inflation hedge(抵御通胀的资产)

4. 短语:inflation targeting(通胀目标)、inflation expectations(通胀预期)、cost-push inflation(成本推动型通货膨胀)、demand-pull inflation(需求拉动型通货膨胀)

5. 发音拼写:/ɪnˈfleɪʃən/


1. The inflation rate in the country has been steadily increasing for the past few months.(该国的通货膨胀率在过去几个月里稳步上升。)

2. The inflationary pressure is putting a strain on businesses and individuals alike.(通货膨胀压力对企业和个人都产生了影响。)

3. The hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic in Germany led to social unrest and economic instability.(德国魏玛共和国时期的恶性通货膨胀导致社会动荡和经济不稳定。)

4. Investing in gold can be a good inflation hedge in times of economic uncertainty.(在经济不确定时期,投资黄金可以成为抵御通货膨胀的好资产。)

5. The central bank's inflation targeting policy aims to keep inflation within a certain range.(中央银行的通胀目标政策旨在让通胀率保持在一定范围内。)

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