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bluish是什么意思 bluish的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:22
  • 205

bluish是什么意思 bluish的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The sky was a bluish color, indicating that it was about to rain.(天空呈略带蓝色,预示着马上要下雨了。)

2. The dress she wore was a deep bluish-green, which matched her eyes perfectly.(她穿的裙子是深蓝绿色的,与她的眼睛完美地搭配在一起。)

3. The water in the lake had a bluish tint, which made it look very beautiful.(湖里的水具有略带青色的色调,使它看起来非常漂亮。)




例句:Bluish fingernails suggest venous stasis. (浅蓝色的指甲说明静脉停滞 Bluish fingernails suggest venous stasis.)


例句:The present invention discloses a series of foodstuffs, beverage and medicines containing bluish dogbane and its preparing process. (本发明属制备含罗布麻的食品、饮料与药品及其制备方法。)


例句:Indeed, ingesting excess silver can cause stomach distress, seizures, kidney damage and can turn skin a bluish-gray tint, a condition called argyria that is irreversible. (事实上,吸入过量银有可能引起胃痛、痉挛、肾损伤,并且有可能造成银中毒,症状为皮肤变为不可恢复的蓝灰色。)


例句:The smoke was bluish-black and thick. (翻译:这烟雾呈蓝黑色,而且很浓。)


bluish一般作为形容词使用,如在pearl bluish(adj. pearl blue的变形)、light bluish green(玉色)、pale bluish green(浅蓝绿色;海蓝色)等常见短语中出现较多。

pearl bluishadj. pearl blue的变形
light bluish green玉色
pale bluish green浅蓝绿色;海蓝色


1. Indeed, ingesting excess silver can cause stomach distress, seizures, kidney damage and can turn skin a bluish-gray tint, a condition called argyria that is irreversible. (翻译:事实上,吸入过量银有可能引起胃痛、痉挛、肾损伤,并且有可能造成银中毒,症状为皮肤变为不可恢复的蓝灰色。)

2. The smoke was bluish-black and thick. (翻译:这烟雾呈蓝黑色,而且很浓。)

3. I went to bluish green precious jade villa last time (翻译:上次我去碧瑶别墅 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}I went to bluish green precious jade villa last time)

4. bluish-gray nuthatch with black head and white breast; of eastern North America. (翻译:头部为黑色部为白色的蓝灰色币鸟;产于北美洲东部。)

5. she said to the stone, which began to glow with a bluish light. (翻译:她对着魔石念出了咒语,石头开始散发出蓝色的光芒。)

6. North American dark bluish-gray gallinule. (翻译:北美深蓝灰色的水鸡。)

7. Leaf blade nearly 3-lobed, ovate-oblong. Sepals usually bluish white, vein anastomose solitary. Staminodes absent. (翻译:叶片差不多3浅裂,状长圆形。通常带蓝色白色的萼片,脉网结的单一;退化雄蕊缺席。)

8. Embracing lovers radiate a bluish light: (翻译:两融的爱人散发出蓝色的光 点亮了生命力...)

9. the white lips no longer quivered--the eyes were suffused with a bluish vapor, and the long black lashes rested on a cheek white as wax. (翻译:那雪白嘴唇已停止了颤动;那一对眼睛似乎浮在浅蓝色的雾气里,又长又黑的头发散在那蜡白的脸颊上。)

10. They are mostly made up of dark matter, and that's what you see in this bluish purple. (翻译:它们也是大部分由暗物质构成 这就是你看到的偏蓝的紫色 )

11. In the dim light where the color is blue in the bluish, like Blanchir the lake. (翻译:而在光线暗淡的地方,颜色又是青中偏蓝,犹如清彻的湖水。)

12. As the sky becomes clear, the heavenly lake became more bluish , as if it was resonating with the sky. (翻译:当天空变得清澈时,湖水也变得更加湛蓝,仿佛在与天空共鸣。)

13. In the dim light where the color is blue in the bluish, like Blanchir the lake. (翻译:而在光线暗淡的地方,颜色又是青中偏蓝,犹如清彻的湖水。)

14. common North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit. (翻译:常见北美藤本植物,有复叶,果实呈浆果状。)

15. It's a big... bluish-green man, with a strange-looking goatee. (翻译:这是个大的... 蓝绿色的人 留着奇怪的山羊胡须)





1. bluish tint:略带蓝色的色调

2. bluish lips:苍白的嘴唇

3. bluish-green eyes:呈蓝绿色的眼睛

4. bluish-grey sky:略带蓝灰色的天空




1. The sky was a bluish-grey color after the storm.(暴风雨之后,天空呈略带蓝灰色)

2. His skin had a bluish tint from the cold.(他的皮肤因为寒冷而带有略带蓝色的色调)

3. The dress was a beautiful shade of bluish-green.(这件裙子的颜色呈漂亮的蓝绿色)

4. She had bluish lips and looked very ill.(她的嘴唇苍白,看上去很不舒服)

5. The flowers were a soft bluish-purple color.(这些花的颜色呈柔和的紫灰色)

6. The ocean water was a cold, bluish color.(大海的水呈冷酷的蓝色)

7. He had bluish-grey eyes that seemed to change with his mood.(他有一双略带蓝灰色的眼睛,看起来会随着他的情绪而改变)

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