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seo是什么意思 seo的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:03
  • 146

seo是什么意思 seo的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[sōu suǒ yǐn qíng yōu huà]


1. 公司聘请了一位SEO专家,帮助提高网站的搜索排名。

Translation: The company hired an SEO expert to help improve the website's search engine ranking.

2. SEO是一项持续的工作,需要不断地优化和更新网站内容。

Translation: SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant optimization and updating of website content.




例句:Superior to the sulfated fish oil, sulfited fish oil and sulfated neats-foot oil, the tearing strength of the chrome-tanned leather which stuffed by the sulfonated oil SHO, STO, SEO. (磺化油SHO、STO、SEO改善铬鞣革撕裂强度的能力优于硫酸化鱼油、亚硫酸鱼油及硫酸化牛蹄油。)


例句:SEO technology is dead, but our cerebra is not dead! (SEO技术是死的,但是我们的大脑不是死的! )


seo一般作为名词使用,如在Organic SEO([网络] 自然搜索引擎优化;有机的搜寻引擎最佳化;自然排名优化)、SEO PR([网络] 搜索引擎优化公关)、SEO Spam([网络] 搜索引擎作弊)等常见短语中出现较多。

Organic SEO[网络] 自然搜索引擎优化;有机的搜寻引擎最佳化;自然排名优化
SEO PR[网络] 搜索引擎优化公关
SEO Spam[网络] 搜索引擎作弊
white hat SEO[网络] 白帽手法;白帽搜索引擎优化


1. I plead you to provide Seo's trial records and an interpreter in the next 4 months. (翻译:求您4个月后找到徐文道的审判材料 和翻译)

2. Spend first of group of Baidu of cereal SEO contest to the first for us, current rank is really enough goodish . (翻译:对于第一届度谷SEO大赛百度组第一的我们来说,现在的排名确实够差强人意的。)

3. Most one of scabrous SEO problems are content repeats a question. (翻译:最难解决的SEO问题之一就是内容重复问题。)

4. What do you think? Will Google Plus revolutionize SEO or do you see it having only a minimal effect? (翻译:你认为如何呢?Google+会带来SEO的么或者你看到它的影响力甚微。)

5. But in general, SEO is not spam and there are plenty of good SEOs out there. (翻译:但总体来说,SEO肯定不是垃圾产品,还有很多非常好用的SEO。)

6. But for me SWJ it, learned a lot really learned a lot, a year ago, I new to SEO, a year later I was already a professional SEO a; (翻译:不过对于我SWJ来说,学到了很多真得学到了很多,一年前我还刚接触SEO,一年后我已经是一名职业得SEO了;)

7. So the SEO of a website locates the metaphase that decided a website and later period develop. (翻译:所以一个网站的SEO定位决定了网站的中期和后期发展。)

8. The Seo Dae Young I know is either wearing an uniform or not wearing an uniform. (翻译:我认识的徐大英要不是穿着军装 要不是)

9. [Seth] It's always been you, Seo-yeon. My one and only love. (翻译:我一直都在守护着你 徐妍 你是我唯一的真爱)

10. Manager Ji Hyeong-do to command operation, Assistant Managers Seo and Jeon supporting. (翻译:池炯道科长 徐敏姬及营业二部部分人员)

11. If not for Kim Jong-seo's men, we'd be dead by now. (翻译:若不是平时金宗瑞的人 监视首阳大君 这次我们真就 会死得神不知鬼不觉)

12. Hey, did Hyun-seo describe any special traits of the sewer? (翻译:嘿,玄瑞有没有跟你说一下 那个下水道的具体的特征?)

13. Amidst all this, the point to focus is the SEO company one might open doors for as their solution provider. (翻译:在一片这一切,指向的焦点是搜索引擎优化公司之一可能敞开大门为他们的解决方案提供商。)

14. I, Sergeant Major Seo, was granted permission to date Lieutenant Yoon. (翻译:上士徐 得到命令和中尉尹明珠正式交往)

15. As SEOs, we know that search traffic has vulnerabilities and fluctuations that are out of our control. (翻译:作为SEO从业人士,我们都知道搜索流量脆弱并且容易波动,让人难以掌控。)



SEO是Search Engine Optimization的缩写,也被称为搜索引擎优化。它是指通过优化网站、改进内容和提高用户体验等方式,使网站在搜索引擎结果页面中排名更高的过程和方法。





发音拼写:/es i oʊ/

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